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PureBasic 6.10 est disponible sur votre compte

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  1. #1
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 6.10 est disponible sur votre compte
    Je m'étais éloigné des écrans pendant un petit moment, j'ai laissé passer pas mal de versions (essentiellement des corrections de bugs), alors me revoici avec une petite annonce qui date déjà du 22 décembre 2023.

    We were hard at work to be able to release this new beta of PureBasic so you could play with it during Xmas if you have some holidays 8). It was meant to be a medium sized release, but Fr34k decided to weight in and added a lot of commands, so it's now officially a big release ! Check for yourself:

    • Added: WebViewGadget(), BindWebViewCallback(), UnbindWebViewCallback(), WebViewEvaluateScript() (Windows, OSX, GTK3)
    • Added: CompareStructure(), CompareArray(), CompareList() and CompareMap() functions
    • Added: CustomSortList() and CustomSortArray() functions to Sort library
    • Added: CatchPack(), PackEntryDate()
    • Added: #PB_Cipher_HMAC flag to fingerprint functions
    • Added: CreatePasswordHash() and VerifyPasswordHash() functions (BCrypt algorithm)
    • Added: DeriveCipherKey() to create a cipher key from a password (PBKDF2 algorithm)
    • Added: SvgVectorOutput() for all OS
    • Added: PdfVectorOutput() for all OS
    • Added: DateUTC() to get the date in UTC time
    • Added: ConvertDate(Date, #PB_Date_LocalTime/#PB_Date_UTC) to convert the date between UTC and localtime
    • Added: AddPackDirectory(#Packer, PackedDirectoryName$) for empty directory
    • Added: UseDialogOpenGLGadget() to avoid opengl dependencies by default when using dialogs.
    • Added: UseDialogScintillaGadget() to avoid big lib dependency by default when using dialogs.
    • Added: Case-insensitive subsystem support on Linux
    • Added: 'Encoding' optional parameter to OpenPreference() to handle properly UTF-8 files without BOM
    • Added: '#PB_Preference_NoBOM' flags for CreatePreference() to create UTF-8 preference files without BOM
    • Added: --listfunctions/constants/interfaces and --querystructure support to Windows compiler.
    • Added: #PB_EventType_ColumnClick for ListIconGadget()
    • Added: #PB_String_EscapeJSON support to EscapeString() and UnescapeString().
    • Added: Parent window support to all requesters
    • Added: runtime warning if CreateThread() is used without ThreadSafe mode
    • Added: #PB_EventType_Refresh support for ExplorerListGadget() (Window only)
    • Added: GadgetItemID() support for PanelGadget() (Windows only)
    • Added: WebGadget based on Edge component with the #PB_Web_Edge constant (Windows only)
    • Added: localhost binding for InitFastCGI()
    • Added: SystrayIconMenu() to automatically display a menu when clicking on the icon
    • Added: ListIconGaget() column alignment support
    • Updated: Toolchain on Windows now use VisualStudio 2022 and new MSVCRT for faster PureBasic programs and easier external libs integration.
    • Updated: Date library for full 64bit support (new range is year 1601 to 9999)
    • Updated: Minimum version for Linux x86 is now Debian 12
    • Updated: Minimum version for Raspberry is now Debian 12 based PI OS
    • Changed: Scintilla is now linked statically on Windows (distributing the scintilla.dll along your executable isn't needed anymore)
    • Changed: the SysTray lib on Linux now use AppIndicator to support modern Linux distro in GTK3
    • Changed: deprecated DESFingerprint() function - use the new CreatePasswordHash() instead.
    • Removed: --listpath on Linux/OSX (now use --output to specify the output file)
    • Removed: Windows XP support. Minimum supported version is now Windows Vista.

    As planed, we dropped the Windows XP support so we can now easily include cutting edge libraries like WebView and remove a lot of patches all accross the code base. Here is a small WebView example to get you started.

