1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
SET ThousandSep='*';
SET DecimalSep=',';
SET MoneyThousandSep='*';
SET MoneyDecimalSep=',';
SET MoneyFormat='#*##0,00 ;-#*##0,00 ';
SET TimeFormat='hh:mm:ss';
SET DateFormat='DD/MM/YYYY';
SET TimestampFormat='DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss[.fff]';
SET MonthNames='janv.;févr.;mars;avr.;mai;juin;juil.;août;sept.;oct.;nov.;déc.';
SET DayNames='lun.;mar.;mer.;jeu.;ven.;sam.;dim.';
mapping load * inline [
<div>, ' '
<div>, ' '
</div>, ' '
, ' '
'string;#',' '
'datetime;#', ' '];
LOAD ows_RRH_x0020_Date as date_creat_t,
'' as type_sous_traitant_t,
'Suivit recrutement' as Canal_t,
ows_Pr_x00e9_nom as prenom_t,
ows_LinkTitle as nom_t,
ows_Formation as societe_t ,
ows_Types as profile_t ,
ows_Comp_x00e9_tences_x0020_techniqu as competence_t,
'' as cout_t,
ows_Statut as statut_t,
ows_Date_x0020_proposition as date_arrive_t,
ows_Commentaires as commentaire_t,
'' as projet_t,
//ows_ID as ID ,
ows_P_x00f4_le as pole_t
FROM [http://ws2.global.logica.com/sites/010572/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?XMLDATA=1&List={7B9A91BE-A7CD-4DFB-AED5-9793BA16F1EA}&View={0BF72D00-A7B8-49C1-9720-06188C986055}&RowLimit=0&RootFolder=%2fsites%2f010572%2fLists%2fSuivi%20recrutement] (XmlSimple, Table is [xml/data/row]);
//sous traitant
LOAD ows_Date_x0020_CV as date_creat_t,
ows_Type_x0020_Sous_x0020_traitance as type_sous_traitant_t,
'Sous-Traitant' as Canal_t,
ows_LinkTitle as nom_t,
ows_Pr_x00e9_nom as prenom_t,
ows_Soci_x00e9_t_x00e9_ as societe_t,
ows_Fonction_x0020_Qualifi_x00e9_e_x as profile_t,
ows_Comp_x00e9_tences_x0020_techniqu as competence_t,
ows_Tarif_x0020_jour_x0020__x20ac_ as cout_t,
ows_Statut as statut_t,
ows_Date_x0020_possible_x0020_embauc as date_arrive_t,
ows_Commentaire as commentaire_t,
ows_Nom_x0020_Projet as projet_t,
ows_Commentaires_x0020_Pr_x00e9__x00 as pre_embauche_t ,
//ows_ID as id_st,
ows_P_x00f4_le as pole_t
FROM [http://ws2.global.logica.com/sites/010572/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?XMLDATA=1&List={136669F9-716B-478F-B16C-5EB214F1E513}&View={BCC6FDF5-4114-49AC-843C-EFFF92BE96A1}&RowLimit=0&RootFolder=%2fsites%2f010572%2fLists%2fSuivi%20des%20AT] (XmlSimple, Table is [xml/data/row]);
LOAD ows_Date_x0020_Entretien_x0020_RH as date_creat_t,
'' as type_sous_traitant_t,
'Stagiaire' as Canal_t,
ows_Nom as nom_t,
ows_Pr_x00e9_nom as prenom_t,
ows_Formation as societe_t,
'' as profile_t,
'' as competence_t,
'' as cout_t,
ows_Genre as statut_t,
ows_Date_x0020_Fin_x0020_Stage as date_arrive_t,
'' as commentaire_t,
ows_Projet as projet_t,
ows_Campagne as campagne,
//ows_ID as id_s,
ows_P_x00f4_le as pole_t
FROM [http://ws2.global.logica.com/sites/010572/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?XMLDATA=1&List={8999F55A-2218-4009-B947-513A616D9D2E}&View={CC907766-F1D7-4EDC-9910-2C561E859E95}&RowLimit=0&RootFolder=%2fsites%2f010572%2fLists%2fSuivi%20des%20Stages] (XmlSimple, Table is [xml/data/row]);
load date_creat_t as date_creat_1,
type_sous_traitant_t as type_sous_traitant_1,
Canal_t as Canal_1,
nom_t as nom_1,
prenom_t as prenom_1,
societe_t as societe_1,
profile_t as profile_1,
MapSubstring('map1',competence_t) as competence_1,
cout_t as cout_1,
statut_t as statut_1,
date_arrive_t as date_arrive_1,
MapSubstring('map1',commentaire_t) as commentaire_1,
projet_t as projet_1,
pre_embauche_t as pre_embauche_1,
pole_t as pole_1
Resident Tableau_temp Where pole_t = 'NTI' and (campagne>=year(Today()) or IsNull(campagne) = -1);
load date_creat_1 as date_creat,
type_sous_traitant_1 as type_sous_traitant,
Canal_1 as Canal,
nom_1 as nom,
prenom_1 as pnom,
societe_1 as societe,
profile_1 as profile,
competence_1 as competence,
cout_1 as cout,
statut_1 as statut,
mapsubstring('map1',date_arrive_1) as date_arrive,
commentaire_1 as commentaire,
projet_1 as projet,
pre_embauche_1 as pre_embauche,
pole_1 as pole
Resident tableau_1 Where statut_1 = 'Fin de cycle' or statut_1 = 'Accord embauche' or statut_1 = 'Entretiens EC' or statut_1 = 'Proposition faite' or statut_1 = 'Vivier'
or (statut_1 = '1-Nouveau' and pre_embauche_1 = 'Oui')
or (statut_1 = '1-Nouveau' and pre_embauche_1 = 'A préciser par le DP')
or (statut_1 = '1-Nouveau' and pre_embauche_1 = 'Non')
or (statut_1 = '2-Qualification' and pre_embauche_1 = 'A préciser par le DP')
or (statut_1 = '2-Qualification' and pre_embauche_1 = 'Non')
or (statut_1 = '2-Qualification' and pre_embauche_1 = 'Oui')
or (statut_1 = '4-Contrat en cours'and pre_embauche_1 = 'Oui');
drop Table tableau_1 ;
drop Table Tableau_temp ; |