Global Cluster 1 Enrichment Score: 1.66 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular developmental process 8.7E-3 GOTERM_BP_ALL cell differentiation 8.7E-3 GOTERM_BP_ALL organ development 9.8E-3 GOTERM_BP_ALL system development 1.0E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL anatomical structure development 1.8E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL developmental process 2.4E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL multicellular organismal development 4.8E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL multicellular organismal process 3.2E-1 Cluster 2 Enrichment Score: 1.38 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL response to steroid hormone stimulus 3.6E-3 GOTERM_BP_ALL response to estrogen stimulus 1.4E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL response to hormone stimulus 2.5E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL response to chemical stimulus 3.0E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL response to endogenous stimulus 5.2E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL negative regulation of cell proliferation 5.2E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL response to nutrient levels 8.4E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL response to extracellular stimulus 1.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL response to external stimulus 4.5E-1 Cluster 3 Enrichment Score: 1.31 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL carboxylic acid metabolic process 8.3E-3 GOTERM_BP_ALL organic acid metabolic process 8.6E-3 GOTERM_BP_ALL glutamine metabolic process 8.6E-3 GOTERM_BP_ALL glutamine family amino acid metabolic process 5.4E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL amino acid metabolic process 1.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL amine metabolic process 1.8E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL amino acid and derivative metabolic process 2.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL nitrogen compound metabolic process 2.3E-1 Cluster 4 Enrichment Score: 1.25 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL blood vessel morphogenesis 1.3E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL blood vessel development 2.1E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL vasculature development 2.2E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL organ morphogenesis 5.9E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL angiogenesis 1.2E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL anatomical structure formation 1.9E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL anatomical structure morphogenesis 2.3E-1 Cluster 5 Enrichment Score: 1.17 P_Value SP_PIR_KEYWORDS heparin binding 2.4E-2 GOTERM_MF_ALL heparin binding 3.3E-2 GOTERM_MF_ALL glycosaminoglycan binding 5.9E-2 GOTERM_MF_ALL polysaccharide binding 6.5E-2 GOTERM_MF_ALL pattern binding 8.1E-2 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS heparin-binding 9.4E-2 GOTERM_MF_ALL carbohydrate binding 3.0E-1 Cluster 6 Enrichment Score: 1.13 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL glucose metabolic process 1.7E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL hexose metabolic process 4.9E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL monosaccharide metabolic process 5.4E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL alcohol metabolic process 1.3E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL carbohydrate metabolic process 1.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular carbohydrate metabolic process 1.7E-1 Cluster 7 Enrichment Score: 1.1 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular cation homeostasis 1.8E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL cation homeostasis 1.8E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular chemical homeostasis 3.3E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular ion homeostasis 3.3E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular di-, tri-valent inorganic cation homeostasis 4.5E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL di-, tri-valent inorganic cation homeostasis 4.6E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL ion homeostasis 4.8E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of biological quality 6.4E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL chemical homeostasis 8.0E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular homeostasis 1.2E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular calcium ion homeostasis 2.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL calcium ion homeostasis 2.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL homeostatic process 2.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular metal ion homeostasis 3.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL metal ion homeostasis 3.0E-1 Cluster 8 Enrichment Score: 1.05 P_Value SP_PIR_KEYWORDS Secreted 1.1E-2 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS signal 3.5E-2 UP_SEQ_FEATURE signal peptide 9.3E-2 GOTERM_CC_ALL extracellular region 2.8E-1 UP_SEQ_FEATURE disulfide bond 5.6E-1 Cluster 9 Enrichment Score: 1.05 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL insulin secretion 1.1E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL peptide secretion 1.7E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL peptide hormone secretion 1.7E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL peptide transport 3.8E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL hormone secretion 4.4E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL behavior 1.4E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL generation of a signal involved in cell-cell signaling 1.4E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL secretion 6.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cell-cell signaling 6.5E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway 8.6E-1 Cluster 10 Enrichment Score: 0.96 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL cell proliferation 9.5E-4 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular developmental process 8.7E-3 GOTERM_BP_ALL cell differentiation 8.7E-3 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of biological process 4.2E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL negative regulation of cell proliferation 5.2E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL death 1.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cell death 1.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL apoptosis 2.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL programmed cell death 2.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cell development 3.4E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of apoptosis 3.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of programmed cell death 3.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of apoptosis 4.