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'============= FNC001 modDocumentClass =================================
' functions: =
' (01) document a class =
' method description:
' This function documents a class.
' created 09-NOV-2007
' modified 09-NOV-2007
' uses:
' Left(),Right(),Trim()
' Application::()
' inputs:
' strClassName: class module name
' outputs:
' modDocumentClass: returned function value
' locals:
' i: counter
' nLines: count of lines
' b2Continue: key indicating if to continue a line
' bTodo: todo key
' str1: string
' strLine: string of a code line
' strret: return string
' xobj: object
' notes:
' Source:
' http://www.developpez.net/forums/member.php?u=27262
' M. Pierre Fauconnier.
Function modDocumentClass(strClassName As String) As String
' global variables:
' local variables:
Dim i As Long, nLines As Long
Dim b2Continue As Boolean, bTodo As Boolean
Dim str1 As String, strLine As String, strret As String
Dim xobj As Object
' function body:
str1 = Application.GetOption("Project Name")
Set xobj = _
nLines = xobj.CodeModule.CountOfLines
b2Continue = False
strret = ""
For i = 1 To nLines
strLine = xobj.CodeModule.Lines(i, 1)
str1 = Trim(strLine)
If (Left(str1, 3)) = "Sub" Then
bTodo = True
ElseIf (Left(str1, 12) = "Property Get") Then
bTodo = True
ElseIf (Left(str1, 12) = "Property Let") Then
bTodo = True
ElseIf (Left(str1, 8) = "Function") Then
bTodo = True
ElseIf (Left(str1, 15) = "Public Function") Then
bTodo = True
ElseIf (b2Continue) Then
bTodo = True
bTodo = False
End If
If (bTodo) Then
strret = strret & strLine & vbCrLf
b2Continue = (Right(str1, 1) = "_")
End If
Set xobj = Nothing
' set function value:
modDocumentClass = strret
' exit the function:
End Function |