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VMware Discussion :

SOS crashs ESXI à répétition

Sujet :


  1. #1
    Membre du Club Avatar de Aquarius77
    Homme Profil pro
    Développeur Java
    Inscrit en
    Septembre 2011
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Seine et Marne (Île de France)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Développeur Java
    Secteur : Aéronautique - Marine - Espace - Armement

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Septembre 2011
    Messages : 9
    Points : 46
    Par défaut SOS crashs ESXI à répétition

    Je teste la virtualisation sous ESXI 6.5.0 depuis quelques jours, et ça commence assez mal car le serveur (host) se met parfois à ne plus répondre.
    Que ce soit avec le clavier sur le host, via le client léger ou via ssh il ne répond plus, et les VMs non plus, ce qui ne me laisse pas d'autre choix que de rebooter le host

    J'aimerais comprendre ce qui entraîne ces plantages, mais pour le moment je ne sais pas trop où chercher. Pourriez-vous me donner quelques conseils ?

    Voici quelques éléments d'analyse:

    Serveur ESXI:
    Intel I7 3770S
    Asus PBZ77-M
    Samsung SSD série 830 x2
    32 GO RAM (DDR3)

    Config ESXI:
    ESXI 6.5.0
    3 VM Ubuntu Server 16.10

    Merci pour vos retours !

  2. #2
    Responsable Systèmes

    Homme Profil pro
    Gestion de parcs informatique
    Inscrit en
    Août 2011
    17 749
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Paris (Île de France)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Gestion de parcs informatique
    Secteur : High Tech - Matériel informatique

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Août 2011
    Messages : 17 749
    Points : 43 894
    43 894
    Par défaut
    Il faut regarder les logs.
    Une liste des logs pour esxi 5, devrait être assez proche pour le 6.

  3. #3
    Membre du Club Avatar de Aquarius77
    Homme Profil pro
    Développeur Java
    Inscrit en
    Septembre 2011
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Seine et Marne (Île de France)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Développeur Java
    Secteur : Aéronautique - Marine - Espace - Armement

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Septembre 2011
    Messages : 9
    Points : 46
    Par défaut
    Citation Envoyé par chrtophe Voir le message
    Il faut regarder les logs.
    Une liste des logs pour esxi 5, devrait être assez proche pour le 6.
    chrtophe merci pour le lien. En me relisant je me rends compte que j'ai été trop vague dans ma demande.

    En fait, je souhaiterais 2 choses:

    1) avoir un retour d'expérience et des conseils sur la manière d'investiguer:

    OK pour les logs mais comment les obtenir ? Est-ce bien par la création d'un "bundle de support" via le client léger ? Moi j'ai fait comme
    ça car je suis tombé sur cette option dans l'ihm mais ça n'est peut-être pas la bonne manière de faire ?
    Une fois qu'on a les logs y en a beaucoup. Et ils sont volumineux. Suite à un crash est-ce que je peux cibler ou
    axer ma recherche sur un fichier log précis ? (je pense au vmkernel.log ou au vmwarning.log par exemple ?)
    Et quand on est sur un fichier log, peut-on faire une recherche sur un terme précis ? Par exemple "error", "warning, "panic" etc...
    Je procède avec ces filtres sous Linux mais avec ESXI je peux peut-être utiliser un autre mot-clef de recherche ?

    Bref, en résumé quand votre esxi crashe comment faites-vous (méthodologie) pour optimiser votre recherche sur la cause du plantage ?

    2) trouver la cause exacte de mes plantages ESXI:

    Là c'est pas gagné car des erreurs j'en ai plusieurs dans les logs. Et je ne les comprends pas forcément toutes.
    Au prochain plantage je rajouterai à ce post les erreurs qui apparaissent, en espérant que vous pourrez m'aider à comprendre.

  4. #4
    Membre du Club Avatar de Aquarius77
    Homme Profil pro
    Développeur Java
    Inscrit en
    Septembre 2011
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Seine et Marne (Île de France)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Développeur Java
    Secteur : Aéronautique - Marine - Espace - Armement

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Septembre 2011
    Messages : 9
    Points : 46
    Par défaut
    Bon...nouveau crash Voici ce que je trouve dans les logs:


    2017-04-19T16:04:07.387Z cpu4:65565)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 820: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
    0:00:00:04.690 cpu0:65536)WARNING: Serial: 274: logPort initialization failed
    0:00:00:04.690 cpu0:65536)WARNING: Serial: 283: gdbPort initialization failed
    0:00:00:04.690 cpu0:65536)WARNING: Serial: 300: shellPort initialization failed
    0:00:00:04.690 cpu0:65536)WARNING: Serial: 317: consolePort initialization failed
    2017-04-19T17:20:25.275Z cpu4:65930)WARNING: xhci_pci_attach:208: xhci devid 0x1e318086: Success
    2017-04-19T17:20:27.934Z cpu1:65875)WARNING: NetDVS: 681: portAlias is NULL
    2017-04-19T17:20:39Z mark: storage-path-claim-completed
    2017-04-19T17:20:37.496Z cpu7:66350)WARNING: FTCpt: 875: Using IPv4 address to start server listener
    2017-04-19T17:20:54.040Z cpu0:67702)WARNING: kbdmode_set:440: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
    2017-04-19T17:22:08.311Z cpu1:65562)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:08.362Z cpu1:65562)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:09.721Z cpu1:65562)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:10.345Z cpu1:65562)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:12.210Z cpu5:65566)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:12.338Z cpu1:65562)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:13.519Z cpu0:65561)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:14.341Z cpu6:65567)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:15.069Z cpu4:67969)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41_VSIGetMaxQueueDepth:3538: Invalid arg count! (0): Usage <FS>
    2017-04-19T17:22:15.069Z cpu4:67969)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41_VSIGetShares:3396: Invalid arg count! (0): Usage <FS> <worldID>
    2017-04-19T17:22:16.022Z cpu4:67996)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41_VSIGetMaxQueueDepth:3538: Invalid arg count! (0): Usage <FS>
    2017-04-19T17:22:16.022Z cpu4:67996)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41_VSIGetShares:3396: Invalid arg count! (0): Usage <FS> <worldID>
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.683Z cpu0:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:01.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.716Z cpu0:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.723Z cpu0:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.4: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.730Z cpu0:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.5: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.736Z cpu0:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.6: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.767Z cpu4:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.780Z cpu4:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.790Z cpu4:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.969Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:01.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.999Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:22.007Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.4: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:22.013Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.5: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:22.020Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.6: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:22.051Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:22.065Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:22.075Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:27.507Z cpu7:67969)WARNING: Tcpip_Vmk: 781: vmk_get_gateway failed with error = 0x2d, status = 0xbad0105
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.933Z cpu1:67996)WARNING: Tcpip_Vmk: 781: vmk_get_gateway failed with error = 0x2d, status = 0xbad0105
    2017-04-19T17:22:51.286Z cpu2:65563)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:51.344Z cpu2:66064)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:52.035Z cpu2:65563)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:52.341Z cpu4:65565)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:23:56.544Z cpu1:65562)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:23:57.336Z cpu4:65565)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...


