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XMLRAD Discussion :

Installation de XMLRAD

Sujet :


  1. #1
    Futur Membre du Club
    Profil pro
    Inscrit en
    Décembre 2005
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Âge : 43
    Localisation : France, Paris (Île de France)

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Décembre 2005
    Messages : 10
    Points : 6
    Par défaut Installation de XMLRAD
    Bonjour à tous,

    J'ai téléchargé le logiciel, installé, et lancé. Mais pouf! rien ne s'est passé!
    Je ne comprends pas trop le pourquoi du comment, il lance mozilla et une alert javascript s'affiche "Connexion refusée lors de la tentative de contact de laeti".

    Si éventuellement quelqu'un pouvait m'éclairer sur le sujet.


  2. #2
    RDM est déconnecté
    Membre émérite

    Profil pro
    Inscrit en
    Mars 2002
    1 424
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Localisation : France

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Mars 2002
    Messages : 1 424
    Points : 2 927
    2 927
    Par défaut
    il nous faudrait plus de renseignement sur ta config: quel windows ? quel serveur Web ?

    tu peux aussi coller ici le contenu du fichier XMLRAD2005R2Install.log qui se trouve dans le répertoire d'installation.

  3. #3
    Futur Membre du Club
    Profil pro
    Inscrit en
    Décembre 2005
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Âge : 43
    Localisation : France, Paris (Île de France)

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Décembre 2005
    Messages : 10
    Points : 6
    Par défaut
    Oui pas bete... Donc j'ai windows XP famillial et j'utilise easy php 1.8

    Bon et pour le fichier de log c'est un peu genant de le coller ici il est plutot long..
    Bon aller d'accord, mais ne soyez pas effrayés..

