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PureBasic Discussion :

PureBasic 5.72 LTS

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  1. #1
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 5.72 LTS
    Une nouvelle version est disponible sur votre compte (pour l'instant y'a un problème pour télécharger, va falloir attendre que Fred règle le problème).
    Voir ci-dessous la liste des bogues corrigés.


    A new bug fix version of PureBasic is available for testing on your account ! Fixed bug list:

    Bugfixes for this version:

    Windows: [Done] 5.71 beta 1 DesktopScaledX/Y with negative arguments
    Windows: [Done] PB 5.70 - DesktopScaled Bug
    Windows: [Done] Pow mistake PB 5.10/b11-64 - win7/8-64
    Windows: [Done] PB 5.70 HTTPMemory()
    Windows: [Done] pbcompiler.exe has problems with UTF8 encoded files
    Windows: [Done] Crippeld Proporties
    Windows: [Done] PB5.71b2 Wrong Font Size/Scaling in Tab & Panels
    Windows: [Done] Remember #Null$ Bug since v5.70
    Windows: [Done] Error message compiler crash ...
    Windows: [Done] PB 5.21 64b Bug RotateSprite sub Dx11
    Windows: [Done] WindowedScreen problem after #WM_THEMECHANGED
    Windows: [Done] Device Lost when LogOff
    Windows: [Done] PB 5.20 LTS OpenWindowedScreen()
    Windows: [Done] PB 5.42 / 5.50b1 DirectX9/11 Surface Lost
    Windows: [Done] 3D Engine - Physics got slower in v5.50/v5.51
    Windows: [Done] Starting Task Manager causes CPU usage to go to 50%
    Windows: [Done] Windowed Screen and CTRL-ALT-DEL
    Windows: [Done] Windows Lock-Screen causes invalid Drawing Buffer.
    Windows: [Done] XML dialog align
    Windows: [Done] Dialog - wrong width-calculation for '&' (= '&')
    Windows: [Done] 'align' fails with hbox / vbox in OpenXMLDialog()
    Windows: [Done] Dialog, hbox - expand and align is ignored
    Windows: [Done] Gadgets inside Canvas Container
    Windows: [Done] font size problem with DPI scaling compiler option
    Windows: [Done] RGB() with DX11 = BGR
    Windows: [Done] Affichage d'une image pb520
    Windows: [Done] GrabDrawingImage make vertical mirroring output
    Windows: [Done] ComboBox, ExplorerCombo resizing and DPI aware issue
    Windows: [Done] PB562 More problems in mixing floats with integers
    Windows: [Done] Win XP image problems
    Windows: [Done] Sign() has to return an integer result
    Windows: [Done] Structures LARGE_INTEGER, ULARGE_INTEGER
    Windows: [Done] /PREPROCESS doesn't like ASM inside Macros
    Windows: [Done] With - EndWith bug when using /PREPROCESS
    Windows: [Done] ScintillaGadget HiDPI
    Windows: [Done] Function Space does not free memory
    Windows: [Done] SetGadgetFont doesn't work with IPAddress in dialogs
    Windows: [Done] PB5.71 IDE No longer DPI Aware
    Windows: [Done] Static multi-dimensional array in Procedure.
    Windows: [Done] Syntax error not recognized.
    Windows: [Done] Dialog container >16 columns don't work
    Windows: [Done] Dialog - GridBox shows a maximum of 15 Columns.
    Windows: [Done] SizeOf for Interfaces - Compiler crash
    Windows: [Done] Lists in Structure not aligned with x64
    Windows: [Done] How to make ArraySize() bulletproof?
    Linux: [Done] PB-IDE: No automatic update notification
    MacOS: [Done] SplitterGadget: #PB_Splitter_SecondFixed causes crash
    MacOS: [Done] 5.46 LTS Illegal instruction: 4 on Catalina (Fred?)

    This list was created automatically. All updated bug threads from the date of the last final version have been determined.