    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    Html$ =  ~"<button id=\"increment\">Tap me</button>\n"+
    ~"<div>You tapped <span id=\"count\">0</span> time(s).</div>\n"+
    ~"<button id=\"compute\">Compute</button>\n"+
    ~"<div>Result of computation: <span id=\"compute-result\">0</span></div>\n"+
    ~"  const [incrementElement, countElement, computeElement, "+
    ~"computeResultElement] =\n"+
    ~"    document.querySelectorAll(\"#increment, #count, #compute, "+
    ~"  document.addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\", () => {\n"+
    ~"    incrementElement.addEventListener(\"click\", () => {\n"+
    ~"      window.increment().then(result => {\n"+
    ~"        countElement.textContent = result.count;\n"+
    ~"      });\n"+
    ~"    });\n"+
    ~"    computeElement.addEventListener(\"click\", () => {\n"+
    ~"      computeElement.disabled = true;\n"+
    ~"      window.compute(6, 7).then(result => {\n"+
    ~"        computeResultElement.textContent = result;\n"+
    ~"        computeElement.disabled = false;\n"+
    ~"      });\n"+
    ~"    });\n"+
    ~"  });\n"+
    Procedure IncrementJS(Json$)
      Static i
      Debug "IncrementJS "+Json$
      ProcedureReturn UTF8(~"{ \"count\": "+Str(i)+ "}")
    Procedure ComputeJS(Json$)
      Debug "ComputeJS "+Json$
      ProcedureReturn UTF8(~"150")
    OpenWindow(0, 100, 100, 400, 400, "Hello", #PB_Window_SystemMenu)
    WebViewGadget(0, 0, 0, 400, 400)
    SetGadgetText(0, Html$)
    BindWebViewCallback(0, "increment", @IncrementJS())
    BindWebViewCallback(0, "compute", @ComputeJS())
      Event = WaitWindowEvent()
    Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow

    More examples for new functions can be found here:

    Have Fun !

    The Fantaisie Software Team
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  2. #2
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 6.10 beta 2
    2024-01-12: beta 2 released, focused on bug fixes and improvements:
    • Added: UseDialogWebGadget() to avoid WebGadget dependencies by default when using dialogs.
    • Updated: Unicode file support for Windows compiler
    • Updated: Used libvlc instead of the old xine lib on Linux to play movies
    • Updated: Reworked the Sound library to use MiniAudio on OS X and Linux (SDL dependency is no more requiered for sounds on Linux).
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  3. #3
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 6.10 beta 3
    2024-01-19: beta 3 released, focused on bug fixes and improvements:
    • Added: NbMaxChannels parameter for InitSound(). Range from 1 to 254.
    • Changed: WebViewGadget(): SetGadgetText() now open an URI like WebGadget() and added SetGadgetItemText() with #PB_Web_HtmlCode
    • Updated: Switched for MiniAudio for Windows as well, so all platform should behave exactly the same now. It use WASAPI on Windows by default for best sound quality.
    • Updated: Reworked the Music library to use MiniAudio as backend.
    • Updated: SQLite version to 3.45.0
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  4. #4
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 6.10 beta 4 est disponible
    2024-01-27: beta 4 is out don't hesitate to test it ! Changes:
    Added: #PB_WebView_Debug flag to WebViewGadget() to enable debugging
    Added: most of the new english documentation

    Renamed: WebViewEvaluateScript() to WebViewExecuteScript()

    Removed: Some very old deprecated functions.
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  5. #5
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 6.10 beta 5 est disponible sur votre compte
    2024-02-04: beta 5 is ready to test. It mainly brings a new DPI Aware mode for OS X (the IDE tabs on OS X shouldn't be blurry anymore on retina display, yeah !) and the usual bugs fixes. Don't hesitate to test it and we are close to the final release.
    • Added: DPI-Aware support for OS X
    • Added: GetGadgetFont(#PB_Default) support on OSX to get the system gadget font
    • Added: Documentation is up-to-date now for all new commands (english only)
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  6. #6
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 6.10 beta 6 est disponible
    2024-02-10: beta 6 is out ! Mostly a bug fix release, with some addition for the WebViewGadget() and WebGadget() on Windows
    • Added: #PB_WebView_ICoreController attribute support WebGaget() and WebViewGadget()
    • Added: All ICoreWebView2 interfaces and constants as residents, thanks to Justin (Windows)