    2006-02-13 11:15:03 Log opened.
    2006-02-13 11:15:03 cannot find the inetinfo.exe: C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
    2006-02-13 11:15:03 Directory found: C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\
    2006-02-13 11:15:03 IIS in ProcessMode
    2006-02-13 11:15:03 CheckIISInstalled Version[ ProcessMode]
    2006-02-13 11:15:03 CheckApacheInstalled Version[1.3 EasyPHP (C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\apache\conf\httpd.conf)] ApachePath[C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\apache\conf\httpd.conf]
    2006-02-13 11:15:03 CheckApacheInstalled Version[2.0] ApachePath[]
    2006-02-13 11:15:03 CheckTomcatInstalled Version[4.1] TomcatPath[]
    2006-02-13 11:15:03 CheckTomcatInstalled Version[5.0] TomcatPath[]
    2006-02-13 11:15:03 CheckTomcatInstalled Version[5.5] TomcatPath[]
    2006-02-13 11:15:03 CheckInterbaseInstalled False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 Install Type: Full
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckDelphiInstalled Version[3.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckDelphiInstalled Version[4.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckDelphiInstalled Version[5.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckDelphiInstalled Version[6.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckDelphiInstalled Version[7.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckBDSInstalled Version[3.0] Personality[Delphi.Win32] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckBDSInstalled Version[3.0] Personality[Delphi.NET] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckBCBInstalled Version[3.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckBCBInstalled Version[4.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckBCBInstalled Version[5.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckBCBInstalled Version[6.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckVSNETInstalled Version[7.0] Language[C#] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckVSNETInstalled Version[7.1] Language[C#] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckVSNETInstalled Version[7.0] Language[VB.NET] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckVSNETInstalled Version[7.1] Language[VB.NET] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckVSNETInstalled Version[7.0] Language[J#] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckVSNETInstalled Version[7.1] Language[J#] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckVSNETInstalled Version[7.0] Language[C++.NET] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckVSNETInstalled Version[7.1] Language[C++.NET] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckVSANETInstalled Version[v1.0.3705] DotNetFXPath[C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckVSANETInstalled Version[v1.1.4322] DotNetFXPath[C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckEclipseInstalled False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckJBuilderInstalled Version[4.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckJBuilderInstalled Version[5.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckJBuilderInstalled Version[6.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckJBuilderInstalled Version[7.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckJBuilderInstalled Version[8.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckJBuilderInstalled Version[9.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckJBuilderInstalled Version[10.0] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:47 CheckJBuilderInstalled Version[2005] False
    2006-02-13 11:15:48 ssInstall
    2006-02-13 11:15:48 Starting the installation process.
    2006-02-13 11:15:48 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:48 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\unins000.exe
    2006-02-13 11:15:48 Time stamp of our file: 2006-02-13 11:15:02.449
    2006-02-13 11:15:48 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:48 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:48 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:48 Dest filename: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Unzdll.dll
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Time stamp of our file: 2002-05-03 10:56:20.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Dest filename: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml4.dll
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Time stamp of our file: 2002-02-04 03:52:54.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Will register the file (a DLL/OCX) later.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Dest filename: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml4r.dll
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Time stamp of our file: 2002-02-04 03:43:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Dest filename: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msscript.ocx
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Dest file is protected by Windows File Protection.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Time stamp of our file: 1999-03-29 02:34:06.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Dest file exists.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Time stamp of existing file: 2004-08-04 07:01:17.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Version of our file:
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Version of existing file:
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Existing file is a newer version. Skipping.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Will register the file (a DLL/OCX) later.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Dest filename: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DAC.tlb
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Time stamp of our file: 2003-08-26 16:31:34.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Will register the file (a type library) later.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Dest filename: C:\WINDOWS\system32\StdXML.tlb
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Time stamp of our file: 2003-08-26 16:26:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Will register the file (a type library) later.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:10.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:14.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:16.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:49 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:16.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:18.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:20.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:24.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:50 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:51 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:51 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:51 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:51 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:26.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:51 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:51 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:51 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:51 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:51 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:28.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:51 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:51 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:51 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:51 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:30.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:32.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:34.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:44.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:52 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:48.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:50.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:52.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:52.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:53 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:54 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:54 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:54 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:54 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:54.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:54 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:54 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:54 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:54 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:54 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:58.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:54 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:04.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:06.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:55 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:06.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:08.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:14.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:56 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:36.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:16.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:18.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:57 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:20.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:22.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:24.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:58 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:26.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:30.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:32.000