    Have fun,

    The Fantaisie Software Team

    Source de l'information

  2. #2
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 5.72 LTS Beta 2 est disponible sur votre compte
    Nouvelle beta dispo sur votre compte, voir détail ci-dessous :

    The beta 2 is available on your account. It brings some more update (especially statically linked libs which wasn't updated since a long time) and bug fixes

    • Added #PB_HTTP_Headers to HTTPInfo() to get the headers
    • Added #PB_HTTP_HeadersOnly to HTTPRequest() to only request the headers (GetHTTPHeaders() is now deprecated)
    • Changed: PostEvent() now returns a result as it could fail in some extrem case
    • Changed: Sign() now returns an integer instead of a float.
    • Updated OpenJPEG library to version 2.3.1
    • Updated PCRE library to version 8.44
    • Updated libpng to version 1.6.37
    • Updated libjpeg to version 9d
    • Updated libtiff to version 4.1.0
    • Updated expat to version 2.2.9
    • Updated libflac to version 1.3.3
    • Updated libogg to version 1.3.4
    • Updated libvorbis to version 1.3.6
    • Updated sqlite to version 3.31.1
    • Updated curl to version 7.68.0

    Bugfixes for this version:

    Windows: [Done] v571 - UseSQLiteDatabase("") ignored.
    Windows: [Done] WebGadget SetGadgetItemText unicode encoding issue
    Windows: [Done] ResizeWindows unhides window
    Windows: [Done] Find in Files
    Windows: [Done] SoundLength fail and playback prematurely OggVorbis
    Windows: [Done] RegExp library vulnerable
    Windows: [Done] HTTRequest UTF-8 HTML file #PB_HTTP_Response
    Windows: [Done] PB5.72-B1 SaveImage() - save as JPEG2000 fails
    Windows: [Done] Ide - Tooltip for nativ Constants
    Windows: [Done] DLL Threaded Global Crashes DLL on Exit
    Windows: [Done] Threadsave compiler option
    Windows: [Done] DLL compiled for x64 can corrupt the stack of process
    Windows: [Done] DLL + Threadsafe (crash on freelibrary_())
    Windows: [Done] 4.60 - Thread safe crash my DLL (fred please read ^^)
    Windows: [Done] Sign() has to return an integer result
    Windows: [Done] SetFrameRate() -> wrong FPS (to high by 1 Hz)
    Windows: [Done] ExamineRegularExpressionMatches() doesn't exist
    Windows: [Done] datasection compiler crash
    Windows: [Done] SetMeshData works only with mesh with FinishMesh(1)
    Windows: [Done] 5.21 - No Autostretch (Windowed Screen) with OGRE on
    Windows: [Done] OpenWindowedScreen() and AutoStretch in Ogre
    Windows: [Done] PB5.6x - IMA defining static arrays
    Windows: [Done] How to keep HyperLinkGadget visible on contrast mode?
    Windows: [Done] EditorGadget scrollbar issue after resizing
    Windows: [Done] RemoveGadgetItem()
    Windows: [Done] EditorGadget - RemoveGadgetItem bug
    Windows: [Done] CreateImage() Depth Parameter Fallback
    Windows: [Done] Process hangs when OpenLibrary() is called twice
    Windows: [Done] PB 5.22 LTS - Bug with terrains physicsbody
    Windows: [Done] AttachEntityObject() No Bones? No Attachments
    Windows: [Done] PB5.50 Physics Performance
    Windows: [Done] Stationary particles (all PB versions)
    Windows: [Done] ResizeImage and GIF
    Linux: [Done] DisableWindow interferes with resizable
    Linux: [Done] IDE not resizable after compilation
    Linux: [Done] PB 5.71 x64 "Display Hex values" and MemoryViewer
    MacOS: [Done] Editor Gadget and AddGadgetItme with -1 option
    MacOS: [Done] #PB_Canvas_Container on Dialog
    MacOS: [Done] DesktopScaled[X/Y] calculation bug
    MacOS: [Done] GrabDrawingImage crash PB - overwrite memory PB560
    MacOS: [Done] GrabDrawingImage Bug - tested x64 Sierra PB561
    MacOS: [Done] 5.71 Multiple GrabDrawingImage problem
    MacOS: [Done] SetFrameRate() causes stutter
    MacOS: [Done] PB 5.50 / 5.51 TreeGadget with SetGadgetFont()
    MacOS: [Done] RightClick in ListIconGadget inside a FrameGadget
    MacOS: [Done] pb v5.45 Help isn't shown in ToolsPanel
    MacOS: [Done] Rotated sprites will not be displayed on screen edge
    MacOS: [Done] PB5.20 WindowEvent() #PB_Event_Menu and keyboard-lib
    MacOS: [Done] PB5.11x64 Drawing in Fullscreen/Unicode
    MacOS: [Done] Webgadget does not allow links with blank target?
    MacOS: [Done] 5.43 - WaitThread() causes IMA (after minutes/hours)
    MacOS: [Done] Tools
    MacOS: [Done] CopyFile() and CopyDirectory() with .app files
    MacOS: [Done] ExplorerListGadget and #PB_Explorer_ColumnWidth
    MacOS: [Done] DyLib Linker Error
    MacOS: [Done] Spaces in compiler-path and creating a dylib
    MacOS: [Done] Bug with fixed string
    MacOS: [Done] Data section in a dylib fails -ever -PB560
    MacOS: [Done] 5.46 LTS x64 Linker error with DataSection and dylib
    MacOS: [Done] 64 bit dylib creation
    MacOS: [Done] SetGadgetFont(#Gadget, #PB_Default) don't work
    MacOS: [Done] (PB 5.71 + PB v5.72b1) Big Font StringGadget Bug
    MacOS: [Done] Right-clicks
    MacOS: [Done] 5.46 XIncludeFile trying to include multiple times?
    MacOS: [Done] CopyDirectory does not copy permissions
    MacOS: [Done] Remove Image from ImageGadget font work
    MacOS: [Done] 5.7.1 ComputerName() returns cryptic strings...

