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__global__ void dot( float *a, float *b, float *c ) {
__shared__ float cache[threadsPerBlock];
int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
int cacheIndex = threadIdx.x;
float temp = 0;
while (tid < N) {
temp += a[tid] * b[tid];
tid += blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
// set the cache values
cache[cacheIndex] = temp;
// synchronize threads in this block
// for reductions, threadsPerBlock must be a power of 2
// because of the following code
int i = blockDim.x/2;
while (i != 0) {
if (cacheIndex < i)
cache[cacheIndex] += cache[cacheIndex + i];
i /= 2;
if (cacheIndex == 0)
c[blockIdx.x] = cache[0];
} |