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| clc;
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% We will do a per phase analysis
%% Input Data
R1=0.125; % Stator resistance per phase (delta)
f=50; % Frequency
Poles=4; % No. of poles
% No load Test Data
%No load Currents
I1=18.3; % Line current at no load
%No load Applied Voltage
V_nl=401.6; %line to line voltage
Pin_nl=835; % No Load total input Power = 3*I1*V_nl*PF_nl
%% Calculation using no-load test data
V1=V_nl/sqrt(3); % Calculate phase voltage for per phase circuit
P1=Pin_nl/3; % active power per phase
P_scl=3*I1*I1*R1; % Stator copper losses
P_rot=Pin_nl-P_scl; % Rotational Losses
PF_nl=Pin_nl/(3*V1*I1); % No load power factor = cos(theta)
angle_nl=acos(PF_nl)*180/pi; % No load power factor angle in degrees
angle_nl_r=acos(PF_nl); % No load power factor angle in radians
Q1=V1*I1*sin(angle_nl_r); % reactive power per phase
%Note that we can confirm that sqrt(3)*I1*V_nl=sqrt(P1^2+(3*Q1)^2) as
% i. e. sqrt(835^2+(3*4234)^2) = 12729
disp(['No load calculations to find the parameters Rc and Xm without approximation with the line current'])
disp(['Sator Resistance = R1 = ' num2str(R1) ' ohm'])
disp(['Line to line voltage = V_nl = ' num2str(V_nl) ' V']);
disp(['No load Current = I1 = ' num2str(I1) ' A']);
disp(['No load Input Power Pin = Pin = ' num2str(Pin_nl) ' W'])
disp(['Phase Voltage at no load = V1 = ' num2str(V1) ' V']);
disp(['No Load power factor = PFnl = ' num2str(PF_nl)]);
disp(['Power factor angle = phi = ' num2str(angle_nl) ' degree']);
disp(['Stator Copper Losses = Pscl = ' num2str(P_scl) ' W']);
disp(['Rotational Losses = Prot = ' num2str(P_rot) ' W']);
Rc=subs(Rc) |