    2006-02-13 11:15:59 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:00 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:00 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:00 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:00 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:36.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:00 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:00 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:00 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:00 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:00 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:38.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:00 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:40.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:09:42.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:40.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:40.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:40.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:01 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:40.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:40.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:40.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:52.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:52.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:52.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:52.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:54.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:54.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:02 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:56.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:54.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:56.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:03 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:56.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:54.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:58.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:58.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:04 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:58.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:58.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:58.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:58.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:58.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:10:58.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:00.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:02.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:26.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:05 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:06 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:06 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:06 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:06 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:38.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:06 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:06 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:06 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:06 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:06 Time stamp of our file: 2005-07-29 19:04:28.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:06 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Time stamp of our file: 2005-07-29 19:04:28.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Time stamp of our file: 2005-07-29 19:04:28.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:40.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:40.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:42.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:07 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:08 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:08 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:08 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:08 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:11:44.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:08 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:08 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:08 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:08 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:08 Time stamp of our file: 2005-10-20 16:40:02.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:08 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:09 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:09 -- File entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:09 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\
    2006-02-13 11:16:09 Time stamp of our file: 2005-08-26 11:12:24.000
    2006-02-13 11:16:09 Installing the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:09 Successfully installed the file.
    2006-02-13 11:16:09 -- Icon entry --
    2006-02-13 11:16:09 Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\XMLRAD 2005\XMLRAD 2005 R2.lnk
    2006-02-13 11:16:09 Creating directory: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\XMLRAD 2005
    2006-02-13 11:16:10 Registering DLL/OCX: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml4.dll
    2006-02-13 11:16:10 Registering DLL/OCX: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msscript.ocx
    2006-02-13 11:16:10 Registering type library: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DAC.tlb
    2006-02-13 11:16:10 Registering type library: C:\WINDOWS\system32\StdXML.tlb
    2006-02-13 11:16:11 Installation process succeeded.
    2006-02-13 11:16:11 PostInstall
    2006-02-13 11:16:11 Logfile Moved to C:\Program Files\Delos\XMLRAD2006R1Install.log
    2006-02-13 11:16:11 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:16:11 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:16:41 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:16:41 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:16:41 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:16:41 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:16:43 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:16:43 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:12 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:12 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:12 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:12 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:15 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:15 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:15 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:15 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:15 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:15 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:15 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:15 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:15 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:15 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:16 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:16 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:20 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:20 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:24 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:24 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:27 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:27 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:31 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:31 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:33 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:33 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:37 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:37 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:44 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:44 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:48 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:48 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:17:53 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:17:53 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:18:05 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:18:05 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:18:09 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:18:09 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:18:12 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:18:12 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:18:15 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:18:15 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:18:24 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:18:24 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:18:27 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:18:27 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:18:30 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:18:30 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:18:33 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:18:33 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:18:36 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:18:36 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:18:42 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:18:42 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:18:46 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:18:46 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:18:51 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:18:51 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:18:57 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:18:57 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:00 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:19:00 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:02 File[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\] already exists
    2006-02-13 11:19:02 Unzipping FileName[C:\Program Files\Delos\Install\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 == Begin PostProcessing ==
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 IISInstalled True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ApacheInstalled True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ApachePath C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\apache\conf\httpd.conf
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Apache2Installed False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Apache2Path
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Tomcat4Installed False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Tomcat4Path
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Tomcat50Installed False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Tomcat50Path
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Tomcat55Installed False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Tomcat55Path
