CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE as_zip IS /********************************************** ** ** Author: Anton Scheffer ** Date: 25-01-2012 ** Website: ** ** ** Changelog: ** Date: 29-04-2012 ** fixed bug for large uncompressed files, thanks Morten Braten ** Date: 21-03-2012 ** Take CRC32, compressed length and uncompressed length from Central file header instead of Local file header ** Date: 17-02-2012 ** Added more support for non-ascii filenames ** Date: 25-01-2012 ** Added MIT-license ** Some minor improvements ** Date: 31-01-2014 ** file limit increased to 4GB ** v9 MC le 27.03.2015: Ajout param Compression (add1file) ** : Ajout Date Maj, size_comp et size_uncomp dans File_List ** : Ajout Procédure Init_zip pour récupérer un zip existant et pouvoir rajouter des fichiers ** : Debug Finish_zip pour les zip avec extra comment + Opti ** : Debug File2Blob si source est à 0 octet ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2010,2011 by Anton Scheffer Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ************************************************************************************************************************** */ TYPE REC_FILE_LIST IS RECORD(filename VARCHAR2(2000), datemaj DATE, size_comp NUMBER, size_uncomp NUMBER); TYPE file_list IS TABLE OF REC_FILE_LIST; FUNCTION file2blob( p_dir varchar2, p_file_name varchar2) RETURN blob; FUNCTION get_file_list( p_dir varchar2, p_zip_file varchar2, p_encoding varchar2 := NULL) RETURN file_list; FUNCTION get_file_list( p_zipped_blob blob, p_encoding varchar2 := NULL) RETURN file_list; FUNCTION get_file( p_dir varchar2, p_zip_file varchar2, p_file_name varchar2, p_encoding varchar2 := NULL) RETURN blob; FUNCTION get_file( p_zipped_blob blob, p_file_name varchar2, p_encoding varchar2 := NULL) RETURN blob; PROCEDURE add1file( p_zipped_blob IN OUT NOCOPY blob, p_name varchar2, p_content blob, p_compress NUMBER := 6); PROCEDURE INIT_ZIP (p_zipped_blob IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB); /* Init_zip : Permet d'initialiser un zip (supprimer les infos de directory de fichier) pour pouvoir rajouter des fichiers */ PROCEDURE finish_zip( p_zipped_blob IN OUT NOCOPY blob ); /* Finish_zip : Finalise le fichier zip (crée les infos de directory de fichier) */ PROCEDURE save_zip( p_zipped_blob blob, p_dir varchar2 := 'MY_DIR', p_filename varchar2 := ''); /* declare g_zipped_blob blob; begin as_zip.add1file( g_zipped_blob, 'test4.txt', null ); -- a empty file as_zip.add1file( g_zipped_blob, 'dir1/test1.txt', utl_raw.cast_to_raw( q'' ) ); as_zip.add1file( g_zipped_blob, 'test1234.txt', utl_raw.cast_to_raw( 'A small file' ) ); as_zip.add1file( g_zipped_blob, 'dir2/', null ); -- a folder as_zip.add1file( g_zipped_blob, 'dir3/', null ); -- a folder as_zip.add1file( g_zipped_blob, 'dir3/test2.txt', utl_raw.cast_to_raw( 'A small filein a previous created folder' ) ); as_zip.add1file( g_zipped_blob, '', as_zip.file2blob( 'EEDI', '' ) ); as_zip.finish_zip( g_zipped_blob ); as_zip.save_zip( g_zipped_blob, 'MY_DIR', '' ); dbms_lob.freetemporary( g_zipped_blob ); end; -- DECLARE v_doc BLOB; zip_files as_zip.file_list; BEGIN SELECT blob_zip INTO v_doc FROM archive_fic WHERE nomdoc = 'A'; zip_files := as_zip.get_file_list( v_doc ); FOR i IN zip_files.FIRST() .. zip_files.LAST LOOP dbms_output.put_line(DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(zip_files(i).filename,2000,1) ||' '|| TO_CHAR(zip_files(i).datemaj,'DD/MM/RRRR