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Mise en page CSS Discussion :

Comment style blockquote?

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  1. #1
    Membre régulier
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    Inscription : Mai 2006
    Messages : 179
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    Par défaut Comment style blockquote?
    je ne sais pas comment se comporte exactement l'élément blockquote,
    voici le code CSS:
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    blockquote {width:300px; font-style:italic;margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; margin-top:60px;padding:20px 0 0 0;background:#ffc url(../images/q_O.png) 10% 0 no-repeat}
    blockquote p {padding:30px;margin:0;background:#ffc url(../images/q_C.png) 95% 95% no-repeat}
    le résultat est sur la page :

    sous firefox 3, le pb c'est que l'élément est découpé en deux ! sachant que pour être valide Strict, il faut placer un <p></p> dans le <blockquote>, je remecie pour votre aide.

  2. #2
    Avatar de Macmillenium
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    Secteur : High Tech - Produits et services télécom et Internet

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    Tu as :
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    Despite being described as a not so credible competitor by its Japanese rival Honda, BYD will fiercely fight to gain marketshare. In its "<a href="US$">5 things you should know about the F3 DM</a>", the author on her 4th point noted that in China the infrastructure is not suited for battery recharge at home, the reason is in a densely populated country, people live in 20 storey flat in general, you do easily imagine how hard it is, if you lived on the 2nd floor to plug your car !<br />Because the type of hybrid is quite new (Plug-in type, while the Prius is not of a plug-in type), we don't know yet the behavior in the long run of the BYD F3 DM. However, BYD will try to sell its new baby as soon as 2010 in the US, making an international debut. Its potential rival, <a href="">the Chevy Volt is delayed</a>, but one hope it is not delayed for too long :
    <p>A big part of what made the Volt notable is that it is ahead of the curve. If it becomes just another plug-in hybrid, the benefits to GM will be much smaller</p>
    <br style="clear:both" /> The Chevrolet Volt is priced at US$40,000 twice as much as the BY F3DM.
    Attention : ton blockquote est entre les balises <p> et </p> alors que ces dernières ne peuvent contenir que des éléments de type inline et non pas de type block (blockquote, div, ul etc ...)

    C'est à dire pas de blockquote dans un paragraphe :
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    Despite being described as a not so credible competitor by its Japanese rival Honda, BYD will fiercely fight to gain marketshare. In its "<a href="US$">5 things you should know about the F3 DM</a>", the author on her 4th point noted that in China the infrastructure is not suited for battery recharge at home, the reason is in a densely populated country, people live in 20 storey flat in general, you do easily imagine how hard it is, if you lived on the 2nd floor to plug your car !<br />Because the type of hybrid is quite new (Plug-in type, while the Prius is not of a plug-in type), we don't know yet the behavior in the long run of the BYD F3 DM. However, BYD will try to sell its new baby as soon as 2010 in the US, making an international debut. Its potential rival, <a href="">the Chevy Volt is delayed</a>, but one hope it is not delayed for too long :
    <br style="clear:both" /> The Chevrolet Volt is priced at US$40,000 twice as much as the BY F3DM.
    <p>A big part of what made the Volt notable is that it is ahead of the curve. If it becomes just another plug-in hybrid, the benefits to GM will be much smaller</p>

  3. #3
    Membre émérite Avatar de Erwan31
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    ça vient du float:left de tes paragraphes.
    Tu as déclaré p {float:left}, ce qui est très dangereux puisque le flottement s'applique à tous tes paragraphes.
    Le paragraphe précédent le blockquote est flottant et donc il est sorti du flux normal vis à vis des éléments de blocs adjacents, en l'occurrence ici le blockquote qui remonte au niveau du premier élément précédent en flux normal, c-à-d le h2.
    Le blockquote est donc situé juste au dessous du h2 et son paragraphe au dessous du paragraphe introduit par le h2.

  4. #4
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    Par défaut
    Merci à vous deux.

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