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Import/Export Oracle Discussion :

File error dans expdp et tout ok dans Crosscheck et Vaklidate Rman

Sujet :

Import/Export Oracle

  1. #1
    Membre du Club
    Homme Profil pro
    DBA Oracle
    Inscrit en
    Mai 2006
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    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Alpes Maritimes (Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : DBA Oracle

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Mai 2006
    Messages : 166
    Points : 41
    Par défaut File error dans expdp et tout ok dans Crosscheck et Vaklidate Rman

    j’ai une erreur sur un DUMP, un block file en erreur :

    . . exported "SAPD01"."PPH_PFE_CHANGE" 154.3 MB 2414816 rows
    ORA-39126: Worker unexpected fatal error in KUPW$WORKER.MAIN [TABLE_DATA:"SAPD01"."RSRWBSTORE"]
    ORA-24795: Illegal ROLLBACK attempt made
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPW$WORKER", line 10577
    ORA-24795: Illegal ROLLBACK attempt made
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPW$WORKER", line 3425
    ORA-24795: Illegal ROLLBACK attempt made
    ORA-24795: Illegal ROLLBACK attempt made
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPW$WORKER", line 16533
    ORA-02354: error in exporting/importing data
    ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file (block # )
    ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file 41 (block # 711682)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 1117) The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 95
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPW$WORKER", line 9724
    ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
    object line object
    handle number name
    000000049CECA848 21988 package body SYS.KUPW$WORKER
    000000049CECA848 9751 package body SYS.KUPW$WORKER
    000000049CECA848 1878 package body SYS.KUPW$WORKER
    0000000497997460 2 anonymous block
    mais ce qui m'etonne c'est que la base s'arrete et redemarre correctement sans rien signaler et que la commande crosscheck de RMAN ne retourne aucune erreur.
    En fait, il y a un block corrompu dans ma base Oracle, seul l'export full me permet de m'en rendre compte

    Est ce normal ?

    pour resoudre ce probleme, sous rman j'ai fait :

    RMAN> blockrecover datafile 41 block 711682;

    Starting recover at 12-NOV-19
    allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
    channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=492 device type=DISK
    allocated channel: ORA_DISK_2
    channel ORA_DISK_2: SID=527 device type=DISK
    allocated channel: ORA_DISK_3
    channel ORA_DISK_3: SID=562 device type=DISK

    starting media recovery
    media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:00

    Finished recover at 12-NOV-19
    maintenant 'attends le resultat de l'export full pour voir si le pb est résolu.

    votre avis


  2. #2

    Homme Profil pro
    Consultant / formateur Oracle et SQL Server
    Inscrit en
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    Localisation : France, Var (Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur)

    Informations professionnelles :
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    Par défaut
    Citation Envoyé par lepierot Voir le message
    ...mais ce qui m'etonne c'est que la base s'arrete et redemarre correctement sans rien signaler et que la commande crosscheck de RMAN ne retourne aucune erreur...
    Votre export a détecté un bloc endommagé ; il y en a probablement une trace dans l'alert.log (qu'il faut superviser), et dans la vue V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION.
    Si ce bloc n'est pas accédé dans les opérations usuelles, il n'y aura pas de signalement supplémentaire ; il faudra attendre de repasser dessus. L'ouverture de la base n'a pas pour effet de vérifier tous les blocs de la base, car ce serait impraticable.

    Quant à CROSSCHECK, c'est une commande qui n'a rien à voir avec une vérification de l'état des blocs de données. Elle vérifie juste la présence (le fichier est-il là ?) des fichiers de sauvegarde à l'endroit prévu.

    Ce qu'il vous faut, c'est plutôt le commande VALIDATE DATABASE.

