Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Setup - System Configuration Check Report

Computer Name(s): T1Z062V
Report Date/Time: 2011-01-05 15:31
Saved to Directory: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20110105_152923\SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm

Computer Name Rule Name Rule Description Result Message/Corrective Action
GlobalRules: SQL Server 2008 Setup configuration checks for rules group 'GlobalRules'
T1Z062V AclPermissionsFacet Checks if the SQL Server registry keys are consistent. Passed SQL Server registry keys are consistent and can support SQL Server installation or upgrade.
T1Z062V MediaPathLength Checks whether the SQL Server installation media is too long. Passed The SQL Server installation media is not too long.
T1Z062V OsVersionCheck Checks whether the computer meets minimum operating system version requirements. Passed The operating system version meets the minimum requirements for this product.
T1Z062V RebootRequiredCheck Checks if a pending computer restart is required. A pending restart can cause Setup to fail. Passed The computer does not require a restart.
T1Z062V ThreadHasAdminPrivilegeCheck Checks whether the account running SQL Server Setup has administrator rights on the computer. Passed The account running SQL Server Setup has administator rights on the computer.
T1Z062V WmiServiceStateCheck Checks whether the WMI service is started and running on the computer. Passed The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service is running.
PrepareFailoverClusterGlobalRules: SQL Server 2008 Setup configuration checks for rules group 'PrepareFailoverClusterGlobalRules'
T1Z062V Cluster_IsOnlineIfClustered Verifies that the computer is not clustered or that the computer is clustered and the cluster service is online. Failed The machine is clustered, but the cluster is not online or cannot be accessed from one of its nodes. To continue determine why the cluster is not online and rerun setup instead of rerunning the rule since the rule can no longer detect a cluster environment correctly.
T1Z062V SSMS_IsInternetConnected Verifies that the computer is connected to the Internet. When a Microsoft .NET application like Microsoft Management Studio starts, there maybe be a slight delay while the .NET security check validates a certificate. Not applicable This rule does not apply to your system configuration.
T1Z062V Cluster_DNS_Consistency_Rule Checks if the DNS search list on computer T1Z062V is consistent with the other nodes of a cluster. Passed The computer is not clustered or the DNS search list on computer T1Z062V matches the other nodes.
T1Z062V Cluster_IsDomainController Checks if the computer is a Windows domain controller. Passed The machine is not a Windows domain controller.
T1Z062V Cluster_IsUserAdmin Checks whether the user running this Setup operationp has remote access on the remote cluster node(s). Passed The user running this Setup operation has remote access on the remote cluster node(s).
T1Z062V Cluster_IsWMIServiceOperational Checks whether the WMI service is running on the cluster because Setup is dependent on this service. Passed The WMI is running on the cluster node.
T1Z062V Cluster_RemoteRegistryServiceFacet Checks whether the Remote Registry service is enabled. Passed Remote Registry Service is enabled on this computer.
T1Z062V FacetWOW64SetupCheck Determines whether SQL Server Setup is supported on this operating system platform. Passed SQL Server Setup is supported on this operating system platform.
T1Z062V FusionRebootCheck Checks if a computer restart is required because of broken fusion ATL. A pending restart can cause SQL Server Setup to fail. Passed The computer does not require a restart.
T1Z062V IsDomainNetworkTopOfBindings Checks to see if the computer domain server is on the network that is bound to the top of the network order. Passed The domain network is bound correctly.
T1Z062V IsFirewallEnabled Checks whether the Windows Firewall is enabled. Passed The Windows Firewall is not enabled. Remote access will not be blocked by Windows. Third party firewalls could still result in access failures.
T1Z062V SqlUnsupportedProductBlocker Checks whether SQL Server 7.0 or SQL Server 7.0 OLAP Services is installed. Server Server 2008 is not supported with SQL Server 7.0. Passed SQL Server 7.0 or SQL Server 7.0 OLAP Services is not installed.

Rules Documentation:
Setup Help File: