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d2str PROTO d:DWORD, bufferaddr:DWORD
d2str PROC USES edi edx, d:DWORD, bufferaddr:DWORD
mov edi, bufferaddr
mov edx, 4 ; register length 4 bytes
dec edx
mov eax, d
and eax, 0fh
mov al, hex[eax]
mov [edi+1], al
shr d, 4
mov eax, d
and eax, 0fh
mov al, hex[eax]
mov [edi], al
shr d, 4
add edi, 2
.until edx==0
mov byte ptr [edi], 0 ; null terminating string
d2str ENDP
push offset StringToHash
call lstrlen
invoke MD5, offset hash, eax, offset StringToHash
invoke d2str, hash, offset BUF_1
invoke d2str, hash+4, offset BUF_1+8
invoke d2str, hash+8, offset BUF_1+16
invoke d2str, hash+12, offset BUF_1+24
push 0
push offset StringToHash
push offset BUF_1
push 0
call MessageBox
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