  3. #3
    Membre du Club
    Homme Profil pro
    DBA Oracle
    Inscrit en
    Mai 2006
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Alpes Maritimes (Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : DBA Oracle

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Mai 2006
    Messages : 166
    Points : 41
    Par défaut
    Citation Envoyé par Pomalaix Voir le message
    Votre export a détecté un bloc endommagé ; il y en a probablement une trace dans l'alert.log (qu'il faut superviser), et dans la vue V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION.
    Si ce bloc n'est pas accédé dans les opérations usuelles, il n'y aura pas de signalement supplémentaire ; il faudra attendre de repasser dessus. L'ouverture de la base n'a pas pour effet de vérifier tous les blocs de la base, car ce serait impraticable.

    Quant à CROSSCHECK, c'est une commande qui n'a rien à voir avec une vérification de l'état des blocs de données. Elle vérifie juste la présence (le fichier est-il là ?) des fichiers de sauvegarde à l'endroit prévu.

    Ce qu'il vous faut, c'est plutôt le commande VALIDATE DATABASE.
    Bonjour, la vue v$database_block_corruption est vide par contre la commande "validate" de rman donne beaucoup d'erreurs :

    Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Sat Nov 9 01:00:00 2019

    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

    connected to target database: P01 (DBID=1487824754)
    connected to recovery catalog database

    2> exit
    Starting restore at 09-NOV-19
    allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
    channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=496 device type=DISK
    allocated channel: ORA_DISK_2
    channel ORA_DISK_2: SID=668 device type=DISK
    allocated channel: ORA_DISK_3
    channel ORA_DISK_3: SID=710 device type=DISK

    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-SYSTEM_FNO-1_08U1PJCJ
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-SYSAUX_FNO-2_1IU1PQ62
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPUNDO_FNO-3_09U1PJCJ
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-STATPACK_FNO-4_1JU1PQ6S
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-5_VUU1PFP3
    ORA-19501: read error on file "\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPUNDO_FNO-3_09U1PJCJ", block number 1675520 (block size=8192)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 1117) The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.
    ORA-19600: input file is datafile copy 0 (\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPUNDO_FNO-3_09U1PJCJ
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-6_VVU1PFP3
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-7_06U1PI
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740DX_FNO-8_1EU1PQ1L
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740DX_FNO-9_07U1PJCJ
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740DX_FNO-10_0OU1PNFK
    ORA-19501: read error on file "\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-7_06U1PI", block number 4183808 (block size=8192)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 1117) The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.
    ORA-19600: input file is datafile copy 0 (\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-7_06U1PI
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740IX_FNO-11_0PU1PNU6
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-12_0VU1POTB
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-16_0QU1PNV0
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-17_0RU1PNV7
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-18_0SU1POFL
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-19_0AU1PK6E
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-20_00U1PFP3
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-21_0BU1PK6E
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-22_0CU1PKBK
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-23_0DU1PKTU
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-24_0EU1PKTU
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-25_0FU1PL5U
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-26_0GU1PLOS
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-27_0HU1PLOS
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-28_01U1PGVO
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-29_02U1PGVV
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-30_03U1PH00
    ORA-19501: read error on file "\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-29_02U1PGVV", block number 2600192 (block size=8192)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 1117) The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.
    ORA-19600: input file is datafile copy 0 (\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-29_02U1PGVV
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-31_04U1PI7T
    ORA-19501: read error on file "\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-28_01U1PGVO", block number 2924800 (block size=8192)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 1117) The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.
    ORA-19600: input file is datafile copy 0 (\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-28_01U1PGVO
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01I_FNO-32_05U1PI7U
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01USRD_FNO-33_1KU1PQ73
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01USRI_FNO-34_1LU1PQ7A
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-35_0TU1POFS
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-36_0UU1POGB
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-37_0IU1PLVU
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-38_0JU1PMHA
    ORA-19501: read error on file "\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-37_0IU1PLVU", block number 1048960 (block size=8192)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 1117) The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-39_0KU1PMHH
    ORA-19501: read error on file "\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-38_0JU1PMHA", block number 940416 (block size=8192)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 1117) The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-40_0LU1PMO9
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-41_0MU1PN9B
    ORA-19501: read error on file "\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-39_0KU1PMHH", block number 729344 (block size=8192)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 1117) The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-42_0NU1PN9R
    ORA-19501: read error on file "\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-40_0LU1PMO9", block number 721536 (block size=8192)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 1117) The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-EXPORTFULL_FNO-43_18U1PPMR
    ORA-19501: read error on file "\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-41_0MU1PN9B", block number 711680 (block size=8192)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 1117) The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.
    ORA-19600: input file is datafile copy 0 (\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-41_0MU1PN9B
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740D_FNO-44_11U1POTR
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740D_FNO-45_13U1PP7S
    ORA-19501: read error on file "\\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01D_FNO-42_0NU1PN9R", block number 702976 (block size=8192)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 1117) The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740D_FNO-46_14U1PPAH
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740D_FNO-47_12U1PP73
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740D_FNO-48_10U1POTR
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740I_FNO-49_19U1PPMU
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740I_FNO-50_1AU1PPP0
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740D_FNO-51_15U1PPFD
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740D_FNO-52_16U1PPFK
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740I_FNO-53_1BU1PPS9
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740I_FNO-54_1CU1PPSA
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740D_FNO-55_1DU1PPUC
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740D_FNO-56_1GU1PQ3N
    channel ORA_DISK_3: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740D_FNO-57_1FU1PQ1L
    channel ORA_DISK_1: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740D_FNO-58_17U1PPI9
    channel ORA_DISK_2: scanning datafile copy \\SAPPRDDB\P\SAPPRD\P01_DATA_D-P01_I-1487824754_TS-PSAPD01740D_FNO-59_1HU1PQ62
    failover to previous backup

