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MS SQL Server Discussion :

Installation du FULLTEXT incomplète ?

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MS SQL Server

  1. #1
    Vow est déconnecté
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    Par défaut Installation du FULLTEXT incomplète ?
    J'avais installé SQL Server 2000, en version Developer. Mais j'avais oublié d'ajouter le composant d'indexation en texte intégral.
    J'ai donc relancé l'installation de SQL Server et ajouté le sous-composant "Recherche de texte intégral" du composants Serveur.

    Après installation, je suis allé voir dans Enterprise Manager, et pas de trace du full-text, pas de menu "Nouveau Catalogue".

    En lançant la commande :
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    use MaBase
    exec sp_fulltext_database 'enable'
    j'ai l'erreur :
    Serveur : Msg 7609, Niveau 17, État 2, Procédure sp_fulltext_database, Ligne 46
    La recherche de texte intégral n'est pas installée ou il est impossible de charger le composant de recherche de texte intégral.
    En regardant le fichier "searchsetup.log" du répertoire temporaire, je n'ai pas d'erreur, que des lignes de type "INFO" au niveau de la 2nde installation.

    Vous avez une idée ?
    Merci d'avance.
    Il vaut mieux prêter à sourire que donner à réfléchir.

    Je ne réponds pas aux problèmes techniques par MP (il y a les FAQs et le forum pour ça)
    (ex-Responsable Windows/Info Gen&Hardware, loup-garou à ses heures)

    Cliquez sur le bouton si votre problème a trouvé une solution.
    N'oubliez pas non plus de donner la réponse si vous l'avez trouvée !