    2017-04-19T17:20:53.485Z cpu0:67674)Starting up rc scripts
    2017-04-19T17:20:54.040Z cpu0:67702)WARNING: kbdmode_set:440: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
    2017-04-19T17:21:59.196Z cpu0:65720)nrandom: credit_entropy_bits:856: random: nonblocking pool is initialized
    2017-04-19T17:22:08.131Z cpu5:67969)VMKStats: 599: Failed to acquire page pool stats for WorldYieldTarget (Operation not permitted), used memory count won't be useful
    2017-04-19T17:22:08.131Z cpu5:67969)VMKStats: 599: Failed to acquire page pool stats for worldlets (Operation not permitted), used memory count won't be useful
    2017-04-19T17:22:08.131Z cpu5:67969)VMKStats: 599: Failed to acquire page pool stats for Interrupts (Operation not permitted), used memory count won't be useful
    2017-04-19T17:22:08.131Z cpu5:67969)VMKStats: 599: Failed to acquire page pool stats for Default (Operation not permitted), used memory count won't be useful
    2017-04-19T17:22:08.131Z cpu5:67969)VMKStats: 599: Failed to acquire page pool stats for Default (Operation not permitted), used memory count won't be useful
    2017-04-19T17:22:08.311Z cpu1:65562)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3617: Cmd 0x9e (0x439500b76500, 0) to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" on path "vmhba0:C0:T0:L0" Failed: H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data$
    2017-04-19T17:22:08.311Z cpu1:65562)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:08.311Z cpu1:65562)ScsiDeviceIO: 2927: Cmd(0x439500b76500) 0x9e, CmdSN 0x6a5 from world 0 to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" failed H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data: 0x75 0x70 0x64.
    2017-04-19T17:22:08.362Z cpu1:65562)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:08.671Z cpu1:65562)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3546: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______ repeated 10 times
    2017-04-19T17:22:09.185Z cpu1:65562)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3546: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______ repeated 20 times
    2017-04-19T17:22:09.721Z cpu1:65562)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3617: Cmd 0x9e (0x439500b50400, 0) to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" on path "vmhba0:C0:T1:L0" Failed: H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data$
    2017-04-19T17:22:09.721Z cpu1:65562)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:09.721Z cpu1:65562)ScsiDeviceIO: 2927: Cmd(0x439500b50400) 0x9e, CmdSN 0x6e4 from world 0 to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" failed H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data: 0x75 0x70 0x64.
    2017-04-19T17:22:10.241Z cpu1:65562)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3546: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______ repeated 10 times
    2017-04-19T17:22:10.345Z cpu1:65562)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:11.213Z cpu5:67969)NMP: nmpStateLogger:3203: NMP module ID: 1c.
    2017-04-19T17:22:11.213Z cpu5:67969)NMP: nmpStateLogger:3204: NMP heap ID: 0x4304e8e6a000.
    2017-04-19T17:22:11.213Z cpu5:67969)NMP: nmpStateLogger:3216: NMP is managing 2 devices:
    2017-04-19T17:22:11.972Z cpu5:67996)VMKStats: 599: Failed to acquire page pool stats for WorldYieldTarget (Operation not permitted), used memory count won't be useful
    2017-04-19T17:22:11.972Z cpu5:67996)VMKStats: 599: Failed to acquire page pool stats for worldlets (Operation not permitted), used memory count won't be useful
    2017-04-19T17:22:11.972Z cpu5:67996)VMKStats: 599: Failed to acquire page pool stats for Interrupts (Operation not permitted), used memory count won't be useful
    2017-04-19T17:22:11.972Z cpu5:67996)VMKStats: 599: Failed to acquire page pool stats for Default (Operation not permitted), used memory count won't be useful
    2017-04-19T17:22:11.972Z cpu5:67996)VMKStats: 599: Failed to acquire page pool stats for Default (Operation not permitted), used memory count won't be useful
    2017-04-19T17:22:12.210Z cpu5:65566)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:12.210Z cpu5:65566)ScsiDeviceIO: 2927: Cmd(0x439500b0ae80) 0x28, CmdSN 0x6b from world 67969 to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" failed H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data: 0x75 0x70 0x64.
    2017-04-19T17:22:12.285Z cpu5:65566)ScsiDeviceIO: 2927: Cmd(0x439500bb8280) 0x2a, CmdSN 0x6c from world 65551 to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" failed H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data: 0x0 0x0 0x0.
    2017-04-19T17:22:12.338Z cpu1:65562)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:12.459Z cpu0:65561)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3546: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______ repeated 40 times
    2017-04-19T17:22:12.856Z cpu5:65566)ScsiDeviceIO: 2927: Cmd(0x439500b59380) 0x2a, CmdSN 0x74 from world 65551 to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" failed H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data: 0x0 0x0 0x0.
    2017-04-19T17:22:12.987Z cpu5:65566)ScsiDeviceIO: 2927: Cmd(0x439500b0b200) 0x28, CmdSN 0x75 from world 67969 to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" failed H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data: 0x0 0x0 0x0.
    2017-04-19T17:22:13.353Z cpu1:65562)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3546: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______ repeated 80 times
    2017-04-19T17:22:13.519Z cpu0:65561)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:13.519Z cpu0:65561)ScsiDeviceIO: 2927: Cmd(0x439500bb8980) 0x28, CmdSN 0x68 from world 67969 to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" failed H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data: 0x75 0x70 0x64.
    2017-04-19T17:22:13.534Z cpu0:65561)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3546: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______ repeated 20 times
    2017-04-19T17:22:14.096Z cpu0:65561)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3546: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______ repeated 40 times
    2017-04-19T17:22:14.341Z cpu6:65567)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:15.053Z cpu1:67996)NMP: nmpStateLogger:3203: NMP module ID: 1c.