  3. #3
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 5.72 LTS beta 3
    La beta 3 est disponible sur votre compte avec quelques améliorations de l'IDE par les utilisateurs, merci à eux.

    The version brings new enhancement for the IDE by the community, here is the list of the changes:

    - Bug fix for "Find Previous" freezing (kenmo)
    - Scintilla word chars selection as user preference (kenmo)
    - Fix Gadgets Drag n Drop Position in FormDesigner (ChrisR)
    - Fix re-enable buttons bug in window 'Find in Files' (#WINDOW_Grep) (Sicro)
    - Add zoom keyboard shorcuts (kenmo)
    - New editor shortcut functions (kenmo)
    - Memview (idle)
    - Fix display errors in window '#WINDOW_Form_Parent' of the FormDesigner (Sicro)
    - Dark mode support for the IDE on OS X (dseven):

    The beta 3 is available on your accont. bug fix list:

    Bugfixes for this version:

    Windows: [Done] Camera's visibilitymmask parameter
    Windows: [Done] Free Strings / Memory
    Windows: [Done] DLL + Threadsafe (crash on freelibrary_())
    Windows: [Done] PB 5.72 beta 2 - Update copyright year
    Windows: [Done] PureBasic 5.72LTS B2 - HTTPRequest broken
    Windows: [Done] ResizeImage and GIF
    Windows: [Done] PB 572 IDE Crash on duplicate object formdesigner
    Windows: [Done] EditorGadget scrollbar issue after resizing
    Linux: [Done] IDE not resizable after compilation
    Linux: [Done] PB 5.71 x64 "Display Hex values" and MemoryViewer
    Linux: [Done] DisableWindow interferes with resizable

    This list was created automatically. All updated bug threads from the date of the last final version have been determined.

  4. #4
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 5.72 LTS est sorti.
    La version finale est sortie.

    Final version is out ! Thank you a lot for your patience and for the feedbacks ! Special thanks to all the contributors on the public PureBasic github repo

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