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 XMLRADIIS False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 XMLRADApache True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 XMLRADApache2 False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 InterbaseInstalled False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 DACBDEInstalled False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 DACDBXInstalled False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 DACFIBInstalled False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 DACIBXInstalled False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 DelphiSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi3Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi4Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi5Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi6Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi6IISSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi6ApacheSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi7Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi7IISSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi7IISPluginSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi7ApacheSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi7Apache2Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi2005Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi2005IISSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi2005ApacheSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi2005Apache2Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi2005NETSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi2006Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi2006IISSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi2006ApacheSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi2006Apache2Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Delphi2006NETSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 BCBSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 BCB3Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 BCB4Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 BCB5Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 BCB6Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ActiveScriptSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 JScriptSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 VBScriptSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 VSNETSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 CSharpSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 VBNETSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 JSharpSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 CPPNETSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 SharpDevelopSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 VSANETSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 JScriptNETSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 VBScriptNETSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 J2EESelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 EclipseSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 JBuilder4Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 JBuilder5Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 JBuilder6Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 JBuilder7Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 JBuilder8Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 JBuilder9Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 JBuilderXSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 JBuilder2005Selected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 DemosDataSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 IISCalcSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 IISDepartmentSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 IISFileExplorerSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 IISGallerySelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 IISHelloWorldSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 IISKnowledgeSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 IISPlushStoreSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 IISPubsSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 IISToolkitSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 IISTrainingSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 IISWorldMapSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 IISXara3DSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ApacheCalcSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ApacheDepartmentSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ApacheFileExplorerSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ApacheGallerySelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ApacheHelloWorldSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ApacheKnowledgeSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ApachePlushStoreSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ApachePubsSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ApacheToolkitSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ApacheTrainingSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ApacheWorldMapSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 ApacheXara3DSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Apache2CalcSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Apache2DepartmentSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Apache2FileExplorerSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Apache2GallerySelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Apache2HelloWorldSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Apache2KnowledgeSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Apache2PlushStoreSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Apache2PubsSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Apache2ToolkitSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Apache2TrainingSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Apache2WorldMapSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 Apache2Xara3DSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 JavaPlushStoreSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 PlushShopSelected False
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 XMLCLXDemosSelected True
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 SupervisorEmail ****************
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 SupervisorAuthEmail
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 SupervisorAuthPassword D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 SetInstallFolderPermissions Exception: SetEntriesInAcl IUSR_* Le mappage entre les noms de compte et les ID de sécurité n'a pas été effectué
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 SetValueKey2 ok RootKey[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]Key[\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex\Catalogs\Web\Properties] Name[C82BF597-B831-11D0-B733-00AA00A1EBD2 a.href] Value[31,10,1,1]
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 SetValueKey2 ok RootKey[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]Key[\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex\Catalogs\Web\Properties] Name[F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9 5] Value[31,25,1,1]
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 SetValueKey2 ok RootKey[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]Key[\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex\Catalogs\Web\Properties] Name[F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9 4] Value[31,10,1,1]
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 SetValueKey2 ok RootKey[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]Key[\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex\Catalogs\Web\Properties] Name[F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9 3] Value[31,10,1,1]
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 SetValueKey2 ok RootKey[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]Key[\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex\Catalogs\Web\Properties] Name[F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9 2] Value[31,4,1,1]
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 SetValueKey2 ok RootKey[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]Key[\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex\Catalogs\Web\Properties] Name[560C36C0-503A-11CF-BAA1-00004C752A9A 2] Value[31,4,1,1]
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 UpdateConfig Node[/Aliases] Element[XMLRADDLL] Value[/{$XMLC_InstanceName}Bin/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:04 UpdateConfig Node[/Aliases] Element[XSLStudioDLL] Value[/{$XMLC_InstanceName}Bin/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/InitParams/XMLC] Element[XMLC_SecurityLevel] Value[Guest]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/InitParams/XMLC] Element[XMLC_SecurityFile] Value[Security.xml]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/InitParams/IM] Element[IM_UserName] Value[]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/InitParams/XMLC] Element[IM_Password] Value[]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/InitParams/XMLC] Element[XMLC_RegisteredEmail] Value[]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Servers/Server] Element[Name] Value[LAETI]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Servers/Server] Element[InvokePath] Value[http://LAETI/XMLRADBin/XMLRAD.dll/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Preferences/Preference[Name="XMLRAD_DefaultProjectPath"]] Element[Value] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Projects]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Preferences/Preference[Name="XMLRAD_ProjectsPath"]] Element[Value] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Projects]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Preferences/Preference[Name="XMLRAD_SharedPortal"]] Element[Value] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\SharedPortal]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Preferences/Preference[Name="XMLRAD_Apachehttpdconf"]] Element[Value] Value[C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\apache\conf\httpd.conf]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Preferences/Preference[Name="XMLRAD_Apache2httpdconf"]] Element[Value] Value[]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Preferences/Preference[Name="XMLRAD_Tomcat4Conf"]] Element[Value] Value[]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Preferences/Preference[Name="XMLRAD_Tomcat5Conf"]] Element[Value] Value[]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