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of programmed cell death 4.8E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS apoptosis 4.8E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of developmental process 6.4E-1 Cluster 11 Enrichment Score: 0.94 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of actin filament length 5.0E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of actin cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis 5.2E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of cellular component size 5.4E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of organelle organization and biogenesis 7.2E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis 7.2E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL actin polymerization and/or depolymerization 8.4E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL actin cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis 1.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL actin filament-based process 1.2E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of cellular component organization and biogenesis 1.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis 4.5E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of protein metabolic process 7.3E-1 Cluster 12 Enrichment Score: 0.91 P_Value SP_PIR_KEYWORDS DNA repair 3.8E-2 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS DNA damage 4.2E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL response to endogenous stimulus 5.2E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL response to stress 1.2E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS dna replication 1.5E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL DNA replication 1.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL DNA repair 1.8E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL response to DNA damage stimulus 2.8E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL DNA metabolic process 5.8E-1 Cluster 13 Enrichment Score: 0.89 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL cell proliferation 9.5E-4 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of cell proliferation 8.9E-3 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of cellular process 3.8E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of biological process 4.2E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL negative regulation of cell proliferation 5.2E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL cell development 3.4E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of apoptosis 4.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL negative regulation of cellular process 4.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of programmed cell death 4.8E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL negative regulation of metabolic process 4.9E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL negative regulation of biological process 5.3E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL negative regulation of cellular metabolic process 6.3E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL negative regulation of nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolic process 7.6E-1 Cluster 14 Enrichment Score: 0.83 P_Value SP_PIR_KEYWORDS Secreted 1.1E-2 GOTERM_CC_ALL extracellular space 8.2E-2 GOTERM_MF_ALL growth factor activity 8.8E-2 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS growth factor 1.3E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL receptor binding 2.5E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL extracellular region 2.8E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL extracellular region part 2.8E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL cytokine activity 3.7E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS cytokine 4.7E-1 Cluster 15 Enrichment Score: 0.81 P_Value GOTERM_MF_ALL cytoskeletal protein binding 1.1E-2 GOTERM_MF_ALL actin binding 4.3E-2 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS actin-binding 1.0E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL cytoskeleton 4.0E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL non-membrane-bound organelle 4.3E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL intracellular non-membrane-bound organelle 4.3E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS cytoskeleton 5.8E-1 Cluster 16 Enrichment Score: 0.75 P_Value UP_SEQ_FEATURE domain:EF-hand 1 1.1E-1 UP_SEQ_FEATURE domain:EF-hand 2 1.1E-1 INTERPRO Calcium-binding EF-hand 1.6E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS calcium 1.8E-1 UP_SEQ_FEATURE calcium-binding region:2 1.9E-1 UP_SEQ_FEATURE calcium-binding region:1 2.0E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL calcium ion binding 2.1E-1 SMART EFh 2.2E-1 INTERPRO EF-Hand type 3.2E-1 Cluster 17 Enrichment Score: 0.67 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL iron ion transport 2.7E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL transition metal ion transport 1.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL metal ion transport 3.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cation transport 3.1E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS iron 3.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL di-, tri-valent inorganic cation transport 3.7E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL iron ion binding 5.1E-1 Cluster 18 Enrichment Score: 0.64 P_Value INTERPRO Ankyrin 1.7E-1 SMART ANK 2.3E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS ank repeat 3.2E-1 Cluster 19 Enrichment Score: 0.62 P_Value SP_PIR_KEYWORDS glycoprotein 6.3E-2 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS membrane 9.9E-2 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS transmembrane 1.2E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL intrinsic to membrane 2.3E-1 UP_SEQ_FEATURE glycosylation site:N-linked (GlcNAc...) 2.6E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL integral to membrane 2.8E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL membrane part 2.9E-1 UP_SEQ_FEATURE topological domain:Extracellular 3.2E-1 UP_SEQ_FEATURE topological domain:Cytoplasmic 3.4E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL membrane 3.8E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL plasma membrane 5.0E-1 UP_SEQ_FEATURE transmembrane region 5.2E-1 Cluster 20 Enrichment Score: 0.57 P_Value UP_SEQ_FEATURE domain:Fibronectin type-III 1 2.0E-1 UP_SEQ_FEATURE domain:Fibronectin type-III 2 2.0E-1 INTERPRO Fibronectin, type III-like fold 4.7E-1 Cluster 21 Enrichment Score: 0.57 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL transport 3.4E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL establishment of localization 5.1E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL ion transport 9.0E-2 GOTERM_MF_ALL transmembrane transporter activity 9.0E-2 GOTERM_MF_ALL transporter activity 9.7E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL localization 1.3E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL ligand-gated ion channel activity 2.2E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL ligand-gated channel activity 2.2E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS transport 2.5E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS ion transport 2.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL metal ion transport 3.