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MATLAB Discussion :

[Compiler][Débutant] Compilation des mex files

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  1. #1
    Futur Membre du Club
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    Inscrit en
    Mai 2007
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    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Mai 2007
    Messages : 7
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    Par défaut [Compiler][Débutant] Compilation des mex files
    Found corrupted block 471 in table 2. (invalid table index).

    Found corrupted block 472 in table 2. (invalid table index).

    Found corrupted block 473 in table 2. (invalid table index).

    Found corrupted block 1133 in table 2. (invalid table index).

    Found corrupted block 1134 in table 2. (invalid table index).

    Found corrupted block 1135 in table 2. (invalid table index).

    Found corrupted block 2853 in table 16. (invalid table index). (closing the table)

    Found corrupted block 2854 in table 16. (invalid table index).

    Found corrupted block 2855 in table 16. (invalid table index).

    Found corrupted block 2865 in table 16. (invalid table index).

    Found corrupted block 2866 in table 16. (invalid table index).

    Found corrupted block 2867 in table 16. (invalid table index).

    Found corrupted block 2868 in table 16. (invalid table index).

    Checked all 18 cache memory tables. Found 2 corrupted tables.

    Assertion detected at Wed Jul 4 15:02:18 2007

    Assertion failed: Forced Assertion at line 678 of file "memmgr/memcache.cpp".
    Cache consistency error: Table index out of range

    MATLAB Version: (R14) Service Pack 2
    MATLAB License: ******
    Operating System: Linux 2.6.9-22.ELsmp #1 SMP Sat Oct 8 21:32:36 BST 2005 x86_64
    Window System: StarNet Communications Corp. (5021), display localhost:12.0
    Current Visual: 0x20 (class 4, depth 24)
    Virtual Machine: Java 1.4.2 with Blackdown Java-Linux Team Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
    (mixed mode)
    Default Charset: UTF-8

    Stack Trace:
    [0], 0x64656c696166206e, 0x696c207461207325, 0x666f20642520656e) + 164 bytes
    [1] const*, char const*, int, char const*)(0x013c2ac0, 0xffff8180, 0x2a9b022870, 0x013c2ab0) + 161 bytes
    [2], 0x013df6b0 "display", 0x7fbfffb850, 0x2a99309b60) + 68 bytes
    [3], 0x2a9b020ce0, 0x7fbfffb8a0, 0x2a957dd30e) + 128 bytes
    [4], 0x2a9891d5ed "ans", 0x7fbfffb8d0, 0x2a9580c0f7) + 88 bytes
    [5]*)(0x2a9b022870, 0x2a9b020ce0, 3, 0) + 158 bytes
    [6], 0, 0x7fbfffbca0, 0x2a961ece94) + 103 bytes
    [7], 0x7fbfffb960, 0, 2) + 112 bytes
    [8], 0xfb49d447, 0x2e00c7dac8, 27) + 2260 bytes
    [9], int, int, opcodes, inPcodeNest_tag volatile*)(0x7fbfffb508, 0x00c30e90, 0x9b9319e0, 0x2a00000002) + 2522 bytes
    [10], int, int, opcodes, inPcodeNest_tag*)(0x00c7e9d8, 0x7fbfffc090, 0x7fbfffc110, 0x7fbfffcd30) + 319 bytes
    [11]*, _pcodeheader*, int*, mxArray_tag**, inDebugCheck)(0, 0x7fbfffcc60, 0, 0) + 175 bytes
    [12]*, char const*, EvalType, int, mxArray_tag**, inDebugCheck, _pcodeheader*, int*, bool (*)(void*, char const*), void*)(0, 0, 0x2a961fc8a0, 0) + 1957 bytes
    [13], 0, 0, 255) + 51 bytes
    [14] const*, int*, inDebugCheck)(0x2a9b8f0660, 0, 0x03689e00, 0x00e6a1f0) + 102 bytes
    [15], 0x2a957070d0, 0x2a96c73770, 0x2a95c4ac50) + 759 bytes
    [16], 0x398900aa14, 0, 0x398900ba9f) + 104 bytes
    [17] MATLAB:mcrMain(int, char**)(0x7fbffff388, 0, 0, 0x004015c0) + 341 bytes
    [18], 0x7fbffff60e "x86_64", 6, 0x2a9a5f79c0) + 169 bytes

    Please follow these steps in reporting this problem to The MathWorks so
    that we have the best chance of correcting it:

    1. Send this crash report to for automated analysis.
    For your convenience, this information has been recorded in:

    2. Also, if the problem is reproducible, send the crash report to along with:
    - A specific list of steps that will reproduce the problem
    - Any M, MEX, MDL or other files required to reproduce the problem
    - Any error messages displayed to the command window
    A technical support engineer will contact you with further information.

    Thank you for your assistance. Please save your workspace and restart
    MATLAB before continuing your work.

  2. #2

    Avatar de Jerome Briot
    Homme Profil pro
    Freelance mécatronique - Conseil, conception et formation
    Inscrit en
    Novembre 2006
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    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Haute Garonne (Midi Pyrénées)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Freelance mécatronique - Conseil, conception et formation

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Novembre 2006
    Messages : 20 309
    Points : 52 896
    52 896
    Par défaut
    Euh... ce serait possible d'avoir du texte autour du message d'erreur (Bonjour, voila, merci) ?
    On est pas des machines

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