    2017-04-19T17:22:15.053Z cpu1:67996)NMP: nmpStateLogger:3204: NMP heap ID: 0x4304e8e6a000.
    2017-04-19T17:22:15.053Z cpu1:67996)NMP: nmpStateLogger:3216: NMP is managing 2 devices:
    2017-04-19T17:22:15.069Z cpu4:67969)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41_VSIGetMaxQueueDepth:3538: Invalid arg count! (0): Usage <FS>
    2017-04-19T17:22:15.069Z cpu4:67969)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41_VSIGetShares:3396: Invalid arg count! (0): Usage <FS> <worldID>
    2017-04-19T17:22:15.069Z cpu4:67969)VFLASHVSI: 875: Module vfc does not support VFLASH_IOCTL_GET_PRIVATE_INFO.
    2017-04-19T17:22:16.022Z cpu4:67996)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41_VSIGetMaxQueueDepth:3538: Invalid arg count! (0): Usage <FS>
    2017-04-19T17:22:16.022Z cpu4:67996)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41_VSIGetShares:3396: Invalid arg count! (0): Usage <FS> <worldID>
    2017-04-19T17:22:16.022Z cpu4:67996)VFLASHVSI: 875: Module vfc does not support VFLASH_IOCTL_GET_PRIVATE_INFO.
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.683Z cpu0:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:01.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.716Z cpu0:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.723Z cpu0:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.4: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.730Z cpu0:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.5: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.736Z cpu0:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.6: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.767Z cpu4:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.780Z cpu4:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.790Z cpu4:67969)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.969Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:01.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:21.999Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:22.007Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.4: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:22.013Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.5: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:22.020Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:00:1c.6: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:22.051Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:22.065Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:22.075Z cpu0:67996)WARNING: PCI: 179: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
    2017-04-19T17:22:27.506Z cpu7:67969)NetLB: 2242: Driver claims supporting 0 TX queues, and 0 queues are accepted.
    2017-04-19T17:22:27.506Z cpu7:67969)NetLB: 2246: Driver claims supporting 0 RX queues, and 0 queues are accepted.
    2017-04-19T17:22:27.507Z cpu7:67969)WARNING: Tcpip_Vmk: 781: vmk_get_gateway failed with error = 0x2d, status = 0xbad0105
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.249Z cpu7:67969)Tcpip_Vmk: 129: get connection pkt trace failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.249Z cpu7:67969)Tcpip_Vmk: 129: get connection pkt trace failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.249Z cpu7:67969)Tcpip_Vmk: 96: get connection stats failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.251Z cpu7:67969)Tcpip_Vmk: 129: get connection pkt trace failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.251Z cpu7:67969)Tcpip_Vmk: 129: get connection pkt trace failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.251Z cpu7:67969)Tcpip_Vmk: 96: get connection stats failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.252Z cpu7:67969)Tcpip_Vmk: 129: get connection pkt trace failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.252Z cpu7:67969)Tcpip_Vmk: 129: get connection pkt trace failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.252Z cpu7:67969)Tcpip_Vmk: 96: get connection stats failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.933Z cpu1:67996)NetLB: 2242: Driver claims supporting 0 TX queues, and 0 queues are accepted.
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.933Z cpu1:67996)NetLB: 2246: Driver claims supporting 0 RX queues, and 0 queues are accepted.
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.933Z cpu1:67996)WARNING: Tcpip_Vmk: 781: vmk_get_gateway failed with error = 0x2d, status = 0xbad0105
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.935Z cpu1:67996)Tcpip_Vmk: 129: get connection pkt trace failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.935Z cpu1:67996)Tcpip_Vmk: 129: get connection pkt trace failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.935Z cpu1:67996)Tcpip_Vmk: 96: get connection stats failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.937Z cpu1:67996)Tcpip_Vmk: 129: get connection pkt trace failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.937Z cpu1:67996)Tcpip_Vmk: 129: get connection pkt trace failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:28.937Z cpu1:67996)Tcpip_Vmk: 96: get connection stats failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:29.335Z cpu1:67996)Tcpip_Vmk: 129: get connection pkt trace failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:29.335Z cpu1:67996)Tcpip_Vmk: 129: get connection pkt trace failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:29.336Z cpu1:67996)Tcpip_Vmk: 96: get connection stats failed with error code 195887136
    2017-04-19T17:22:35.210Z cpu4:67948)BC: 3571: Pool 1: Blocking due to no free buffers. nDirty = 63 nWaiters = 1
    2017-04-19T17:22:41.876Z cpu2:68601)BC: 3571: Pool 1: Blocking due to no free buffers. nDirty = 3 nWaiters = 1
    2017-04-19T17:22:41.888Z cpu0:68587)BC: 3571: Pool 1: Blocking due to no free buffers. nDirty = 0 nWaiters = 1
    2017-04-19T17:22:41.890Z cpu5:68587)BC: 3571: Pool 1: Blocking due to no free buffers. nDirty = 0 nWaiters = 1
    2017-04-19T17:22:41.966Z cpu5:68587)BC: 3571: Pool 0: Blocking due to no free buffers. nDirty = 209 nWaiters = 1
    2017-04-19T17:22:41.966Z cpu4:68587)BC: 3571: Pool 0: Blocking due to no free buffers. nDirty = 209 nWaiters = 1
    2017-04-19T17:22:41.966Z cpu4:68587)BC: 3571: Pool 0: Blocking due to no free buffers. nDirty = 209 nWaiters = 1
    2017-04-19T17:22:41.966Z cpu7:68601)BC: 3571: Pool 0: Blocking due to no free buffers. nDirty = 209 nWaiters = 1
    2017-04-19T17:22:41.967Z cpu7:68601)BC: 3571: Pool 0: Blocking due to no free buffers. nDirty = 209 nWaiters = 1
    2017-04-19T17:22:41.967Z cpu7:68601)BC: 3571: Pool 0: Blocking due to no free buffers. nDirty = 209 nWaiters = 1
    2017-04-19T17:22:42.726Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "vvol" "storagecontainer" "list" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:44.110Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "hardware" "pci" "list" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:44.243Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "iscsi" "physicalnetworkportal" "list" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:44.316Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "system" "hostname" "get" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:44.400Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "nmp" "device" "list" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:44.509Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "core" "device" "list" "--exclude-offline" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:44.731Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "core" "device" "list" "--exclude-offline" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:44.870Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "nmp" "device" "list" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:44.944Z DEBUG Querying disks
    2017-04-19T17:22:44.944Z DEBUG Executing: localcli --formatter=json vsan storage list
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.036Z INFO b'\n[\n]\n'
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.164Z DEBUG lun -- t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.164Z DEBUG Trying /vmfs/devices/disks/t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.321Z DEBUG Found overlap in fsTable: 'vmfs3' .. overriding '<class 'weasel.fsset.vmfs3FileSystem'>' with '<class 'weasel.fsset.vmfs3FileSystem'>'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.321Z DEBUG Executing: partedUtil getptbl /vmfs/devices/disks/t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.498Z INFO b'gpt\n15566 255 63 250069680\n1 64 8191 C12A7328F81F11D2BA4B00A0C93EC93B systemPartition 128\n5 8224 520191 EBD0A0A2B9E5443387C068B6B72699C7 linuxNative 0\n6 520224 1032191 EBD0A0A2B9E5443387C068B6B72699C7 linuxNative $
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.499Z DEBUG Got partGeom: '['1', '64', '8191', 'C12A7328F81F11D2BA4B00A0C93EC93B', 'systemPartition', '128']'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.499Z DEBUG Got partGeom: '['5', '8224', '520191', 'EBD0A0A2B9E5443387C068B6B72699C7', 'linuxNative', '0']'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.499Z DEBUG Got partGeom: '['6', '520224', '1032191', 'EBD0A0A2B9E5443387C068B6B72699C7', 'linuxNative', '0']'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.500Z DEBUG Got partGeom: '['7', '1032224', '1257471', '9D27538040AD11DBBF97000C2911D1B8', 'vmkDiagnostic', '0']'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.500Z DEBUG Got partGeom: '['8', '1257504', '1843199', 'EBD0A0A2B9E5443387C068B6B72699C7', 'linuxNative', '0']'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.500Z DEBUG Got partGeom: '['9', '1843200', '7086079', '9D27538040AD11DBBF97000C2911D1B8', 'vmkDiagnostic', '0']'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.500Z DEBUG Got partGeom: '['2', '7086080', '15472639', 'EBD0A0A2B9E5443387C068B6B72699C7', 'linuxNative', '0']'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.501Z DEBUG Got partGeom: '['3', '15472640', '250069646', 'AA31E02A400F11DB9590000C2911D1B8', 'vmfs', '0']'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.516Z cpu5:68528)VC: 4511: Device rescan time 5 msec (total number of devices 6)
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.516Z cpu5:68528)VC: 4514: Filesystem probe time 9 msec (devices probed 5 of 6)
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.516Z cpu5:68528)VC: 4516: Refresh open volume time 0 msec
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.516Z DEBUG Executing: localcli storage filesystem automount
    2017-04-19T17:22:45.600Z INFO b''
    2017-04-19T17:22:51.286Z cpu2:65563)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:51.286Z cpu2:65563)ScsiDeviceIO: 2927: Cmd(0x439500b5b300) 0x2a, CmdSN 0x59 from world 65551 to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" failed H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data: 0x75 0x70 0x64.
    2017-04-19T17:22:51.286Z cpu2:66064)ScsiDeviceIO: 2927: Cmd(0x439500ae0080) 0x28, CmdSN 0xccd2 from world 65854 to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" failed H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data: 0x0 0x0 0x0.
    2017-04-19T17:22:51.344Z cpu2:66064)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:51.863Z cpu2:65563)ScsiDeviceIO: 2927: Cmd(0x4395009d6200) 0x2a, CmdSN 0x62 from world 65551 to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" failed H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data: 0x0 0x0 0x0.
    2017-04-19T17:22:52.035Z cpu2:65563)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:52.035Z cpu2:65563)ScsiDeviceIO: 2927: Cmd(0x439500b72600) 0x9e, CmdSN 0x8d3 from world 0 to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" failed H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data: 0x75 0x70 0x64.
    2017-04-19T17:22:52.224Z cpu2:65563)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3546: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______ repeated 80 times
    2017-04-19T17:22:52.341Z cpu4:65565)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.516Z cpu5:65566)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3546: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______ repeated 160 times
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.625Z INFO Discovered lun -- t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______ (console /vmfs/devices/disks/t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______) -- ATA SAMSUNG SSD 8$
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.626Z DEBUG lun -- t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.626Z DEBUG Trying /vmfs/devices/disks/t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.650Z DEBUG Found overlap in fsTable: 'vmfs3' .. overriding '<class 'weasel.fsset.vmfs3FileSystem'>' with '<class 'weasel.fsset.vmfs3FileSystem'>'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.650Z DEBUG Executing: partedUtil getptbl /vmfs/devices/disks/t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.697Z INFO b'gpt\n15566 255 63 250069680\n1 128 250069640 AA31E02A400F11DB9590000C2911D1B8 vmfs 0\n'