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cation transport 3.1E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL substrate-specific transporter activity 3.5E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL ion transmembrane transporter activity 3.6E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL substrate-specific transmembrane transporter activity 3.7E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL substrate specific channel activity 4.5E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL channel activity 5.1E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL passive transmembrane transporter activity 5.1E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL metal ion transmembrane transporter activity 5.1E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL cation transmembrane transporter activity 5.4E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL ion channel activity 6.6E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL gated channel activity 7.4E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS Ionic channel 7.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL monovalent inorganic cation transport 7.8E-1 Cluster 22 Enrichment Score: 0.51 P_Value GOTERM_MF_ALL active transmembrane transporter activity 1.1E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS Symport 1.9E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL symporter activity 4.1E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL cation transmembrane transporter activity 5.4E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL secondary active transmembrane transporter activity 5.8E-1 Cluster 23 Enrichment Score: 0.51 P_Value GOTERM_MF_ALL active transmembrane transporter activity 1.1E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances 1.2E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances 1.2E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances 1.3E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity 1.4E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL primary active transmembrane transporter activity 1.4E-1 INTERPRO AAA+ ATPase, core 3.2E-1 SMART AAA 3.9E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL ATPase activity, coupled 4.7E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL ATPase activity 6.1E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL nucleoside-triphosphatase activity 7.9E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL pyrophosphatase activity 8.2E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, in phosphorus-containing anhydrides 8.2E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides 8.3E-1 Cluster 24 Enrichment Score: 0.51 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL cell cycle 6.9E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL cell cycle process 9.5E-2 GOTERM_BP_ALL cell cycle phase 1.8E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL M phase 2.2E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL mitotic cell cycle 2.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL mitosis 2.9E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL M phase of mitotic cell cycle 3.0E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL centrosome 3.0E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL microtubule organizing center 3.4E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of progression through cell cycle 4.5E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of cell cycle 4.5E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL microtubule cytoskeleton 4.7E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS cell cycle 4.7E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL microtubule 6.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cell division 6.1E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL cytoskeletal part 7.5E-1 Cluster 25 Enrichment Score: 0.5 P_Value GOTERM_CC_ALL nuclear part 4.1E-2 GOTERM_CC_ALL nuclear lumen 1.2E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL nucleoplasm 2.6E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL nucleoplasm part 3.1E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL membrane-enclosed lumen 4.2E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL organelle lumen 4.2E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL intracellular organelle part 4.7E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL organelle part 4.8E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL protein complex 7.5E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL macromolecular complex 8.2E-1 Cluster 26 Enrichment Score: 0.49 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of protein kinase activity 3.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of protein kinase activity 3.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of kinase activity 3.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of a molecular function 3.2E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of kinase activity 3.2E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of catalytic activity 3.2E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of transferase activity 3.3E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of transferase activity 3.3E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of catalytic activity 3.8E-1 Cluster 27 Enrichment Score: 0.47 P_Value GOTERM_MF_ALL signal transducer activity 1.8E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL molecular transducer activity 1.8E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL receptor activity 4.2E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS receptor 5.2E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL transmembrane receptor activity 6.3E-1 Cluster 28 Enrichment Score: 0.45 P_Value GOTERM_MF_ALL transcription activator activity 5.7E-2 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS activator 1.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter 1.7E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL nucleoplasm 2.6E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL nucleoplasm part 3.1E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity 3.5E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter 3.6E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL transcription factor activity 3.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent 3.8E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of cellular metabolic process 4.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter 4.9E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL transcription cofactor activity 4.9E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL transcription factor complex 5.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of metabolic process 5.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of transcription 5.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL positive regulation of nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolic process 5.3E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL transcription factor binding 6.9E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS DNA binding 7.7E-1 Cluster 29 Enrichment Score: 0.42 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL cell surface receptor linked signal transduction 2.9E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL signal transduction 4.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cell communication 4.8E-1 Cluster 30 Enrichment Score: 0.4 P_Value INTERPRO BTB/POZ-like 3.7E-1 INTERPRO BTB/POZ fold 3.9E-1 SMART BTB 4.5E-1 Cluster 31 Enrichment Score: 0.35 P_Value KEGG_PATHWAY Glycan structures - biosynthesis 2 1.4E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL protein amino acid glycosylation 3.