Building Boost.Iostreams with bzip2 support disabled. ECHO To enable bzip2, consult the Boost.Iostreams documentation
Building Boost.Iostreams with zlib and gzip support disabled.
To enable zlib and gzip, consult the Boost.Iostreams documentation
*** If you don't need Boost.Python, you can ignore this section ***
*** pass --without-python to suppress this message in the future ***
skipping Boost.Python library build due to missing or incorrect configuration
couldn't find Python.h in "c:/tools/python/include"
You can configure the location of your python installation by setting:
PYTHON_ROOT - currently "c:/tools/python"
PYTHON_VERSION - The 2-part python Major.Minor version number (e.g.
"2.2", NOT "2.2.1") - currently "2.2"
The following are automatically configured from PYTHON_ROOT if not
otherwise set:
PYTHON_LIB_PATH - path to Python library object; currently
Building Boost.Regex with the optional Unicode/ICU support disabled.
Please refer to the Boost.Regex documentation for more information
(and if you don't know what ICU is then you probably don't need it).
**** spirit 1.6x required to build library with this compiler ****
**** skipping build of <@boost!libs!serialization!build>libboost_serialization.lib; toolset= borland variant= debug ****
Post coupé car trop long et déformant le forum. Merci de faire attention à l'avenir