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| SELECT Count(Commandes.[N° commande]) AS [CompteDeN° commande], Clients.[Code client], Clients.NOM, Clients.Prenom,
Clients.Nationalité, Commandes.Orientation, First(Commandes.[Date commande]) AS [PremierDeDate commande]
FROM tblParamètres, Clients INNER JOIN Commandes ON Clients.[Code client] = Commandes.[Code client]
GROUP BY Clients.[Code client], Clients.NOM, Clients.Prenom, Clients.Nationalité, Commandes.Orientation
HAVING (((Count(Commandes.[N° commande]))>=1) AND ((Clients.Nationalité) Like [taper les trois premières lettres et
*]) AND ((Commandes.Orientation)=[TAPER ORIENT]) AND ((First(Commandes.[Date commande])) Between [date debut] And [date
fin])); |