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL biopolymer glycosylation 3.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL glycoprotein biosynthetic process 3.2E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL endomembrane system 3.2E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL glycoprotein metabolic process 4.0E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS signal-anchor 4.0E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL Golgi apparatus 4.9E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL Golgi membrane 5.4E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS glycosyltransferase 5.6E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL Golgi apparatus part 6.2E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL transferase activity, transferring glycosyl groups 7.1E-1 UP_SEQ_FEATURE topological domain:Lumenal 7.2E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS golgi apparatus 7.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL macromolecule biosynthetic process 7.8E-1 Cluster 32 Enrichment Score: 0.34 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL growth 2.2E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cell growth 4.8E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of cell size 4.9E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of growth 5.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular structure morphogenesis 6.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cell morphogenesis 6.0E-1 Cluster 33 Enrichment Score: 0.32 P_Value GOTERM_MF_ALL phospholipid binding 3.8E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL phosphoinositide binding 5.1E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL lipid binding 5.6E-1 Cluster 34 Enrichment Score: 0.29 P_Value UP_SEQ_FEATURE topological domain:Extracellular 3.2E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL plasma membrane 5.0E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL integral to plasma membrane 5.2E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL intrinsic to plasma membrane 5.3E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL plasma membrane part 7.8E-1 Cluster 35 Enrichment Score: 0.28 P_Value GOTERM_MF_ALL adenyl nucleotide binding 2.2E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL protein kinase activity 2.2E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL ATP binding 2.3E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL adenyl ribonucleotide binding 2.5E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL phosphotransferase activity, alcohol group as acceptor 2.5E-1 INTERPRO Protein kinase, core 2.7E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS atp-binding 2.9E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups 3.0E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL kinase activity 3.5E-1 SMART S_TKc 3.7E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL transferase activity 4.6E-1 UP_SEQ_FEATURE domain:Protein kinase 4.9E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS phosphotransferase 5.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL protein amino acid phosphorylation 5.4E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL purine nucleotide binding 5.4E-1 UP_SEQ_FEATURE active site:Proton acceptor 5.4E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS transferase 5.4E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL purine ribonucleotide binding 5.7E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL ribonucleotide binding 5.7E-1 INTERPRO Serine/threonine protein kinase, active site 5.8E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL nucleotide binding 5.9E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS ATP 6.3E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS nucleotide-binding 6.3E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS Serine/threonine-protein kinase 6.4E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS kinase 6.7E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL protein serine/threonine kinase activity 7.3E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL phosphorylation 7.4E-1 UP_SEQ_FEATURE binding site:ATP 7.4E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL phosphorus metabolic process 7.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL phosphate metabolic process 7.7E-1 UP_SEQ_FEATURE nucleotide phosphate-binding region:ATP 8.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL biopolymer modification 8.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL protein modification process 8.3E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL post-translational protein modification 9.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL protein metabolic process 9.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular macromolecule metabolic process 9.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular protein metabolic process 9.7E-1 Cluster 36 Enrichment Score: 0.28 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL chromosome organization and biogenesis 2.3E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL DNA metabolic process 5.8E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL establishment and/or maintenance of chromatin architecture 7.4E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL DNA packaging 7.5E-1 Cluster 37 Enrichment Score: 0.27 P_Value GOTERM_MF_ALL cofactor binding 3.2E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL coenzyme binding 4.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL electron transport 5.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL generation of precursor metabolites and energy 6.3E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL oxidoreductase activity 6.8E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS oxidoreductase 7.2E-1 Cluster 38 Enrichment Score: 0.26 P_Value GOTERM_CC_ALL nucleolus 1.7E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL RNA binding 7.7E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS rna-binding 7.7E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL ribonucleoprotein complex 8.8E-1 Cluster 39 Enrichment Score: 0.25 P_Value GOTERM_CC_ALL nuclear envelope 2.1E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL nuclear membrane 3.3E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL organelle envelope 3.5E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL envelope 3.6E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL mitochondrial inner membrane 7.1E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL organelle inner membrane 7.4E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL mitochondrial membrane 8.2E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL mitochondrial envelope 8.4E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL mitochondrial part 9.4E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL mitochondrion 9.7E-1 Cluster 40 Enrichment Score: 0.24 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL biological regulation 1.4E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS activator 1.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of cellular process 2.4E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL transcription factor activity 3.