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EDI Delphi Discussion :

[RAVE 5.0.04] [Delphi 7.0] Erreur StoreRAV

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EDI Delphi

  1. #1
    Membre régulier
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    Âge : 47
    Localisation : France, Alpes Maritimes (Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur)

    Informations professionnelles :
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    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Août 2003
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    Points : 87
    Par défaut [RAVE 5.0.04] [Delphi 7.0] Erreur StoreRAV

    lorsque j'utilise la fonction StoreRAV à partir de l'IDE et que je lance mon project, j'ai l'erreur suivante :

    Erreur lors de la lecture de RvProjet1
    Quelqu'un aurrais t-il une idée?

    Merci par avance



  2. #2
    Membre éclairé
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    Par défaut
    C'est une erreur à l'exécution ?

  3. #3
    Membre régulier
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    Par défaut
    A première vue non, lorsque je reconstruit l'appli, j'ai une erreur :

    RLINK32:Openning file "d:\source\appli\main.DFM"

  4. #4
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    Par défaut
    Etrange ça. Tu as essayé de redémarrer Delphi et de vérifier les droits d'accès à ton fichier ?

  5. #5
    Membre régulier
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    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Âge : 47
    Localisation : France, Alpes Maritimes (Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur)

    Informations professionnelles :
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    Informations forums :
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    Par défaut
    En fait, je pense que je n'étais pas assez precis sur mon problème.

    En faite, j'ai toujours eu ce problème dans delphi et c'est plus precisement lorsque j'utilise la fonction "Enregistrer" de StoreRAV que j'obtiens ce message d'erreur. Parcontre si je fait "Effacer", le message disparait!

    Et si je ne me trompe pas, cette fonction permet d'inclure le fichier .RAV dans l'executable final.

  6. #6
    Membre averti
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    Par défaut
    Mets à jours Rave vers la version 5.0.8 et voici le readme.
    Tu trouveras en gras un "Fixe" qui correcspond (je croie) a ton problème

    Nevrona Rave Borland Edition
    Release Notes


    This file contains important supplementary and late-
    breaking information that may not appear in the main
    product documentation. We recommend that you read this
    file in its entirety.




    Rendering changes
    - Fixed a problem where the width was not calculated on non-inch units in block text printing

    - Fixed default extension handling on rendering output components

    - Fixed some rendering problems for commands such as BKMode, FrameRect, FloodFill, BrushCopy,
    CopyRect and DrawFocusRect. Note that most printer drivers will not support these commands even
    with these fixes.

    - Fixed problems with AllowPreviewOnly and AllowPrinterOnly

    - Fixed a problem with Paper Bin selection in rendering

    - Fixed a problem in rendering where underlined spaces were not printing correctly on all rendering
    option combinations

    - Fixed a problem with rendering and user defined macros

    - Added OnDecodeImage event to render components to support PrintImage and PrintImageRect methods

    - Fixed problems in stream processing that would cause errors when printing multiple reports in a row

    - Fixed a problem with bitmap sizing in RTF rendering

    - Fixed a problem with PolyLine and Polygon methods not printing and previewing correctly

    Data Handling changes
    - Added Int64 support to DataConnection components

    - Fixed a problem for TRaveDriverDataView.QueryParams not working correctly

    - Fixed a problem with non-blob data types (such as TBytesField) in data connection and datalinks

    TRvProject changes
    - Added checking for an active project and report for the ReportDescToMemo, GetReportDesc,
    GetReportName and GetReportFullName methods

    - Fixed an AV that would sometimes occur in ExecuteReport

    - Fixed problem with the StoreRAV property and text mode .DFMs

    Preview changes
    - Fixed a problem that would sometimes cause the buttons to be disabled on the standard preview

    - Fixed a problem with the default preview form using 100% CPU during non-modal mode

    - Added OnAfterPreviewPrint event to TRvSystem and TRvRenderPreview component

    Rave Visual Report Designer changes
    - Changed Rave IDE from a CLX application to a VCL application

    - Splash screen now comes up centered on primary display for dual monitor systems

    - Fixed problem with inability to save Rave files on Windows 98 SE

    - Fixed a problem with the Master-Detail wizard not recognizing multiple dataviews correctly

    - Fixed several problems in the SQL designer that would cause AVs

    - Added code to support XP style themes

    Misc Changes
    - Included the RaveDemo.dpr file in the demo project

    - Changed TRaveModuleManager.FreeModule to ReleaseModule to remove C++Builder conflict

    - Changed EOL identifiers to Eol to prevent conflict in C++Builder

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