Preferences/Preference[Name="XMLRAD_DeployerServerName"]] Element[Value] Value[]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/IDEs/IDE[ID="Delphi"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/IDEs/IDE[ID="Delphi"]] Element[Default] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/IDEs/IDE[ID="BCB"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/IDEs/IDE[ID="BCB"]] Element[Default] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/IDEs/IDE[ID="ECLIPSE"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/IDEs/IDE[ID="ECLIPSE"]] Element[Default] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/IDEs/IDE[ID="JBUILDER"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/IDEs/IDE[ID="VS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/IDEs/IDE[ID="VS"]] Element[Default] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/IDEs/IDE[ID="SharpDevelop"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/IDEs/IDE[ID="Script"]] Element[Installed] Value[1]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/IDEs/IDE[ID="Script"]] Element[Default] Value[1]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Middlewares/Middleware[Name="ADO"]] Element[Installed] Value[1]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Middlewares/Middleware[Name="ADO.NET"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Middlewares/Middleware[Name="BDE"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Middlewares/Middleware[Name="DBX"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Middlewares/Middleware[Name="FIB"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Middlewares/Middleware[Name="IBX"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Middlewares/Middleware[Name="JDBC"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Middlewares/Middleware[Name="LDAP"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Middlewares/Middleware[Name="ADO"]/Drivers/Driver[Name="Microsoft JET 4.0 OLE DB Provider"]/DefaultParams/DefaultParam[Name="Database"]] Element[Value] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\Data\Training.mdb]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Middlewares/Middleware[Name="ADO"]/Drivers/Driver[Name="Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server"]/DefaultParams/DefaultParam[Name="MDFFileName"]] Element[Value] Value[]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Middlewares/Middleware[Name="ADO.NET"]/Drivers/Driver[Name=".NET Framework Data Provider for SQLServer"]/DefaultParams/DefaultParam[Name="MDFFileName"]] Element[Value] Value[]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Middlewares/Middleware[Name="FIB"]/Drivers/Driver[Name="Native"]/DefaultParams/DefaultParam[Name="Database"]] Element[Value] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\Data\Training.gdb]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Middlewares/Middleware[Name="JDBC"]/Servers/Server[Name="Access"]/ODBCParams] Element[DBQ] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\Data\Training.mdb]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D3_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D4_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D5_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D6_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D6_APACHE"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D7_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D7_PLUGIN_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D7_APACHE"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D7_APACHE2"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D2005_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D2005_APACHE"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D2005_APACHE2"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D2005_DOTNET_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D2006_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D2006_APACHE"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D2006_APACHE2"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D2006_DOTNET_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="BCB3_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="BCB4_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="BCB5_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="BCB6_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="ECLIPSE_TOMCAT4"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="ECLIPSE_TOMCAT5"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDER4_TOMCAT4"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDER4_TOMCAT5"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDER5_TOMCAT4"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDER5_TOMCAT5"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDER6_TOMCAT4"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDER6_TOMCAT5"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDER7_TOMCAT4"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDER7_TOMCAT5"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDER8_TOMCAT4"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDER8_TOMCAT5"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDER9_TOMCAT4"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDER9_TOMCAT5"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDERX_TOMCAT4"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDERX_TOMCAT5"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDER2005_TOMCAT4"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JBUILDER2005_TOMCAT5"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JS_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[1]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JS_APACHE"]] Element[Installed] Value[1]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JS_APACHE2"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="VB_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[1]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="VB_APACHE"]] Element[Installed] Value[1]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="VB_APACHE2"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="VSNET_CS_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="VSNET_VB_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="VSNET_JS_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="VSNET_VC_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="SHARPDEVELOP_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="JSVSA_DOTNET_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="VBVSA_DOTNET_IIS"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Repositorys/Repository[@RepositoryID="D6_STANDALONE"]] Element[Installed] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/EventLog] Element[XMLC_TraceVerbose] Value[0]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Calc IIS"]] Element[Path] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\IIS\Calc\Bin\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Calc IIS"]] Element[InvokePath] Value[http://LAETI/DemosBin/Calc/Bin/Calc.dll/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Department IIS"]] Element[Path] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\IIS\Department\Bin\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Department IIS"]] Element[InvokePath] Value[http://LAETI/DemosBin/Department/Bin/Department.dll/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="FileExplorer IIS"]] Element[Path] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\IIS\FileExplorer\Bin\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="FileExplorer IIS"]] Element[InvokePath] Value[http://LAETI/DemosBin/FileExplorer/Bin/FileExplorer.dll/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Gallery IIS"]] Element[Path] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\IIS\Gallery\Bin\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Gallery IIS"]] Element[InvokePath] Value[http://LAETI/DemosBin/Gallery/Bin/Gallery.dll/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="HelloWorld IIS"]] Element[Path] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\IIS\HelloWorld\Bin\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="HelloWorld IIS"]] Element[InvokePath] Value[http://LAETI/DemosBin/HelloWorld/Bin/HelloWorld.dll/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Knowledge IIS"]] Element[Path] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\IIS\Knowledge\Bin\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Knowledge IIS"]] Element[InvokePath] Value[http://LAETI/DemosBin/Knowledge/Bin/Knowledge.dll/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="PlushStore IIS"]] Element[Path] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\IIS\PlushStore\Bin\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="PlushStore IIS"]] Element[InvokePath] Value[http://LAETI/DemosBin/PlushStore/Bin/PlushStore.dll/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Pubs IIS"]] Element[Path] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\IIS\Pubs\Bin\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Pubs IIS"]] Element[InvokePath] Value[http://LAETI/DemosBin/Pubs/Bin/Pubs.dll/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Toolkit IIS"]] Element[Path] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\IIS\Toolkit\Bin\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Toolkit IIS"]] Element[InvokePath] Value[http://LAETI/DemosBin/Toolkit/Bin/Toolkit.dll/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Training IIS"]] Element[Path] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\IIS\Training\Bin\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Training IIS"]] Element[InvokePath] Value[http://LAETI/DemosBin/Training/Bin/Training.dll/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="WorldMap IIS"]] Element[Path] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\IIS\WorldMap\Bin\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="WorldMap IIS"]] Element[InvokePath] Value[http://LAETI/DemosBin/WorldMap/Bin/WorldMap.dll/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Xara3D IIS"]] Element[Path] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\IIS\Xara3D\Bin\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Xara3D IIS"]] Element[InvokePath] Value[http://LAETI/DemosBin/Xara3D/Bin/Xara3D.dll/]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Calc Apache"]] Element[Path] Value[C:\Program Files\Delos\Demos\Apache\Calc\Bin\]
    2006-02-13 11:19:05 UpdateConfig Node[/Projects/Project[Name="Calc Apache"]] Element[InvokePath]