    datafile 3 will be created automatically during restore operation
    datafile 7 will be created automatically during restore operation
    datafile 28 will be created automatically during restore operation
    datafile 29 will be created automatically during restore operation
    datafile 37 will be created automatically during restore operation
    datafile 38 will be created automatically during restore operation
    datafile 39 will be created automatically during restore operation
    datafile 40 will be created automatically during restore operation
    datafile 41 will be created automatically during restore operation
    datafile 42 will be created automatically during restore operation
    Finished restore at 09-NOV-19

    Recovery Manager complete.
    J'ai essayé de faire un backup database avec rman et j'obtiens ce-ci:

    RMAN> backup database;

    Starting backup at 13-NOV-19
    using channel ORA_DISK_1
    using channel ORA_DISK_2
    using channel ORA_DISK_3
    channel ORA_DISK_1: starting compressed full datafile backup set
    channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
    input datafile file number=00005 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA3\D01I_5\D01I.DATA6
    input datafile file number=00028 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA3\D01I_1\D01I.DATA1
    input datafile file number=00031 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA3\D01I_4\D01I.DATA4
    input datafile file number=00012 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA3\D01I_5\D01I.DATA9
    input datafile file number=00022 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_7\D01D.DATA7
    input datafile file number=00025 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_10\D01D.DATA10

    input datafile file number=00037 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_15\D01D.DATA15

    input datafile file number=00003 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\UNDO_1\UNDO.DATA1
    input datafile file number=00041 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_19\D01D.DATA19

    input datafile file number=00010 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740DX_3\D01740DX
    input datafile file number=00018 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_3\D01D.DATA3
    input datafile file number=00011 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA4\D01740IX_1\D01740IX
    input datafile file number=00046 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740D_3\D01740D.D
    input datafile file number=00058 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740D_11\D01740D.
    input datafile file number=00050 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA4\D01740I_2\D01740I.D
    input datafile file number=00055 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740D_8\D01740D.D
    input datafile file number=00059 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740D_12\D01740D.
    input datafile file number=00056 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740D_9\D01740D.D
    channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 13-NOV-19
    channel ORA_DISK_2: starting compressed full datafile backup set
    channel ORA_DISK_2: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
    input datafile file number=00006 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA3\D01I_5\D01I.DATA7
    input datafile file number=00029 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA3\D01I_2\D01I.DATA2
    input datafile file number=00032 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA3\D01I_5\D01I.DATA5
    input datafile file number=00009 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740DX_2\D01740DX
    input datafile file number=00019 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_4\D01D.DATA4
    input datafile file number=00023 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_8\D01D.DATA8
    input datafile file number=00026 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_11\D01D.DATA11

