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Intégration Continue Discussion :

La 1.1-beta-1 est disponible [News] [Continuum]

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Intégration Continue

  1. #1
    Membre expérimenté

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    Par défaut La 1.1-beta-1 est disponible
    The maven/Continuum team is pleased to announce the first beta of Continuum 1.1

    Highlights are:

    * Continuum profiles to define JDK/maven/ANT to use in a build definition
    * many bug fixes and ui improvements.

    You can grab the latest release from:

    Next up we are going to have another beta release in a month, or
    ideally before to have a final release in 1.5 month

    Anyway, below is the jira release notes for this release.

    Release Notes - Continuum - Version 1.1-alpha-2


    * [CONTINUUM-530] - HTML encode the build output
    * [CONTINUUM-691] - Build Numbers are obscured by the queuing/building icon
    * [CONTINUUM-706] - XML-RPC Server does not support addition of BuildDefinitions
    * [CONTINUUM-709] - Runtime error during recording in datanase
    * [CONTINUUM-723] - strange trouble on solaris
    * [CONTINUUM-817] - The generated output in the Working Copy page displays the wrong content
    * [CONTINUUM-821] - The Project.getBuildResults() method returns an empty list
    * [CONTINUUM-963] - Derby Database initialization error on Webapp restarts on Jetty
    * [CONTINUUM-1094] - Continuum does not build with Sun JDK 6
    * [CONTINUUM-1119] - Creating a Group with an existing id errors
    * [CONTINUUM-1191] - editProject: NoSuchMethodException:
    * [CONTINUUM-1194] - Project is stuck in the "Build in Progress" state if the associated exception has more than 8192 chars
    * [CONTINUUM-1226] - Second build definitions on a project is never triggered with CVS
    * [CONTINUUM-1228] - OgnlException while setting property 'projectGroupId' on redirect
    * [CONTINUUM-1235] - Continuum 1.1-SNAPSHOT fails to check out projects from CVS when kicking off the build
    * [CONTINUUM-1241] - Schedule fails to start due to derby database column being too small
    * [CONTINUUM-1244] - project group name is not validated when left blank in Edit Project Group page, resulting to an error
    * [CONTINUUM-1308] - error moving projects to a new group
    * [CONTINUUM-1314] - NPE in - isInBuildingQueue
    * [CONTINUUM-1316] - Hitting 'Add' button repetitively in adding an Ant, Shell and Schedule using empty string only accumulates validation prompts in IE browser
    * [CONTINUUM-1320] - DefaultBuildController.makeAndStoreBuildResult cannot save build result due to maximum size of COMMAND_LINE
    * [CONTINUUM-1337] - NPE during profile creation
    * [CONTINUUM-1338] - field name in class org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm is too small
    * [CONTINUUM-1339] - Deleting a project group does not delete related build output directories
    * [CONTINUUM-1340] - After adding a ant project to the default project group (default project group is not displayed)
    * [CONTINUUM-1341] - Adding a Maven 2 POM from secure SVN on a non-standard port does not work


    * [CONTINUUM-774] - Better support for multiprojects
    * [CONTINUUM-1002] - build email cleanup
    * [CONTINUUM-1113] - Continuum doesn't work with MySQL
    * [CONTINUUM-1184] - Ability to pre-configure the Jetty port in conf/plexus.xml
    * [CONTINUUM-1350] - Documentation on Build profiles

    New Feature

    * [CONTINUUM-44] - multiple profiles
    * [CONTINUUM-614] - Enable auto-refresh for the build results page
    * [CONTINUUM-761] - Ability to delete results
    * [CONTINUUM-991] - Add meta refresh header to summary pages
    * [CONTINUUM-1178] - In Add New Maven 2 Project woudl like opportunity not to load modules
    * [CONTINUUM-1222] - usage of an alternative maven2-executable
    * [CONTINUUM-1291] - In a special configuration the report mail can contains false java version used for the build


    * [CONTINUUM-977] - Create web UI tests for "Add m1 & m2 projects" pages


    * [CONTINUUM-978] - add web ui tests for all pages related to schedules
    * [CONTINUUM-1223] - Ability to choose JVM (export JAVA_HOME) for different projects


    * [CONTINUUM-1224] - Ability to set MAVEN_OPTS for Maven2 build definitions
    * [CONTINUUM-1258] - Configure the possibility of resolving or not the search of build executables (maven, ant ...)

  2. #2
    Membre habitué Avatar de DanielW33
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    Par défaut
    Salut Emmanuel,
    Est-t'il prevu une nouvelle version de MAESTRO avec les nouvelles version beta de Continuum et/ou Archiva ?
    Sinon comment faire pour integrer ces version ( si cela est possible car j' ai remarquer qu'ellel diferrent legerement)

  3. #3
    Membre actif Avatar de coco62
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    Par défaut
    Super et à bientôt sur le forum pour des retour sur la beta -1

  4. #4
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    Par défaut
    Citation Envoyé par DanielW33
    Salut Emmanuel,
    Est-t'il prevu une nouvelle version de MAESTRO avec les nouvelles version beta de Continuum et/ou Archiva ?
    Sinon comment faire pour integrer ces version ( si cela est possible car j' ai remarquer qu'ellel diferrent legerement)
    La 1.1 finale sera dans Maestro 1.4

  5. #5
    Membre habitué Avatar de DanielW33
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    Par défaut
    Une date (ou periode) eventuelle de sortie de cette 1.4 ????

  6. #6
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    1 524
    Par défaut
    septembre ou octobre, je pense

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