HH24:MI:SS') ||' size:'|| zip_files(i).size_comp ||' / '|| zip_files(i).size_uncomp); dbms_output.put_line( utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2( as_zip.get_file(v_doc, zip_files(i)))); END LOOP; END; Récupération d'un zip existant pour rajouter un fichier (et le sauvegarder ailleurs) dbms_lob.createtemporary( g_zipped_blob, TRUE ); SELECT BLOB_ZIP INTO v_lob FROM ARCHIVE_FIC WHERE NOMDOC = 'archiveEDI_2015'; DBMS_LOB.append(g_zipped_blob, v_lob); as_zip.init_zip(g_zipped_blob); as_zip.add1file( g_zipped_blob, 'nouveaufichier.txt', UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw( 'A small file' ) ); as_zip.finish_zip( g_zipped_blob ); ... dbms_lob.freetemporary( g_zipped_blob ); Récupération d'un zip existant pour rajouter un fichier et l'updater directement SELECT BLOB_ZIP INTO g_zipped_blob FROM ARCHIVE_FIC WHERE NOMDOC = 'archiveEDI_2015' FOR UPDATE; as_zip.init_zip(g_zipped_blob); as_zip.add1file( g_zipped_blob, 'nouveaufichier.txt', UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw( 'A small file' ) ); as_zip.finish_zip( g_zipped_blob ); -- Automatiquement le BLOB est mis à jour.. /!\ en cas de plantage */ END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY as_zip IS c_LOCAL_FILE_HEADER CONSTANT raw(4) := HEXTORAW( '504B0304' ); -- Local file header signature c_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY CONSTANT raw(4) := HEXTORAW( '504B0506' ); -- End of central directory signature T_COMMENT RAW(32767) := UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw('Implementation by Anton Scheffer.'|| CHR(10) ||'Amélioration par MC'); -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FUNCTION blob2num( p_blob blob, p_len integer, p_pos integer ) RETURN number IS rv number; BEGIN rv := UTL_RAW.cast_to_binary_integer( dbms_lob.substr( p_blob, p_len, p_pos ), UTL_RAW.little_endian ); IF rv < 0 THEN rv := rv + 4294967296; END IF; RETURN rv; END; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FUNCTION raw2num( p_raw raw ) RETURN NUMBER IS rv NUMBER; BEGIN rv := UTL_RAW.cast_to_binary_integer( p_raw, UTL_RAW.little_endian ); IF rv < 0 THEN rv := rv + 4294967296; END IF; RETURN rv; END; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FUNCTION raw2varchar2( p_raw raw, p_encoding varchar2 ) RETURN varchar2 IS BEGIN RETURN COALESCE( utl_i18n.raw_to_char( p_raw, p_encoding ) , utl_i18n.raw_to_char( p_raw, utl_i18n.map_charset( p_encoding, utl_i18n.GENERIC_CONTEXT, utl_i18n.IANA_TO_ORACLE ) ) ); END; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FUNCTION little_endian( p_big number, p_bytes PLS_INTEGER := 4 ) RETURN raw IS t_big number := p_big; BEGIN IF t_big > 2147483647 THEN t_big := t_big - 4294967296; END IF; RETURN UTL_RAW.SUBSTR( UTL_RAW.cast_from_binary_integer( t_big, UTL_RAW.little_endian ), 1, p_bytes ); END; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FUNCTION RAW2DATE (p_data IN VARCHAR2) RETURN DATE IS v_date DATE; vj NUMBER; vh NUMBER; BEGIN IF NVL(LENGTH(p_data),0) <> 8 THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'Erreur de format de date : reçu ['|| p_data ||']'); END IF; -- On récup le nombre correspond au codage des heures ( SS/2 + 32xMI + 2048*HH24 ) vh := raw2num(SUBSTR(p_data, 1, 4)); -- On récup le nombre correspond au codage du jour ( DD+ 32xMM + 512*RRRR-1980 ) vj := raw2num(SUBSTR(p_data, 5, 4)); BEGIN v_date := TO_DATE(MOD(vj, 32) ||'/'|| TRUNC(MOD(vj, 512)/32) ||'/'|| (TRUNC(vj/512) +1980) ||' '|| TRUNC(vh/2048) ||':'|| TRUNC(MOD(vh, 