  4. #4
    RDM est déconnecté
    Membre émérite

    Profil pro
    Inscrit en
    Mars 2002
    1 424
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Localisation : France

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Mars 2002
    Messages : 1 424
    Points : 2 927
    2 927
    Par défaut
    ok. vérifie bien que l'apache de easyphp est démarré

  5. #5
    Futur Membre du Club
    Profil pro
    Inscrit en
    Décembre 2005
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Âge : 43
    Localisation : France, Paris (Île de France)

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Décembre 2005
    Messages : 10
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    Il est correctement démarré. J'ai essayé de le lancer, mais il me met toujours ce meme message..

  6. #6
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    Quand je dis démarré je parle d'easy php (apache ok).

  7. #7
    RDM est déconnecté
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    quelle est l'URL qui invoke XMLRAD ?

    si tu fais http://localhost/ tu dois voir une page Aapche ou EasyPHP

  8. #8
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    et bien c'est une bonne question... c'est la première fois que j'installe xmlrad, je ne sais meme pas a quoi ca ressemble... Mais en effet localhost m'affiche la racine du répertoire www d'easy php. (une page m'affiche l'ensemble de mes projets dans easy php)

    Quant à l'url qui appelle xmlrad je n'en ai aucune idée??
    Lorsque je fais l'installation y a t-il des choses importantes à stipuler?? Je vais le désinstaller et j'attend ta reponse pour effectuer la réinstallation.

    Je pense que c'est la meilleure chose.

  9. #9
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    eh bien à la fin de l'installation il essaye de lancer XMLRAD c'est à dire il lance le navigateur par défaut vers (pour apache) http://nommachine/XMLRADBin/

    si après réinstallation ca ne marche pas, copie la fin de ton fichier httpd.conf ( C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\apache\conf\httpd.conf)
    il doit y avoir une référence a XMLRAD dedans

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