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of biological process 4.3E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS Transcription regulation 4.4E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS Transcription 4.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter 4.9E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL sequence-specific DNA binding 5.2E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL transcription regulator activity 5.3E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS dna-binding 5.4E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of metabolic process 6.1E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL nucleus 6.3E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS nucleus 6.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL transcription, DNA-dependent 7.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL RNA biosynthetic process 7.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of cellular metabolic process 7.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL RNA metabolic process 7.2E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolic process 7.4E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent 7.4E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL transcription 7.5E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of transcription 7.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of gene expression 7.9E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolic process 8.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL biopolymer metabolic process 8.3E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL gene expression 8.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL macromolecule metabolic process 8.8E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL DNA binding 8.9E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL nucleic acid binding 9.4E-1 Cluster 41 Enrichment Score: 0.24 P_Value GOTERM_MF_ALL sequence-specific DNA binding 5.2E-1 INTERPRO Homeobox 5.5E-1 INTERPRO Homeodomain-related 5.8E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS Homeobox 5.9E-1 SMART HOX 6.3E-1 Cluster 42 Enrichment Score: 0.24 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL inflammatory response 4.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL response to wounding 4.9E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL defense response 8.6E-1 Cluster 43 Enrichment Score: 0.22 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular process 1.4E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL primary metabolic process 4.0E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL intracellular part 5.1E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular metabolic process 5.3E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL cell part 5.6E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL cell 5.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL regulation of metabolic process 6.1E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL intracellular 6.2E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL nucleus 6.3E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL intracellular organelle 6.4E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL metabolic process 6.4E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL organelle 6.4E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL cytoplasm 6.5E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS nucleus 6.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL RNA metabolic process 7.2E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolic process 7.4E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL intracellular membrane-bound organelle 7.9E-1 GOTERM_CC_ALL membrane-bound organelle 7.9E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL biopolymer metabolic process 8.3E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL gene expression 8.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL macromolecule metabolic process 8.8E-1 Cluster 44 Enrichment Score: 0.21 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL protein complex assembly 4.5E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL macromolecular complex assembly 6.9E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular component assembly 7.4E-1 Cluster 45 Enrichment Score: 0.21 P_Value INTERPRO Immunoglobulin 2.9E-1 INTERPRO Immunoglobulin subtype 2 4.9E-1 SMART IGc2 5.9E-1 SMART IG 6.8E-1 INTERPRO Immunoglobulin-like 7.0E-1 INTERPRO Immunoglobulin subtype 7.9E-1 INTERPRO Immunoglobulin-like fold 7.9E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS immunoglobulin domain 8.8E-1 Cluster 46 Enrichment Score: 0.11 P_Value GOTERM_MF_ALL cation binding 5.1E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL metal ion binding 5.6E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL ion binding 6.1E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL transition metal ion binding 8.7E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS zinc-finger 9.5E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL zinc ion binding 9.5E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS zinc 9.6E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS metal-binding 9.8E-1 Cluster 47 Enrichment Score: 0.09 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular catabolic process 7.4E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular macromolecule catabolic process 8.0E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL catabolic process 8.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL macromolecule catabolic process 8.9E-1 Cluster 48 Enrichment Score: 0.06 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL intracellular transport 7.2E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL establishment of cellular localization 7.5E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL cellular localization 7.7E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL intracellular protein transport 8.6E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL protein transport 9.8E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL establishment of protein localization 9.9E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL protein localization 9.9E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL macromolecule localization 9.9E-1 Cluster 49 Enrichment Score: 0.05 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL proteolysis 8.1E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL endopeptidase activity 9.1E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL peptidase activity 9.4E-1 Cluster 50 Enrichment Score: 0.04 P_Value SP_PIR_KEYWORDS sensory transduction 8.8E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL system process 9.3E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL sensory perception 9.3E-1 GOTERM_BP_ALL neurological system process 9.4E-1 Cluster 51 Enrichment Score: 0.02 P_Value GOTERM_BP_ALL G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway 8.6E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS transducer 9.5E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL rhodopsin-like receptor activity 9.7E-1 SP_PIR_KEYWORDS g-protein coupled receptor 9.8E-1 GOTERM_MF_ALL G-protein coupled receptor activity 9.9E-1