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| '*****************************************************************************************************
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'capturer une plage en bitmap et créer une image en memoire (Ipicture)pour
's'en servir dans un control image dans un userform
'patricktoulon sur developpez.com
'utilisation d'un clisd pour la structure IPictureIID
'remasteurisation du code date: 12/09/2023
'api creation object image
'abandon du vb6
Option Explicit
Declare PtrSafe Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr) As Long
Declare PtrSafe Function EmptyClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
Declare PtrSafe Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
Declare PtrSafe Function GetClipboardData Lib "user32" (ByVal wFormat As LongPtr) As LongPtr
Declare PtrSafe Function IIDFromString Lib "ole32" (ByVal lpsz As String, ByRef lpiid As GUID) As LongPtr
Declare PtrSafe Function CopyImage Lib "user32" (ByVal handle As LongPtr, ByVal un1 As LongPtr, ByVal n1 As LongPtr, ByVal n2 As LongPtr, ByVal un2 As LongPtr) As LongPtr
Declare PtrSafe Function CopyEnhMetaFileA Lib "gdi32" (ByVal HwndImage As LongPtr, ByVal Direction As String) As LongPtr
Declare PtrSafe Function OleCreatePictureIndirect Lib "OleAut32.dll" (pPictDesc As PICTDESC, ByRef riid As GUID, ByVal fOwn As Long, ByRef ppvObj As IPicture) As Long
Type RECT: Left As Long: top As Long: Right As Long: BOTTOM As Long: End Type
Type GUID: Data1 As Long: Data2 As Integer: Data3 As Integer: Data4(0 To 7) As Byte: End Type
Type PICTDESC: cbSize As Long: picType As Long: himage As LongPtr: hPal As LongPtr: End Type
Function copyxlPicture(obj, Optional lPath As String = "") As IPicture
Dim hCopy As LongPtr, PictStructure As PICTDESC, DispatchInfo As GUID, IPic As IPicture, T#
OpenClipboard 0
T = Timer
Do While hCopy = 0
hCopy = CopyEnhMetaFileA(GetClipboardData(14), vbNullString)
If Timer - T > 1 Then Exit Do
If hCopy = 0 Then Set copyxlPicture = IPic: Exit Function ' si pas de handleimage WMF dans clip on arrete tout
With DispatchInfo
.Data1 = &H7BF80980: .Data2 = &HBF32: .Data3 = &H101A: .Data4(0) = &H8B: .Data4(1) = &HBB
.Data4(2) = &H0: .Data4(3) = &HAA: .Data4(4) = &H0: .Data4(5) = &H30: .Data4(6) = &HC: .Data4(7) = &HAB
End With
With PictStructure: .cbSize = Len(PictStructure): .picType = 4: .himage = hCopy: .hPal = 0: End With
OleCreatePictureIndirect PictStructure, DispatchInfo, True, IPic
Set copyxlPicture = IPic
If lPath <> "" Then SavePicture IPic, lPath: Set IPic = Nothing
OpenClipboard 0: EmptyClipboard: CloseClipboard
End Function
Function CopyBitmapPicture(obj As Object, Optional lPath As String = "")
Dim IPic As IPicture, hCopy&, tIID As GUID, PictStructure As PICTDESC, x#, Ret&
Call OpenClipboard(0): EmptyClipboard: CloseClipboard
obj.CopyPicture Format:=xlBitmap
OpenClipboard 0&
x = Timer
Do While (hCopy = 0)
hCopy = CopyImage(GetClipboardData(&H2), 0, 0, 0, &H8)
If Timer - x > 1 Then Exit Do
If hCopy = 0 Then Set CopyBitmapPicture = IPic: Exit Function
Const IPictureIID = "{7BF80981-BF32-101A-8BBB-00AA00300CAB}"
Ret = IIDFromString(StrConv(IPictureIID, vbUnicode), tIID)
If Ret Then Set CopyBitmapPicture = IPic: Exit Function
With PictStructure: .cbSize = Len(PictStructure): .picType = 1: .himage = hCopy: End With
Ret = OleCreatePictureIndirect(PictStructure, tIID, 1, IPic)
If Ret Then Set CopyBitmapPicture = IPic: Exit Function
Set CopyBitmapPicture = IPic
If lPath <> "" Then SavePicture IPic, lPath: Set IPic = Nothing
OpenClipboard 0: EmptyClipboard: CloseClipboard
End Function |