5th december 2016 : Version 2.00
- Added: Android App support (Windows version only)
- Added: iOS App creation support (MacOS version only)
- Added: InAppPurchase library (Android only)
- Added: new 'Create App' window in the IDE to ease the app creation
- Added: app name field for WebApp
- Added: default browser choice in Preferences -> Compiler
- Added: too old browser detection when launching an app
- Added: a lot of switch to the commandline compiler to support mobile app
- Added: custom headers support to HttpRequest()
- Added: #PB_Text_VerticalCenter flag to TextGadget()
- Added: touch support to window dragging and resizing
- Added: IsScreenActive()
- Optimized: reduced greatly DOJO footprint for much faster app loading
- Optimized: minified most of the spiderlibraries dependencies to reduce footprint
- Updated: DOJO to lastest 1.11.2 version
- Changed: Moved the old 'Export' panel to new 'Create App' window
- Changed: OSX compiler is now bundled in the main SpiderBasic app for easier installation
- Changed: New dmg for OSX for drag'n'drop install to support Sierra
- Changed: Examples on Windows are now installed in 'common app' folder to avoid permission issues
- Fixed: Many bug fixes