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Adaptive Server Enterprise Sybase Discussion :

[ASE12] mess. erreur : WARNING - Fatal Error 644 occurred at Sep 21 2007 10:27PM.

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Adaptive Server Enterprise Sybase

  1. #1
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    Par défaut [ASE12] mess. erreur : WARNING - Fatal Error 644 occurred at Sep 21 2007 10:27PM.
    Sur un batch qui utilisent des proc stockées , j'ai un plantage au bout de 5 h avec le message suivant :
    WARNING - Fatal Error 644 occurred at Sep 21 2007 10:27PM. Please note the error and time, and contact a user with System Administrator (SA) authorization.
    Quelqu'un a t'il une idée : (je n'ai plus de doc sybase à ma disposition)

    Merci d'avance

  2. #2
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    Par défaut
    La doc est ici:

    Plus spécifiquement, le message concerne un problème de cohérence d'un index:

    This error occurs when the nonclustered index indicated by “index id” is corrupt. This corruption is detected when a process tries to delete a nonexistent row.

    To recover from this error, use the following steps to drop and re-create the index.

    1. Record the value of “index page” and “ index id” specified in the 644 error text. Then follow the instructions in “How to Find an Object Name from a Page Number” in the Encyclopedia of Tasks chapter to identify which table and index correspond to the index page number. Also note the object ID.

    2. If the object with the error is a system table (its object ID is less than 100), refer to “How to Fix a Corrupted Index on System Tables” in the Encyclopedia of Tasks chapter for instructions on how to repair the system table index. Then go to step 4.

    3. If the object ID is greater than 100, drop and re-create the index, using the table name and the index name obtained in step 1. This clears the corruption in most cases.

    4. To verify that all problems have been resolved on this table, run dbcc checktable and dbcc tablealloc on the affected table.
    En espérant que cette procédure te permettra de corriger le problème.

    Michael Peppler
    Membre de TeamSybase -

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  3. #3

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    Attention : pas de réponse technique par MP : pensez aux autres, passez par les forums !

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