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.698Z DEBUG Got partGeom: '['1', '128', '250069640', 'AA31E02A400F11DB9590000C2911D1B8', 'vmfs', '0']'.
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.698Z INFO Discovered lun -- t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______ (console /vmfs/devices/disks/t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______) -- ATA SAMSUNG SSD 8$
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.704Z INFO Scanning t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______ for any installs ...
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.704Z INFO Load vfat, rescanVmfs and automount all at once.
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.721Z cpu0:68528)VC: 4511: Device rescan time 3 msec (total number of devices 6)
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.721Z cpu0:68528)VC: 4514: Filesystem probe time 11 msec (devices probed 5 of 6)
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.722Z cpu0:68528)VC: 4516: Refresh open volume time 0 msec
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.722Z DEBUG Executing: localcli storage filesystem automount
    2017-04-19T17:22:54.803Z INFO b''
    2017-04-19T17:23:00.812Z DEBUG Found bootbank partition 5
    2017-04-19T17:23:00.813Z DEBUG Found bootbank partition 6
    2017-04-19T17:23:00.813Z DEBUG Found locker partition 8
    2017-04-19T17:23:00.814Z DEBUG Parsing bootconfig file: /vmfs/volumes/f1658a76-f0bb2e3c-7cd4-15bf14b2d53a/boot.cfg
    2017-04-19T17:23:00.816Z DEBUG Parsing bootconfig file: /vmfs/volumes/9c9e567b-8c6c4e18-d60c-2a25a931f1af/boot.cfg
    2017-04-19T17:23:00.817Z INFO Found ESXi on t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______: {esx : False; esxi : True; lopsided : None; version: (6, 5, 0)}.
    2017-04-19T17:23:00.894Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "nmp" "device" "list" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:23:00.972Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "nmp" "device" "list" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:23:01.069Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "vvol" "vasaprovider" "list" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:23:01.158Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "core" "device" "list" "--exclude-offline" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:23:02.269Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '['/bin/indcfg', '--read', '/tmp/hp_cim_ind_cfg_q0lfvbtv.jsn']', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:23:02.283Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "vvol" "vasacontext" "get" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:23:02.398Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "filesystem" "list" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:23:02.517Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "vmfs" "extent" "list" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:23:02.601Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "core" "device" "partition" "list" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:23:02.675Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "core" "device" "list" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:23:02.804Z INFO runcommand called with: args = '/sbin/localcli --formatter python "storage" "nmp" "device" "list" 2>/dev/null', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.
    2017-04-19T17:23:05.331Z cpu0:65979)NMP: nmp_ResetDeviceLogThrottling:3348: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______ repeated 111 times
    2017-04-19T17:23:35.332Z cpu1:65979)NMP: nmp_ResetDeviceLogThrottling:3348: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______ repeated 5 times
    2017-04-19T17:23:55.258Z cpu1:68807)Config: 706: "NetTraceEnable" = 1, Old Value: 0, (Status: 0x0)
    2017-04-19T17:23:55.259Z cpu1:68807)Config: 706: "NetTraceEnable" = 0, Old Value: 1, (Status: 0x0)
    2017-04-19T17:23:55.259Z cpu1:68807)Config: 706: "NetTraceEnable" = 0, Old Value: 0, (Status: 0x0)
    2017-04-19T17:23:56.544Z cpu1:65562)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3617: Cmd 0x28 (0x439500a1e700, 67947) to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" on path "vmhba0:C0:T0:L0" Failed: H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense $
    2017-04-19T17:23:56.544Z cpu1:65562)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:23:56.544Z cpu1:65562)ScsiDeviceIO: 2927: Cmd(0x439500a1e700) 0x28, CmdSN 0xcf87 from world 67947 to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" failed H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data: 0x75 0x70 0x64.
    2017-04-19T17:23:56.689Z cpu1:65562)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3546: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______ repeated 10 times
    2017-04-19T17:23:56.979Z cpu1:65562)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3546: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______ repeated 20 times
    2017-04-19T17:23:57.165Z cpu1:65562)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3546: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______ repeated 40 times
    2017-04-19T17:23:57.336Z cpu4:65565)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...
    2017-04-19T17:23:57.444Z cpu4:65565)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3546: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______ repeated 80 times
    2017-04-19T17:23:57.646Z cpu4:65565)ScsiDeviceIO: 2927: Cmd(0x4395009e9600) 0x2a, CmdSN 0x5e from world 65551 to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" failed H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data: 0x0 0x0 0x0.
    2017-04-19T17:23:57.718Z cpu4:65565)ScsiDeviceIO: 2927: Cmd(0x439500ab8e00) 0x2a, CmdSN 0x5f from world 65551 to dev "t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______" failed H:0x2 D:0x0 P:0x0 Invalid sense data: 0x0 0x0 0x0.
    2017-04-19T17:23:57.989Z cpu0:65561)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3546: last error status from device t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______ repeated 160 times