    A small example to get the interface on Windows for WebViewGadget()
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    OpenWindow(0, 100, 100, 400, 400, "Hello", #PB_Window_SystemMenu)
    WebViewGadget(0, 0, 0, 400, 400, #PB_WebView_Debug)
    ; Get the ICoreController interface 
    Controller.ICoreWebView2Controller = GetGadgetAttribute(0, #PB_WebView_ICoreController)
    ; Get the ICoreWebView2 interface 
    	Data.l $C979903E
    	Data.w $D4CA, $4228
    	Data.b $92, $EB, $47, $EE, $3F, $A9, $6E, $AB
    If Controller\QueryInterface(?IID_ICoreWebView2Controller2, @Controller2.ICoreWebView2Controller2) = #S_OK
      Debug "ICoreWebView2Controller2 found: " + Controller2
      Debug "Can't query ICoreWebView2Controller2"
      Event = WaitWindowEvent()
    Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow
    Source de l'information
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  7. #7
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 6.10 beta 7 est disponible sur votre compte
    2024-03-02: beta 7 is ready to test with even more bug fixes and some new stuff:
    Added: #PB_2DDrawing_NativeText support for DrawingMode()
    Added: #PB_PixelFormat_NoAlpha for DrawingBufferFormat()
    Added: ExamineDraggedItems(), NextDraggedItem() and DraggedItemIndex() for Drag'n'drop
    Added: GetGadgetItemText() support for ExplorerTreeGadget()
    Vous souhaitez participer à la rubrique PureBasic (tutoriels, FAQ, sources) ? Contactez-moi par MP.

  8. #8
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    Par défaut PureBasic 6.10 beta 8 est disponible sur votre compte
    2024-03-13: beta 8 is out for testing ! It brings the following new features and bug fixes:
    • Added: New skeleton library create custom skeleton to a mesh
    • Added: ScaleEntityBone(), MeshDirectAdd() and #PB_Mesh_Direct mode support to CreateMesh()
    • Added: #PB_2DDrawing_NativeText support for Windows
    • Optimized: The IDE on Windows is now compiled with the C backend to have faster and smaller executable
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  9. #9
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 6.10 beta 9 est disponible sur votre compte
    2024-03-22: beta 9 is out for testing, it will be hopefully the last beta before final ! It brings the following changes and bug fixes:
    • Optimized: SoundVolume() and MusicVolume() changed from integer to float so fractional values are accepted for better precision.
    • Changed: removed 'link.exe' from the Windows package and went back to 'polink.exe' (link.exe is not freely redistrituable).
    Citation Envoyé par Fred
    I will remove the automatic path detection for link as it's not robust enough and I will add back the support for a vc/ directory in the compiler folder (so you will be able to copy link and its DLL if needed).
    Citation Envoyé par Fred
    I just pushed a new build for windows (x86 and x64), feel free to download it again it should fix the reported issues.
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  10. #10
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    Par défaut PureBasic 6.10 LTS est sorti
    Télécharger une version démo

