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Oracle Discussion :

comment installer oracle 8i sur un p4 [FAQ]

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    Par défaut comment installer oracle 8i sur un p4
    j'ai des difficultés a installer oracle 8i sur mon p4. toutes mes tentatives ont été vaines. quelle est la procedure a suivre pour que ca marche

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    Doc ID: Note:131299.1
    Subject: ALERT: Oracle Installer 8.1.X Hangs on Machines with Pentium 4 and Xeon Processors
    Type: ALERT
    Status: PUBLISHED
    Content Type: TEXT/PLAIN
    Creation Date: 02-JAN-2001
    Last Revision Date: 24-JUN-2004

    Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) for RDBMS 8.1.x Hangs on Machines with
    Pentium 4 Processors
    Versions Affected
    Oracle Universal Installer version and earlier versions (bundled
    with products in 8.1.X CD packs).
    Platforms Affected
    Any platform that uses the Intel Pentium 4 processor with
    Sun JRE and Symantec JIT will encounter this problem.
    Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 98 and NetWare operating systems are
    confirmed to be affected.
    The Oracle Universal Installer hangs when installing Oracle 8.1.x Server and Client products
    on machines that use Sun JRE and Symantec JIT.
    Likelihood of Occurrence
    Any Oracle Universal Installer and earlier installation on a platform
    that uses the Intel Pentium 4 processor, with the Sun JRE and Symantec
    Just in Time Library (JIT) will encounter this problem.
    Possible Symptoms
    The failure is manifested in these ways:
    - The affected application simply terminates.
    - The installer hangs, quits, dies or disappears.
    - The hourglass appears, disappears and nothing else happens.
    1. Obtain the OUI application (~15.3MBs) under patch number 1507768 in Metalink:
    a. Click Patches button
    b. Enter 1507768 in the Patch Number field
    c. Click Submit
    d. Download the patch
    2. Unzip the patch to a temporary directory using winzip.
    3. Uncompress the resulting Jar file (~20MBs) using winzip.
    4. Navigate to the following subdirectory under the temporary directory where the patch was unzipped and rename symcjit.dll
    cd <temporary_directory>\Disk1\stage\Components\oracle.swd.jre\\1\DataFiles\Expanded\jre\win32\bin
    Rename symcjit.dll to symcjit.dll.old
    5. Navigate to:
    6. Run the setup.exe program from the current directory and install the OUI to your hard disk.
    7. Use/Invoke this installed OUI from Start menu > Programs, to install
    Oracle 8.1.x and related products.
    Workaround 1:
    1. Create a temporary directory on your server.
    2. Copy the entire contents of the Oracle RDBMS Server CD
    to the temporary directory created in step 1.
    3. Search the directory structure created in Step 1 for the existence of
    the filename symcjit.dll.
    4. Rename each copy of the symcjit.dll to symcjit.old.
    5. Run the setup.exe from the install\win32 directory (under the directory
    on your hard disk used in Step 1) and install Oracle 8.1.x and related products.
    Workaround 2:
    If you continue to experience any of the symptoms after performing Workaround 1, follow these steps:
    1. Copy the entire contents of the CD-ROM to a temporary directory
    on your hard disk.
    2. Search for all copies of the 'symcjit.dll' file both in and under the directory
    from Step 1, and rename them to 'symcjit.old'.
    3. Navigate to the \install directory and open the 'oraparam.ini' file for editing.
    Please note this file is write-protected, and the properties of the file must be
    changed to allow writing before editing.
    4. Change the JRE_MEMORY_OPTIONS parameter to
    JRE_MEMORY_OPTIONS=-nojit -ms64m -mx128m
    5. Save the oraparam.ini file.
    6. Navigate to the win32 subdirectory, under the directory you usedin Step 1, and run the
    setup.exe program.
    If you have tried Workarounds 1 and 2 and still experience problems, please
    do the following:
    Workaround 3:
    1. Navigate to: Start> Settings > Control Panel > System
    2. Select the "Advanced" tab
    3. Click the "Environment Variables" button
    4. Highlight the PATH entry and click "Edit..."
    5. Copy down the current PATH setting.
    6. Remove any entries that refer to previous JRE directories
    Note: Care should be taken when editing the system path. Incorrect
    edits can prevent Windows or other applications from starting properly.
    7. If any entries were removed, repeat Workaround 1 or 2.
    Patch 1507768 is available on Metalink, and should be installed
    using the Fix section of this article.
    INSTALLER FAILS WHEN RUNNING ON NEW PENTIUM 4 (IV) PROCESSORS [BUG:1507768] <ml2_documents.showDocument?p_id=1507768&p_database_id=BUG>
    INSTALLER FAILS WHEN RUNNING ON NEW INTEL PENTIUM 4 (IV) PROCESSORS [BUG:1507946] <ml2_documents.showDocument?p_id=1507946&p_database_id=BUG>
    See also, Installation of 8i Enterprise Edition Fails On Xeon Processor [NOTE:166752.1] <ml2_documents.showDocument?p_id=166752.1&p_database_id=NOT>
    Change Record
    This alert was modified 26-March-2003 by adding Fix section and reference to Xeon processor issue.
    This alert was modified 24-February-2003 by adding new reference to 166752.1.
    This alert was modified 4-February-2003 by updating the affected platforms, and a new
    step to check in the workaround section.
    This alert was modified 23-January-2002 by adding Workaround 3, and it was
    edited to improve clarity.
    This alert was modified 14-May-2001 by modifying the
    versions affected section to a generic RDBMS version and adding a
    simplified workaround.
    This alert was modified 16-January-2001 by specifying specific Oracle
    Universal Installer Versions in the the Versions Affected section.

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