    2017-04-18T06:26:08Z vmkeventd[66311]: message handler 1 failed: Busy
    2017-04-19T17:20:23Z vmkeventd[65904]: DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/config": No such file or directory.
    2017-04-19T17:20:23Z vmkeventd[65904]: DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS /usr/lib/vmware/settings
    2017-04-19T17:20:23Z vmkeventd[65904]: DICT --- NON PERSISTENT (null)
    2017-04-19T17:20:23Z vmkeventd[65904]: DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS /etc/vmware/config
    2017-04-19T17:20:23Z vmkeventd[65904]: DICT libdir = "/usr/lib/vmware"
    2017-04-19T17:20:23Z vmkeventd[65904]: DICT authd.proxy.nfc = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfc"
    2017-04-19T17:20:23Z vmkeventd[65904]: DICT authd.proxy.nfcssl = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfcssl"
    2017-04-19T17:20:23Z vmkeventd[65904]: DICT authd.proxy.vpxa-nfcssl = "vmware-vpxa:vpxa-nfcssl"
    2017-04-19T17:20:23Z vmkeventd[65904]: DICT authd.proxy.vpxa-nfc = "vmware-vpxa:vpxa-nfc"
    2017-04-19T17:20:23Z vmkeventd[65904]: DICT authd.fullpath = "/sbin/authd"
    2017-04-19T17:20:23Z vmkeventd[65904]: DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS /usr/lib/vmware/config
    2017-04-19T17:20:23Z vmkeventd[65904]: vmkmod: /vmfs is a not a regular file
    2017-04-19T17:20:23Z vmkeventd[65904]: VMKMod_ComputeModPath failed for module vmfs: "Bad parameter" (bad0007)
    2017-04-19T17:20:39Z mark: storage-path-claim-completed
    2017-04-19T17:20:37Z vmkeventd[66309]: message handler 1 failed: Busy