    Final version is out ! Thanks a lot to everyone for the feedback, we are very proud of this new PureBasic release which paves the way for the future with an up-to-date Windows build chain. Special thanks to Freak who did an awesome job on updating some libraries and provide more consistent commandset accross the supported OS ! A massive work has also been done to fix old bugs and we will continue this way until most of them are squashed. Stay tuned !
    - Added: WebView library to easily create HTML/CSS based UI !
    - Added: Full rework of the date library to handle years from 1601 to 9999 !
    - Added: Skeleton library to create custom skeleton to a mesh !
    - Added: SvgVectorOutput() and PdfVectorOutput() for all OS
    - Added: DPI-Aware support for OS X
    - Added: ExamineDraggedItems(), NextDraggedItem() and DraggedItemIndex() for Drag'n'drop
    - Added: GetGadgetItemText() support for ExplorerTreeGadget()
    - Added: CompareStructure(), CompareArray(), CompareList() and CompareMap() functions
    - Added: CustomSortList() and CustomSortArray() functions to Sort library
    - Added: CatchPack(), PackEntryDate()
    - Added: CreatePasswordHash() and VerifyPasswordHash() functions (BCrypt algorithm)
    - Added: DeriveCipherKey() to create a cipher key from a password (PBKDF2 algorithm)
    - Added: DateUTC() to get the date in UTC time
    - Added: ConvertDate(Date, #PB_Date_LocalTime/#PB_Date_UTC) to convert the date between UTC and localtime
    - Added: ScaleEntityBone(), MeshDirectAdd() and #PB_Mesh_Direct mode support to CreateMesh()
    - Added: AddPackDirectory(#Packer, PackedDirectoryName$) for empty directory
    - Added: UseDialogWebGadget(), UseDialogOpenGLGadget(), UseDialogScintillaGadget() to avoid big lib dependency by default when using dialogs.
    - Added: NbMaxChannels parameter for InitSound(). Range from 1 to 254.
    - Added: 'Encoding' optional parameter to OpenPreference() to handle properly UTF-8 files without BOM
    - Added: Parent window support to all requesters
    - Added: WebGadget based on Edge component with the #PB_Web_Edge constant (Windows only)
    - Added: Localhost binding for InitFastCGI()
    - Added: SystrayIconMenu() to automatically display a menu when clicking on the icon
    - Added: ListIconGaget() column alignment support
    - Added: Runtime warning if CreateThread() is used without ThreadSafe mode
    - Added: GadgetItemID() support for PanelGadget() (Windows only)
    - Added: #PB_Preference_NoBOM flag for CreatePreference() to create UTF-8 preference files without BOM
    - Added: #PB_Cipher_HMAC flag to fingerprint functions
    - Added: #PB_2DDrawing_NativeText support for DrawingMode()
    - Added: #PB_PixelFormat_NoAlpha for DrawingBufferFormat()
    - Added: #PB_EventType_ColumnClick for ListIconGadget()
    - Added: #PB_String_EscapeJSON support to EscapeString() and UnescapeString().
    - Added: #PB_Menu_SysTrayLook support to have better looking popup menu when used with SysTray (Windows only)
    - Added: #PB_EventType_Refresh support for ExplorerListGadget() (Window only)
    - Added: Case-insensitive subsystem support on Linux
    - Added: --listfunctions/constants/interfaces and --querystructure support to Windows compiler.

    - Updated: Unicode filename support for Windows compiler
    - Updated: Libvlc instead of the old xine lib on Linux to play movies
    - Updated: Reworked the Sound and Music library to use MiniAudio on Windows, OS X and Linux (SDL dependency is no more requiered for sounds on Linux).
    - Updated: SQLite version to 3.45.0
    - Updated: Toolchain on Windows now use VisualStudio 2022 and new MSVCRT for faster PureBasic programs and easier external libs integration.
    - Updated: Minimum version for Linux x86 is now Debian 12
    - Updated: Minimum version for Raspberry is now Debian 12 based PI OS

    - Changed: TextWidth(), TextHeight(), DrawText() and DrawRotatedText() now use double for X, Y coordinates.
    - Changed: Scintilla is now linked statically on Windows (distributing the scintilla.dll along your executable isn't needed anymore)
    - Changed: the SysTray lib on Linux now use AppIndicator to support modern Linux distro in GTK3
    - Changed: deprecated DESFingerprint() function - use the new CreatePasswordHash() instead.
    - Changed: ListSize() and MapSize() now properly return -1 if the list or map is freed.

    - Removed: --listpath on Linux/OSX (use --output to specify the output file)
    - Removed: Windows XP support. Minimum supported Windows version for created executables is now Windows Vista.
    - Removed: Some very old deprecated functions.

    - Fixed: A lot of libraries bugs (fixed bug list)
    Vous souhaitez participer à la rubrique PureBasic (tutoriels, FAQ, sources) ? Contactez-moi par MP.

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