    input datafile file number=00038 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_16\D01D.DATA16

    input datafile file number=00040 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_18\D01D.DATA18

    input datafile file number=00016 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_1\D01D.DATA1
    input datafile file number=00035 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_13\D01D.DATA13

    input datafile file number=00048 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740D_5\D01740D.D
    input datafile file number=00045 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740D_2\D01740D.D
    input datafile file number=00051 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740D_6\D01740D.D
    input datafile file number=00043 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\SYSTEM_1\EXPORTFULL
    input datafile file number=00053 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA4\D01740I_3\D01740I.D
    input datafile file number=00008 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740DX_1\D01740DX
    input datafile file number=00002 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\SYSAUX_1\SYSAUX.DAT
    input datafile file number=00034 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA3\D01USRI_1\D01USRI.D
    channel ORA_DISK_2: starting piece 1 at 13-NOV-19
    channel ORA_DISK_3: starting compressed full datafile backup set
    channel ORA_DISK_3: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
    input datafile file number=00001 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\SYSTEM_1\SYSTEM.DAT
    input datafile file number=00020 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_5\D01D.DATA5
    input datafile file number=00030 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA3\D01I_3\D01I.DATA3
    input datafile file number=00007 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA3\D01I_5\D01I.DATA8
    input datafile file number=00021 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_6\D01D.DATA6
    input datafile file number=00024 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_9\D01D.DATA9
    input datafile file number=00027 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_12\D01D.DATA12

    input datafile file number=00039 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_17\D01D.DATA17

    input datafile file number=00042 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_20\D01D.DATA20

    input datafile file number=00017 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_2\D01D.DATA2
    input datafile file number=00036 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_14\D01D.DATA14

    input datafile file number=00044 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740D_1\D01740D.D
    input datafile file number=00047 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740D_4\D01740D.D
    input datafile file number=00052 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740D_7\D01740D.D
    input datafile file number=00049 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA4\D01740I_1\D01740I.D
    input datafile file number=00054 name=F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA4\D01740I_4\D01740I.D
    input datafile file number=00057 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA2\D01740D_10\D01740D.
    input datafile file number=00004 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\STATPACK.DATA1
    input datafile file number=00033 name=E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01USRD_1\D01USRD.D
    channel ORA_DISK_3: starting piece 1 at 13-NOV-19
    RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ORA_DISK_2 channel at 11/13/2019 09:06:
    ORA-19501: read error on file "F:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA3\D01I_5\D01I.DATA5", block
    number 176320 (block size=8192)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 1117) The request could not be performed because of an I/O device
    channel ORA_DISK_2 disabled, job failed on it will be run on another channel
    RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ORA_DISK_3 channel at 11/13/2019 09:30:
    ORA-19501: read error on file "E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_17\D01D.DATA17", bloc
    k number 729408 (block size=8192)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 1117) The request could not be performed because of an I/O device
    channel ORA_DISK_3 disabled, job failed on it will be run on another channel
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ORA_DISK_1 channel at 11/13/2019 09:42:
    ORA-19501: read error on file "E:\ORACLE\P01\SAPDATA1\D01D_15\D01D.DATA15", bloc
    k number 1049024 (block size=8192)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 1117) The request could not be performed because of an I/O device
    Que faire ?


  4. #4

    Homme Profil pro
    Consultant / formateur Oracle et SQL Server
    Inscrit en
    Décembre 2002
    3 461
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Var (Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Consultant / formateur Oracle et SQL Server

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Décembre 2002
    Messages : 3 461
    Points : 8 079
    8 079
    Par défaut
    Il semble que vous ayez un problème physique sur le stockage sous-jacent, et qui s'est aussi reporté dans vos sauvegardes.
    Pour moi l'urgence est de vérifier ce stockage, et de déplacer la base ailleurs par précaution.

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