    Je mords donc je suis
    Une fine lame pour te soutenir

  2. #2
    Vow est déconnecté
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    Par défaut
    Pour info (si ça peut aider), voici le contenu de mon fichier searchsetup.log :
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: Main, ********************************************
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: Main, *** Setup is beginning
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: Main, ********************************************
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: ParseCommandLine, Command="F:\FRENCH\SQL2000\DEV\x86\FullText\MSSearch\Search\SearchStp.exe" /s /a:SQLServer
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: InstallInfo, Logging install info...
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: InstallInfo, Setup Version=9.107.5512
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: InstallInfo, Search is not installed.
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: InstallInfo, IsNT4 (or higher)=1
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: InstallInfo, IsNT5 (or higher)=1
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: InstallInfo, IsIndexServer1x=0
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: InstallInfo, IsQuiet=0
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: InstallInfo, IsSilent=1
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: InstallInfo, IsPostReboot=0
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: InstallInfo, InstallPath=C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: InstallInfo, SystemPath=C:\WINNT\system32
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: InstallInfo, MediaPath=F:\FRENCH\SQL2000\DEV\x86\FullText\MSSearch\Search
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: InstallInfo, RepairMode=0
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: InstallInfo, InstallAction=Install
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: CSearchSetupEngine:reInstallSearch, Performing pre-Install actions...
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: CSearchSetupEngine::ChangeSearchClusterState, First time search install, don't worry about clustering.
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: CSetupEngine::StopServices, Stopping services...
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: ManageServices, Stopping all services
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: CSearchSetupEngine::InstallSearch, Performing Install actions...
    2/11/2005 9:42:40 INFO: CSetupEngine::CopyFiles, Incrementing shared file RefCounts
    2/11/2005 9:42:41 INFO: CSetupEngine::CopyFiles, Copying files...
    2/11/2005 9:42:42 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\acatctr.h.
    2/11/2005 9:42:42 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\acatctr.ini.
    2/11/2005 9:42:42 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\catutil.exe.
    2/11/2005 9:42:42 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\dsscntrs.h.
    2/11/2005 9:42:42 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\dsscntrs.ini.
    2/11/2005 9:42:42 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\gsrvctr.h.
    2/11/2005 9:42:42 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\gsrvctr.ini.
    2/11/2005 9:42:43 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\gthrctr.h.
    2/11/2005 9:42:43 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\gthrctr.ini.
    2/11/2005 9:42:43 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\gthrlog.vbs.
    2/11/2005 9:42:43 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\SetTempPath.vbs.
    2/11/2005 9:42:43 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\lcdetect.dat.
    2/11/2005 9:42:44 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\lcdetect.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:44 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\mssadmin.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:44 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\mssdmn.exe.
    2/11/2005 9:42:44 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\mssdmn.exe.local.
    2/11/2005 9:42:44 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\mssearch.inf.
    2/11/2005 9:42:45 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\msserror.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:46 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\mssmmcsi.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:46 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\mssws.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:46 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\nlindctr.h.
    2/11/2005 9:42:46 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\nlindctr.ini.
    2/11/2005 9:42:46 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\offfilt.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:46 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\SearchStp.exe.
    2/11/2005 9:42:47 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\srchadm.msc.
    2/11/2005 9:42:47 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\sssadmin.vbs.
    2/11/2005 9:42:47 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\pstoreutl.exe.
    2/11/2005 9:42:48 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\WINNT\system32\athprxy.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:48 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\SearchColumns.txt.
    2/11/2005 9:42:48 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\gathrprm.txt.
    2/11/2005 9:42:48 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\noise.chs.
    2/11/2005 9:42:48 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\noise.cht.
    2/11/2005 9:42:48 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\noise.dat.
    2/11/2005 9:42:48 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\noise.deu.
    2/11/2005 9:42:48 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\noise.eng.
    2/11/2005 9:42:48 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\noise.enu.
    2/11/2005 9:42:48 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\noise.esn.
    2/11/2005 9:42:49 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\noise.fra.
    2/11/2005 9:42:49 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\noise.ita.
    2/11/2005 9:42:49 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\noise.jpn.
    2/11/2005 9:42:49 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\noise.kor.
    2/11/2005 9:42:49 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\noise.nld.
    2/11/2005 9:42:49 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\noise.sve.
    2/11/2005 9:42:49 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\tschs.xml.
    2/11/2005 9:42:49 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\tscht.xml.
    2/11/2005 9:42:49 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\tsdut.xml.
    2/11/2005 9:42:49 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\tseng.xml.
    2/11/2005 9:42:49 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\tsenu.xml.
    2/11/2005 9:42:49 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\tsfra.xml.
    2/11/2005 9:42:50 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\tsger.xml.
    2/11/2005 9:42:50 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\tsita.xml.
    2/11/2005 9:42:50 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\tsjap.xml.
    2/11/2005 9:42:50 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\tskor.xml.
    2/11/2005 9:42:50 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\tsneu.xml.
    2/11/2005 9:42:50 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\tsspa.xml.
    2/11/2005 9:42:50 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\tsswe.xml.
    2/11/2005 9:42:50 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\tsschema.xml.
    2/11/2005 9:42:50 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\ftsqlpar.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:51 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\msscntrs.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:51 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\mssmsg.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:51 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\mssmulpi.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:52 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\mssph.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:53 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\mssrch.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:53 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\msstools.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:53 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\objcreat.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:54 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\propdefs.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:54 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\srchadm.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:55 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\srchidx.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:56 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\tquery.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:56 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\WINNT\Cluster\gathercl.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:56 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Common\mssitlb.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:57 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\nlhtml.dll.
    2/11/2005 9:42:57 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\schema.txt.
    2/11/2005 9:42:57 INFO: InstallFile, Successfully installed and verified file : C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Bin\mssearch.exe.
    2/11/2005 9:42:57 INFO: CSearchSetupEngine::SetServerOptimization, Setting server optimization.
    2/11/2005 9:42:57 INFO: CSearchSetupEngine::SetServerOptimization, Server optimization already set right
    2/11/2005 9:42:57 INFO: CSearchSetupEngine::InstallSearch, No reboot required.
    2/11/2005 9:42:57 INFO: CSearchSetupEngine::UpdateRegistry, Adding manual registry entries.
    2/11/2005 9:42:58 INFO: CSearchSetupEngine::UpdateRegistry, No SearchColumns.txt file found. Setting to C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\MSSearch\Data\Config\SearchColumns.txt.
    2/11/2005 9:42:58 INFO: CSetupEngine::RegisterFiles, Registering files...
    2/11/2005 9:43:02 INFO: CSearchSetupEngine:ostInstallSearch, Performing post-Install actions...
    2/11/2005 9:43:02 INFO: CSetupEngine::RestoreServices, Restoring services...
    2/11/2005 9:43:02 INFO: ManageServices, Restoring all services
    2/11/2005 9:43:02 INFO: CSearchSetupEngine::ChangeSearchClusterState, First time search install, don't worry about clustering.
    2/11/2005 9:43:03 INFO: ManageServices, Started service: MSSearch
    2/11/2005 9:43:03 INFO: CSearchSetupEngine, Search setup completed.
    2/11/2005 9:43:03 INFO: Main, ********************************************
    2/11/2005 9:43:03 INFO: Main, *** Setup is ending. Returning 0x00000000
    2/11/2005 9:43:03 INFO: Main, ********************************************
    Il vaut mieux prêter à sourire que donner à réfléchir.

    Je ne réponds pas aux problèmes techniques par MP (il y a les FAQs et le forum pour ça)
    (ex-Responsable Windows/Info Gen&Hardware, loup-garou à ses heures)

    Cliquez sur le bouton si votre problème a trouvé une solution.
    N'oubliez pas non plus de donner la réponse si vous l'avez trouvée !

    Je mords donc je suis
    Une fine lame pour te soutenir

  3. #3
    Vow est déconnecté
    Membre expérimenté Avatar de Vow
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    1 584
    Par défaut
    En installant le SP3 de SQL Server 2000, j'ai enfin possibilité d'accéder au menu "Nouveau catalogue de texte intégral".
    Et l'instruction exec sp_fulltext_database 'enable' fonctionne bien.
    Il vaut mieux prêter à sourire que donner à réfléchir.

    Je ne réponds pas aux problèmes techniques par MP (il y a les FAQs et le forum pour ça)
    (ex-Responsable Windows/Info Gen&Hardware, loup-garou à ses heures)

    Cliquez sur le bouton si votre problème a trouvé une solution.
    N'oubliez pas non plus de donner la réponse si vous l'avez trouvée !

    Je mords donc je suis
    Une fine lame pour te soutenir

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