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SharePoint .NET Discussion :

Restauration d'une base de données de contenu

Sujet :

SharePoint .NET

  1. #1
    Membre à l'essai
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    Messages : 27
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    Par défaut Restauration d'une base de données de contenu
    J'ai récupéré une sauvegarde du WSS_Content d'un site sharepoint, et je voudrais savoir s'il est possible de le restaurer sur un autre système.
    Quand j'essaye de le faire, j'obtiens une erreur :
    SPExeption : Impossible de rattacher la base de données à l'application Web. Utilisez l'outil de ligne de commande ou les pages Administration centrale pour rattacher manuellement la base de données à l'application Web adéquate.

    J'ai donc essayé stsadm, mais sans succès...
    Quelqu'un peut m'aider ?

    Merci d'avance.

  2. #2
    Membre averti
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    J'ai fait cette manipulation et elle a fonctionné après plusieurs problèmes. Essaye la procédure suivante et dis moi si ca fonctionne (Dsl c'est un peu brut !). Surtout ne fait pas une restauration complète parce que ca ne risque de ne pas marcher. Fais juste celle du CONTENT.

    Move databases from old SQL Server to new SQL server using Central Admin Backup/Restore
    Move SharePoint databases to a different SQL server

    1. Using the SharePoint Central Admin, make a full backup the whole farm. Central Administration > Operations > Perform a Backup Select FARM > Click “Continue to Backup Options” Create a backup

    2. Start the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard and disconnect the web server from the farm Launch SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard and in “Modify Server Farm Settings” select the option “Disconnect from this server farm” > Click Next
    Once the server is disconnected from the Farm reboot the server
    Check if there are any SharePoint web sites and application pool in IIS Manager
    If yes delete them

    3. Using the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard define a new farm in the SQL server, that creates a new configuration database
    a. Launch SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard
    b. On the Welcome to SharePoint Products and Technologies page, click next.
    c. Click yes in the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted during configuration.
    d. On the Connect to a server farm page, click No, I want to create a new server farm, and then click Next.
    e. In the Specify Configuration Database Settings dialog box, in the Database server box, type the name of the computer that is running SQL Server (new SQL Server name).
    f. Type a name for your configuration database in the Database name box, or use the default database name. The default name is “SharePoint_Config"
    g. In the User name box, type the user name of the Server farm account. (Be sure to type the user name in the format DOMAIN\username.)
    The server farm account is used to access your configuration database. It also
    acts as the application pool identity for the SharePoint Central Administration
    application pool, and it is the account under which the Windows SharePoint
    Services Timer service runs. The SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration
    Wizard adds this account to the SQL Server Logins, the SQL Server Database Creator
    server role, and the SQL Server Security Administrators server role. The user
    account that you specify as the service account must be a domain user account, but
    it does not need to be a member of any specific security group on your Web servers
    or your back-end database servers. We recommend that you follow the principle of
    least privilege and specify a user account that is not a member of the
    Administrators group on your Web servers or your back-end servers.
    h. In the Password box, type the user's password, and then click Next.
    i. On the Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application page, select
    the Specify port number check box and type a port number if you want the SharePoint
    Central Administration Web application to use a specific port, or leave the
    Specify port number check box cleared if you do not care which port number the
    SharePoint Central Administration Web application uses.
    j. In the Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application dialog box
    keep default settings
    k. On the Completing the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard
    page, click Next.
    l. On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish.
    m. The SharePoint Central Administration Web site home page opens.

    4. Using the SharePoint Central Admin restore the sites
    Either restore complete farm (Not preferred)
    a. Browse to Central Administration > Operations > Restore from Backup
    b. Select the backup file location > Click OK
    c. Select the farm backup > Click “Continue Restore Process”
    d. Click the Check box next to FARM > Click Continue Restore Process
    e. In the page that comes up > Set the Restore Options to “NEW Configuration”
    f. Provide new database Server name for the web sites, SSP (Double check the database server name is the new server for all the databases)
    g. Click OK
    Note: There should be no site by that name present during restore
    There should be no database with the names present in the new SQL


    Restore the sites and then the SSP
    1. Restore the content database / SharePoint Web applications
    a. Browse to Central Administration > Operations > Restore from Backup
    b. Select the backup file location > Click OK
    c. Select the farm backup > Click “Continue Restore Process”
    d. Click the Check box next to “Windows SharePoint Services Web Application” >
    Click Continue Restore Process
    e. In the page that comes up > Set the Restore Options to “NEW Configuration”
    f. Provide “new database Server name” for the web sites (Double check the database server name is the new server for all the databases)
    g. Click OK
    Note: There should be no site by that name present during restore
    There should be no database with the new names present in the SQL

    2. Restore the SSP and its content
    a. Browse to Central Administration > Operations > Restore from Backup
    b. Select the backup file location > Click OK
    c. Select the farm backup > Click “Continue Restore Process”
    d. Click the Check box next to “SSP” > Click Continue Restore Process
    e. In the page that comes up > Set the Restore Options to “NEW Configuration”
    f. Provide “new database Server name” for the SSP (Double check the database server name is the new server for all the databases)
    g. Click OK
    Note: There should be no site by that name present during restore
    There should be no database with the new names present in the SQL
    Enjoy !

  3. #3
    Expert éminent
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    Localisation : France, Bouches du Rhône (Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur)

    Informations professionnelles :
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    Par défaut

    Je fais remonter ce post car je m'interesse au sujet.

    J'ai donc:
    • Un W2K3 Server
    • Un WSS3.0

    Tout fonctionne bien.

    Je souhaite tester un backup/restore.
    Je fais donc un backup complet de la ferme. Malheureusement, quoi que je fasse, je ne retrouve jamais mes données.

    Ai-je oublié qqch?


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