1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
nat.idf_agent MATRICULE,
his.nom_usuel || ' ' || his.nom_prenom NOM_PRENOM,
sum(bul.bas_rub) BASE_OUVR ,
bul.tau_rub TAU_OUVR ,
sum(bul.mnt_rub) MNT_OUVR ,
(select sum(bul2.bas_rub) from rh.bulpai_anter bul2 ,
rh.vue_charges vue
where bul2.idf_agent = nat.idf_agent
and bul2.cod_rub = vue.cod_rub
and vue.typ_cotis ='IRC'
and ind_cotis ='P'
and bul2.cod_rub not like '84%R'
and ( ( bul2.tau_rub + bul.tau_rub = 5.63 ) or
( bul2.tau_rub + bul.tau_rub = 17.5) )
group by substr(bul2.cod_rub,1,3)
(select distinct bul2.tau_rub from rh.bulpai_anter bul2 ,rh.vue_charges vue
where bul2.idf_agent = nat.idf_agent
and bul2.cod_rub = vue.cod_rub
and vue.typ_cotis ='IRC'
and ind_cotis ='P'
and bul2.tau_rub <> 0
and ( ( bul2.tau_rub + bul.tau_rub = 5.63 ) or
( bul2.tau_rub + bul.tau_rub = 17.5) )
(select sum(bul2.mnt_rub) from rh.bulpai_anter bul2,rh.vue_charges vue
where bul2.idf_agent = nat.idf_agent
and bul2.cod_rub = vue.cod_rub
and vue.typ_cotis ='IRC'
and ind_cotis ='P'
and ( ( bul2.tau_rub + bul.tau_rub = 5.63) or
( bul2.tau_rub + bul.tau_rub = 17.5) or
( (bul2.tau_rub + bul.tau_rub = 2.25) and (bul2.cod_rub ='841R') ) or
( (bul2.tau_rub + bul.tau_rub = 5.95) and (bul2.cod_rub ='843 R') ) )
group by substr(bul2.cod_rub,1,3)
FROM og.ident_his his,
rh.agtnat_anter nat ,
rh.agtpai_anter pai ,
rh.bulpai_anter bul,
rh.vue_charges vue
WHERE nat.ident_id = his.ident_id
and pai.idf_agent = nat.idf_agent
and pai.num_emploi = 1
and pai.num_periode = 1
and pai.cod_coll ='INRIA'
and nat.cod_coll ='INRIA'
and pai.cod_regret <>4
and pai.idf_agent = bul.idf_agent
and pai.idf_cle = bul.idf_cle
and pai.cod_regcot not in (61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68)
AND nat.cod_coll ='INRIA'
AND to_date(to_char(his.dat_debut,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'DD/MM/YYYY') <= to_date(to_char(sysdate,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'DD/MM/YYYY')
AND to_date(to_char(his.dat_fin,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'DD/MM/YYYY') > to_date(to_char(sysdate,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'DD/MM/YYYY')
and bul.cod_rub = vue.cod_rub
and vue.typ_cotis ='IRC'
and ind_cotis ='O'
group by nat.idf_agent,his.nom_usuel ||' '|| his.nom_prenom,substr(bul.cod_rub,1,3),bul.tau_rub
ORDER BY nat.idf_agent,bul.tau_rub; |