    2017-04-19T17:22:44Z Host Profiles[68528 opID=MainThread]: WARNING: esxcli command ['system', 'settings', 'advanced', 'list', '-o', '/UserVars/PXEBootEnabled'] failed with error code (1) output: Errors: Unable to find option PXEBootEnabled
    2017-04-19T17:22:49Z smartd: smartmgt: plugin /usr/lib/vmware/smart_plugins/ is already loaded
    2017-04-19T17:22:49Z smartd: smartmgt: plugin /usr/lib/vmware/smart_plugins/ is already loaded
    2017-04-19T17:22:49Z smartd: libsmartsata: is_ata_smart_device:5 buf[82]:1 rc:0
    2017-04-19T17:22:50Z smartd: libsmartsata: is_ata_smart_enabled ata fd:5 val:1
    2017-04-19T17:22:50Z smartd: libsmartsata: ATA SMART device vid:ATA SAMSUNG SSD 830 ! pid:SAMSUNG SSD 830 !
    2017-04-19T17:22:52Z smartd: libsmartsata: closing fd:5
    2017-04-19T17:22:52Z smartd: [warn] t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______: above TEMPERATURE threshold (79 > 0)
    2017-04-19T17:22:52Z smartd: smartmgt: plugin /usr/lib/vmware/smart_plugins/ is already loaded
    2017-04-19T17:22:52Z smartd: smartmgt: plugin /usr/lib/vmware/smart_plugins/ is already loaded
    2017-04-19T17:22:52Z smartd: libsmartsata: is_ata_smart_device:5 buf[82]:1 rc:0
    2017-04-19T17:22:53Z smartd: libsmartsata: is_ata_smart_enabled ata fd:5 val:1
    2017-04-19T17:22:53Z smartd: libsmartsata: ATA SMART device vid:ATA SAMSUNG SSD 830 pid:SAMSUNG SSD 830
    2017-04-19T17:22:54Z smartd: libsmartsata: closing fd:5
    2017-04-19T17:22:54Z smartd: [warn] t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC801564______: above TEMPERATURE threshold (79 > 0)
    2017-04-19T17:23:00Z Host Profiles[68528 opID=MainThread]: INFO: Calling GatherData() for profile type PAMLoginMapProfile
    2017-04-19T17:23:00Z Host Profiles[68528 opID=MainThread]: ERROR: Failed to read configuration file /etc/security/
    2017-04-19T17:23:04Z Host Profiles[68730 opID=MainThread]: WARNING: Failed to unpickle data for systemCache_caching_CachingProfile
    2017-04-19T17:23:04Z python: Scanning 4 VFAT filesystems for scratch storage
    2017-04-19T17:23:04Z python: Ignoring volume (/vmfs/volumes/f1658a76-f0bb2e3c-7cd4-15bf14b2d53a) (does not meet size requirement (4000000000) - 261853184 bytes)
    2017-04-19T17:23:04Z python: Ignoring volume (/vmfs/volumes/9c9e567b-8c6c4e18-d60c-2a25a931f1af) (does not meet size requirement (4000000000) - 261853184 bytes)
    2017-04-19T17:23:04Z python: Ignoring volume (/vmfs/volumes/5855145d-8fee8322-1f02-6805ca17c11f) (does not meet size requirement (4000000000) - 299712512 bytes)
    2017-04-19T17:23:04Z python: found eligible scratch filesystem (/vmfs/volumes/58551469-0170a6f0-7be7-6805ca17c11f) on device (t10.ATA_____SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series__________________S0VYNEAC713474______)
    2017-04-19T17:23:04Z python: Computed scratch location : /vmfs/volumes/58551469-0170a6f0-7be7-6805ca17c11f - uw swap: 1
    2017-04-19T17:23:04Z Host Profiles[68730 opID=MainThread]: INFO: No Boot NIC, trying the Stateless Boot NIC
    2017-04-19T17:23:04Z Host Profiles[68730 opID=MainThread]: WARNING: Error: Boot NIC [''] not in bootMac form
    2017-04-19T17:23:04Z Host Profiles[68730 opID=MainThread]: INFO: NetEsxCli (1492622584.845398):network ip route ipv4 list --netstack defaultTcpipStack
    2017-04-19T17:23:04Z Host Profiles[68730 opID=MainThread]: INFO: NetEsxCli (1492622584.846077):network ip route ipv4 list --netstack defaultTcpipStack
    2017-04-19T17:23:04Z Host Profiles[68730 opID=MainThread]: INFO: NetEsxCli (1492622584.846659):network ip route ipv4 list --netstack defaultTcpipStack
    2017-04-19T17:23:04Z Host Profiles[68730 opID=MainThread]: INFO: Calling GenerateProfileFromConfig for profile NetdumpProfile
    2017-04-19T17:23:56Z smartinfo: smartmgt: plugin /usr/lib/vmware/smart_plugins/ is already loaded
    2017-04-19T17:23:56Z smartinfo: smartmgt: plugin /usr/lib/vmware/smart_plugins/ is already loaded
    2017-04-19T17:23:57Z smartinfo: libsmartsata: is_ata_smart_device:3 buf[82]:1 rc:0
    2017-04-19T17:23:57Z smartinfo: libsmartsata: is_ata_smart_enabled ata fd:3 val:1
    2017-04-19T17:23:57Z smartinfo: libsmartsata: ATA SMART device vid:ATA SAMSUNG SSD 830 ! pid:SAMSUNG SSD 830 !
    2017-04-19T17:23:59Z smartinfo: libsmartsata: closing fd:3
    2017-04-19T17:23:59Z smartinfo: smartmgt: plugin /usr/lib/vmware/smart_plugins/ is already loaded
    2017-04-19T17:23:59Z smartinfo: smartmgt: plugin /usr/lib/vmware/smart_plugins/ is already loaded
    2017-04-19T17:23:59Z smartinfo: libsmartsata: is_ata_smart_device:3 buf[82]:1 rc:0

    Dans tout ça, quelqu'un saurait me dire ce qui a occasionné le crash ? Là à priori je soupçonne un problème disque...

  5. #5
    Responsable Systèmes

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    C'est ce qui semble.

    Je ne sais pas si c'est une bonne idée de mettre des VM sur des disques SSD. Je pense que c'est supporté mais je ne sais pas si c'est bien géré en dehors de booter l'hyperviseur dessus

    Ca peut être un prob. de driver gérant mal celui-ci aussi.

  6. #6
    Membre du Club Avatar de Aquarius77
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    En fait quand j'ai installé les VMs par défaut le contrôleur disque proposé était du SCSI. Je l'avais changé en SATA (mes disques étant SATA...).

    Depuis hier soir j'ai reconfiguré les VMs pour que les contrôleurs disque soient tous en SCSI. Pour le moment plus de plantage...affaire à suivre !

  7. #7
    Responsable Systèmes

    Homme Profil pro
    Gestion de parcs informatique
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    Par défaut
    Il est vrai que VMWare préfère l'utilisation de disques virtuels en SCSI.

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