2048)/32) ||':'|| (CASE WHEN MOD(vh, 32) = 30 THEN 59 ELSE 2*MOD(vh, 32) END), 'DD/MM/RRRR HH24:MI:SS'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20002, 'Erreur de format de date : reçu ['|| p_data ||']'); END; /*SELECT dt, c, TRUNC(c/2048) hh, TRUNC(MOD(c, 2048)/32) mi, 2*MOD(c, 32) ss, d, TRUNC(d/512) +1980 rrrr, TRUNC(MOD(d, 512)/32) mm, MOD(d, 32) dd FROM t*/ RETURN v_date; END RAW2DATE; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FUNCTION FILE2BLOB( p_dir varchar2, p_file_name varchar2) RETURN blob IS file_lob bfile; file_blob blob; BEGIN file_lob := BFILENAME( p_dir, p_file_name ); file_lob, dbms_lob.file_readonly ); dbms_lob.createtemporary( file_blob, TRUE ); IF DBMS_LOB.getlength(file_lob) > 0 THEN dbms_lob.loadfromfile( file_blob, file_lob, dbms_lob.lobmaxsize ); END IF; dbms_lob.close( file_lob ); RETURN file_blob; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN IF dbms_lob.isopen( file_lob ) = 1 THEN dbms_lob.close( file_lob ); END IF; IF dbms_lob.istemporary( file_blob ) = 1 THEN dbms_lob.freetemporary( file_blob ); END IF; RAISE; END; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PROCEDURE INIT_ZIP (p_zipped_blob IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB) IS t_ind integer; v_lencomment integer; BEGIN t_ind := dbms_lob.getlength( p_zipped_blob ) - 21; IF NVL(t_ind,0) <= 0 THEN RETURN; END IF; LOOP exit WHEN t_ind < 1 OR dbms_lob.substr(p_zipped_blob, 4, t_ind ) = c_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY; t_ind := t_ind - 1; END LOOP; IF t_ind <= 0 THEN RETURN; END IF; -- On récupère le commentaire du zip. v_lencomment := blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_ind + 20); IF v_lencomment > 0 THEN T_COMMENT := dbms_lob.substr(p_zipped_blob, v_lencomment, t_ind + 22); END IF; -- Taille des fichiers zippés (Offset of start of central directory, relative to start of archive) t_ind := blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 4, t_ind + 16 ); -- On supprime le central directory. DBMS_LOB.TRIM (p_zipped_blob, t_ind); END INIT_ZIP; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FUNCTION GET_FILE_LIST( p_zipped_blob IN blob, p_encoding varchar2 := NULL) RETURN file_list IS t_ind integer; t_hd_ind integer; t_rv file_list; t_encoding varchar2(32767); BEGIN t_ind := NVL(dbms_lob.getlength( p_zipped_blob ),0) - 21; LOOP exit WHEN t_ind < 1 OR dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_ind ) = c_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY; t_ind := t_ind - 1; END LOOP; IF t_ind <= 0 THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; t_hd_ind := blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_ind + 16 ) + 1; t_rv := file_list(); t_rv.EXTEND( blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_ind + 10 ) ); FOR i IN 1 .. blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_ind + 8 ) LOOP IF p_encoding IS NULL THEN IF UTL_RAW.bit_and( dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 1, t_hd_ind + 9 ), HEXTORAW( '08' ) ) = HEXTORAW( '08' ) THEN t_encoding := 'AL32UTF8'; -- utf8 ELSE t_encoding := 'US8PC437'; -- IBM codepage 437 END IF; ELSE t_encoding := p_encoding; END IF; t_rv(i).datemaj := RAW2DATE(dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 12 )); t_rv(i).size_comp := raw2num(dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 20 )); t_rv(i).size_uncomp := raw2num(dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 24 )); t_rv(i).filename := raw2varchar2 ( dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob , blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 28 ) , t_hd_ind + 46 ) , t_encoding ); t_hd_ind := t_hd_ind + 46 + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 28 ) -- File name length + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 30 ) -- Extra field length + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 32 ); -- File comment length END LOOP; RETURN t_rv; END; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FUNCTION GET_FILE_LIST (p_dir varchar2, p_zip_file varchar2, p_encoding varchar2 := NULL) RETURN file_list IS BEGIN RETURN get_file_list( file2blob( p_dir, p_zip_file ), p_encoding ); END; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FUNCTION GET_FILE (p_zipped_blob blob, p_file_name varchar2, p_encoding varchar2 := NULL) RETURN blob IS t_tmp blob; t_ind integer; t_hd_ind integer; t_fl_ind integer; t_encoding varchar2(32767); t_len integer; BEGIN t_ind := dbms_lob.getlength( p_zipped_blob ) - 21; LOOP exit WHEN t_ind < 1 OR dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_ind ) = c_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY; t_ind := t_ind - 1; END LOOP; IF t_ind <= 0 THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; t_hd_ind := blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_ind + 16 ) + 1; FOR i IN 1 .. blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_ind + 8 ) LOOP IF p_encoding IS NULL THEN IF UTL_RAW.bit_and( dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 1, t_hd_ind + 9 ), HEXTORAW( '08' ) ) = HEXTORAW( '08' ) THEN t_encoding := 'AL32UTF8'; -- utf8 ELSE t_encoding := 'US8PC437'; -- IBM codepage 437 END IF; ELSE t_encoding := p_encoding; END IF; IF p_file_name = raw2varchar2( dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob , blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 28 ) , t_hd_ind + 46 ), t_encoding) THEN t_len := blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 24 ); -- uncompressed length IF t_len = 0 THEN IF SUBSTR( p_file_name, -1 ) IN ( '/', '\' ) THEN -- directory/folder RETURN NULL; ELSE -- empty file RETURN EMPTY_BLOB(); END IF; END IF; IF dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 10 ) = HEXTORAW( '0800' ) -- deflate THEN t_fl_ind := blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 42 ); t_tmp := HEXTORAW( '1F8B0800000000000003' ); -- gzip header dbms_lob.copy( t_tmp , p_zipped_blob , blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 20 ) , 11 , t_fl_ind + 31 + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_fl_ind + 27 ) -- File name length + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_fl_ind + 29 ) -- Extra field length ); dbms_lob.append( t_tmp, UTL_RAW.CONCAT( dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 16 ) -- CRC32 , little_endian( t_len ) -- uncompressed length ) ); RETURN utl_compress.lz_uncompress( t_tmp ); END IF; IF dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 10 ) = HEXTORAW( '0000' ) -- The file is stored (no compression) THEN t_fl_ind := blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 42 ); dbms_lob.createtemporary( t_tmp, TRUE ); dbms_lob.copy( t_tmp , p_zipped_blob , t_len , 1 , t_fl_ind + 31 + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_fl_ind + 27 ) -- File name length + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_fl_ind + 29 ) -- Extra field length ); RETURN t_tmp; END IF; END IF; t_hd_ind := t_hd_ind + 46 + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 28 ) -- File name length + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 30 ) -- Extra field length + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 32 ); -- File comment length END LOOP; RETURN NULL; END; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FUNCTION GET_FILE (p_dir varchar2, p_zip_file varchar2, p_file_name varchar2, p_encoding varchar2 := NULL) RETURN blob IS BEGIN RETURN get_file( file2blob( p_dir, p_zip_file ), p_file_name, p_encoding ); END; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PROCEDURE ADD1FILE( p_zipped_blob IN OUT NOCOPY blob, p_name varchar2, p_content blob, p_compress NUMBER := 6) IS t_now date; t_blob blob; t_len integer; t_clen integer; t_crc32 raw(4) := HEXTORAW( '00000000' ); t_compressed BOOLEAN := FALSE; t_name raw(32767); BEGIN t_now := SYSDATE; t_len := NVL( dbms_lob.getlength( p_content ), 0 ); IF t_len > 0 THEN t_blob := utl_compress.lz_compress( p_content, p_compress); t_clen := dbms_lob.getlength( t_blob ) - 18; t_compressed := t_clen < t_len; t_crc32 := dbms_lob.substr( t_blob, 4, t_clen + 11 ); END IF; IF NOT t_compressed THEN t_clen := t_len; t_blob := p_content; END IF; IF p_zipped_blob IS NULL THEN dbms_lob.createtemporary( p_zipped_blob, TRUE ); END IF; t_name := utl_i18n.string_to_raw( p_name, 'AL32UTF8' ); /* local file header signature 4 bytes (0x04034b50) version needed to extract 2 bytes general purpose bit flag 2 bytes compression method 2 bytes last mod file time 2 bytes last mod file date 2 bytes crc-32 4 bytes compressed size 4 bytes uncompressed size 4 bytes file name length 2 bytes extra field length 2 bytes file name (variable size) extra field (variable size) */ dbms_lob.append( p_zipped_blob , UTL_RAW.CONCAT( c_LOCAL_FILE_HEADER -- Local file header signature , HEXTORAW( '1400' ) -- version 2.0 , CASE WHEN t_name = utl_i18n.string_to_raw( p_name, 'US8PC437' ) THEN HEXTORAW( '0000' ) -- no General purpose bits ELSE HEXTORAW( '0008' ) -- set Language encoding flag (EFS) END , CASE WHEN t_compressed THEN HEXTORAW( '0800' ) -- deflate ELSE HEXTORAW( '0000' ) -- stored END , little_endian( TO_NUMBER( TO_CHAR( t_now, 'ss' ) ) / 2 + TO_NUMBER( TO_CHAR( t_now, 'mi' ) ) * 32 + TO_NUMBER( TO_CHAR( t_now, 'hh24' ) ) * 2048 , 2 ) -- File last modification time , little_endian( TO_NUMBER( TO_CHAR( t_now, 'dd' ) ) + TO_NUMBER( TO_CHAR( t_now, 'mm' ) ) * 32 + ( TO_NUMBER( TO_CHAR( t_now, 'yyyy' ) ) - 1980 ) * 512 , 2 ) -- File last modification date , t_crc32 -- CRC-32 , little_endian( t_clen ) -- compressed size , little_endian( t_len ) -- uncompressed size , little_endian( UTL_RAW.LENGTH( t_name ), 2 ) -- File name length , HEXTORAW( '0000' ) -- Extra field length , t_name -- File name ) ); IF t_compressed THEN dbms_lob.copy( p_zipped_blob, t_blob, t_clen, dbms_lob.getlength( p_zipped_blob ) + 1, 11 ); -- compressed content ELSIF t_clen > 0 THEN dbms_lob.copy( p_zipped_blob, t_blob, t_clen, dbms_lob.getlength( p_zipped_blob ) + 1, 1 ); -- content END IF; IF dbms_lob.istemporary( t_blob ) = 1 THEN dbms_lob.freetemporary( t_blob ); END IF; END; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PROCEDURE FINISH_ZIP( p_zipped_blob IN OUT NOCOPY blob ) IS t_cnt PLS_INTEGER := 0; t_offs integer; t_offs_dir_header integer; t_offs_end_header integer; v_filename_len integer; v_extra_len integer; BEGIN t_offs_dir_header := dbms_lob.getlength( p_zipped_blob ); t_offs := 1; WHILE dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, UTL_RAW.LENGTH( c_LOCAL_FILE_HEADER ), t_offs ) = c_LOCAL_FILE_HEADER LOOP t_cnt := t_cnt + 1; v_filename_len := blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_offs + 26); v_extra_len := blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_offs + 28); -- Dans le zip créé sous linux, l'extrafield est différent entre l'entête et le directory (8 bytes de plus) /*central file header signature 4 bytes (0x02014b50) version made by 2 bytes version needed to extract 2 bytes general purpose bit flag 2 bytes compression method 2 bytes last mod file time 2 bytes last mod file date 2 bytes crc-32 4 bytes compressed size 4 bytes uncompressed size 4 bytes file name length 2 bytes extra field length 2 bytes file comment length 2 bytes disk number start 2 bytes internal file attributes 2 bytes external file attributes 4 bytes relative offset of local header 4 bytes file name (variable size) extra field (variable size) file comment (variable size) */ dbms_lob.append( p_zipped_blob , UTL_RAW.CONCAT( HEXTORAW( '504B0102' ) -- Central directory file header signature , HEXTORAW( '1400' ) -- version 2.0 , dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 26, t_offs + 4 ) , HEXTORAW( '0000' ) -- File comment length , HEXTORAW( '0000' ) -- Disk number where file starts , HEXTORAW( '0000' ) -- Internal file attributes => -- 0000 binary file -- 0100 (ascii)text file , CASE WHEN dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 1, t_offs + 30 + v_filename_len - 1) IN ( HEXTORAW( '2F' ), HEXTORAW( '5C' )) -- / et \ THEN HEXTORAW( '10000000' ) -- a directory/folder ELSE HEXTORAW( '2000B681' ) -- a file END -- External file attributes , little_endian( t_offs - 1 ) -- Relative offset of local file header , dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, v_filename_len, t_offs + 30) -- File name ) ); -- On rajoute l'extra du zip IF v_extra_len > 0 THEN dbms_lob.append( p_zipped_blob, dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, v_extra_len, t_offs + 30 + v_filename_len)) ; END IF; t_offs := t_offs + 30 + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_offs + 18 ) -- compressed size + v_filename_len -- File name length + v_extra_len; -- Extra field length END LOOP; t_offs_end_header := dbms_lob.getlength( p_zipped_blob ); dbms_lob.append( p_zipped_blob , UTL_RAW.CONCAT( c_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY -- End of central directory signature , HEXTORAW( '0000' ) -- Number of this disk , HEXTORAW( '0000' ) -- Disk where central directory starts , little_endian( t_cnt, 2 ) -- Number of central directory records on this disk , little_endian( t_cnt, 2 ) -- Total number of central directory records , little_endian( t_offs_end_header - t_offs_dir_header ) -- Size of central directory , little_endian( t_offs_dir_header ) -- Offset of start of central directory, relative to start of archive , little_endian( NVL( UTL_RAW.LENGTH( T_COMMENT ), 0 ), 2 ) -- ZIP file comment length , t_comment ) ); END; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PROCEDURE SAVE_ZIP (p_zipped_blob blob, p_dir varchar2 := 'MY_DIR', p_filename varchar2 := '') IS t_fh UTL_FILE.file_type; t_len PLS_INTEGER := 32767; BEGIN t_fh := UTL_FILE.fopen( p_dir, p_filename, 'wb' ); FOR i IN 0 .. TRUNC( ( dbms_lob.getlength( p_zipped_blob ) - 1 ) / t_len ) LOOP UTL_FILE.put_raw( t_fh, dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, t_len, i * t_len + 1 ) ); END LOOP; UTL_FILE.fclose( t_fh ); END; END; /