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JDeveloper Java Discussion :

List of Values (LOV) don't return the value to the main page with disconnect =true

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JDeveloper Java

  1. #1
    Nouveau Candidat au Club
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    Par défaut List of Values (LOV) don't return the value to the main page with disconnect =true
    Using: JDeveloper (build 1929)
    Application Module Configuration: "Disconnect Application Module Upon Release" = true
    "Failover Transaction State Upon Managed Release" = false
    "Support Dynamic JDBC Credentials" = false

    I have a problem with the LOVs in UIX page, I think was a bug in this version. With the Applicaton Module Configuration indicated, the LOVs that have the pagination (for example the range of table is setted to 10, and there are 15 record) don't return the value selected in the main form.

    Only the LOVs with pagination and only for the configuration indicated don't return the values! .

    If I change the configuration as below, the LOVs return the value correctly
    Disconnect ... = false
    Failover .... = true
    Support ... = true

    Anyone have already this problem and solved it? This is a bug?

    Thanks for any help

  2. #2
    Membre confirmé

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    Hi Matteo80,

    Sorry i have never used this version and i can not confirm if it's a bug or no. May be you could try to make your application evolving to next version 10.1.3. If it's bug that should solve the problem but if it's a mistake in code, the error will stay.

    If you don't already know it, this forum should be able to help you:

    Best regards,

  3. #3
    Candidat au Club
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    J'ai un petit problème :
    Je fait des modifications sur ma paga uix en modifiant le code ou bien en utilisant le design (graphique) . Et lorsque je re'execute mon application ces modifications n'apparaissent pas et le code de la page uix revient à son état initial.

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