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| select case
when a.accounttype='Retar' then 'Pénalité de retard'
when a.accounttype='Abt' then 'Abonnement'
when a.accounttype='Dette' then 'Dette maximale'
when a.accounttype='Perdu' then 'Document perdu'
when a.accounttype='Lreco' then 'Lettre recommandée'
when a.accounttype='Badge' then 'Perte badge'
when a.accounttype='w' then 'Perte et profit'
else 'null'
end as type
,a.note, substring_index(convert(sum(a.amount),DECIMAL(8,2)),'-',-1) as montant from borrowers b, borrowers b2, accountlines a where b.borrowernumber=a.manager_id /*and a.amount like '-%'*/ and b.branchcode=<<Site|branches>> and a.note not like '%SANSOBJET%'
a.accounttype in ('Retar','Abt','Dette','Perdu' ,'Lreco','Badge')
and a.date >=<<date sup. égale à |date>> and a.date <=<<date inf. égale à|date>>
group by a.date,type,b2.surname,b2.firstname,b2.cardnumber,a.note |