mcl_pm64.dll - 64 bit COM Object for programmers under 64 bit operating system - Support Power Sensor PWR-SEN-6GHS+ & PWR-SEN-8GHS+. mcl_pm64 DLL file can be used by programmers of Microsoft Visual Studio (Visual Basic, C#, Visual C++) or any other program that recognize 64 bit com DLL file. mcl_pm64.dll file should be loaded to the project as a reference file. The DLL file include the following Functions: 1. Long Open_Sensor(Optional *string SN) : SN parameter is needed in case of using more than 1 Power Sensor - connecting to the computer SN is the Serial Number of the Power Sensor in C# and C++ SN string must be exist and can be ="" if only one sensor is connected. A replacment function "Open_AnySensor()" can be used In case of using only one Power Sensor. The function return a Value 0=Fail to open Sensor 1=Success 2=Object is already open 3=SN is not Available 2. Float ReadPower() - Return the power Value 3. Int GetStatus() - Return 1=Connect or 0=disconnect 4. Void Close_Sensor() 5. string GetSensorSN() - Return the Sensor Serial Number 6. Float GetDeviceTemperature(Optional TemperatureFormat As String) TemperatureFormat - optional parameter : "F" for Fahrenheit "C" (Default) for Celsius 7. Long Get_Available_SN_List(*string SN_List) SN_List return with List of all available Serial Numbers: [SN1] [SN2] ... The DLL file object has the following Properties: Freq : the CAl Freq in MHz AVG : 1=ON 0=OFF AvgCount: the No of Avg Count Format_mW: if true the ReadPower result will be in mW program Example in VB.Net: ' mcl_pm64.dll should be loaded as a reference file to the project project Dim pm1 As New mcl_pm64.usb_pm, Status As Short Dim SN As String = "" 'if more then 1 sensor connected to the computer than the Serial Number of the sensor should provide Dim ReadResult As Single Status = pm1.Open_Sensor(SN) pm1.Freq = 3000 ' Set the Frequency cal factor in MHz ReadResult = pm1.ReadPower() ' read the power in dbm pm1.Close_Sensor() program Example in C#: // mcl_pm64.dll should be loaded as a reference file to the project project double ReadResult; mcl_pm64.usb_pm pm1 = new mcl_pm64.usb_pm(); short Status = 0; string pm_SN = ""; //if more then 1 sensor connected to the computer than the Serial Number of the sensor should provide Status = pm1.Open_Sensor(ref(pm_SN)); pm1.Freq = 3000; // Set the Frequency cal factor in MHz ReadResult= pm1.ReadPower() ; // read the power in dbm pm1.Close_Sensor(); program Example in Visual C++: // mcl_pm64.dll should be loaded as a reference file to the project project mcl_pm64::usb_pm ^pm1 = gcnew mcl_pm64::usb_pm(); short Status = 0; System::String ^SN = ""; //if more then 1 sensor connected to the computer than the Serial Number of the sensor should provide float ReadResult = 0; Status = pm1->Open_Sensor(SN); // create a Connection to the sensor pm1->Freq = 3000; // Set the Frequency cal factor in MHz ReadResult = pm1->ReadPower(); // read the power in dbm pm1->Close_Sensor();