1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
| function [y0detect,x0detect,Accumulator] = houghcircle(Imbinary,r,thresh,region)
%HOUGHCIRCLE - detects circles with specific radius in a binary image.
% Function uses Standard Hough Transform to detect circles in a binary image.
% According to the Hough Transform for circles, each pixel in image space
% corresponds to a circle in Hough space and vise versa.
% upper left corner of image is the origin of coordinate system.
%Usage: [y0detect,x0detect,Accumulator] = houghcircle(Imbinary,r,thresh,region)
% Imbinary - a binary image. image pixels that have value equal to 1 are
% interested pixels for HOUGHLINE function.
% r - radius of circles.
% thresh - a threshold value that determines the minimum number of
% pixels that belong to a circle in image space. threshold must be
% bigger than or equal to 4(default).
% region - a rectangular region to search for circle centers within
% [x,y,w,h]. Must not be larger than the image area.
% Default is image area
% y0detect - row coordinates of detected circles.
% x0detect - column coordinates of detected circles.
% Accumulator - the accumulator array in Hough space.
%Written by :
% Amin Sarafraz
% Photogrammetry & Computer Vision Devision
% Geomatics Department,Faculty of Engineering
% University of Tehran,Iran
% sarafraz@geomatics.ut.ac.ir
%May 5,2004 - Original version
%November 24,2004 - Modified version,faster and better performance
%November 18,2005 - Modified by Peter Bone, University of Sussex, England, peterbone@hotmail.com
% Much faster and better performance.
% Circles drawn properly (without gaps) using midpoint circle algorithm.
% Added region to increase speed if a center estimate is known.
imSize = size(Imbinary);
if nargin > 2 & thresh < 4
error('treshold value must be bigger or equal to 4');
if nargin < 3 thresh = 4; end
if nargin < 4 region = [1,1,imSize(2),imSize(1)]; end
Accumulator = zeros(imSize);
xmin = region(1); xmax = xmin + region(3) - 1;
ymin = region(2); ymax = ymin + region(4) - 1;
[yIndex xIndex] = find(Imbinary);
% loop through edge points
for cnt = 1:length(xIndex)
xCenter = xIndex(cnt); yCenter = yIndex(cnt);
xmx=xCenter-r; xpx=xCenter+r;
ypx=yCenter+r; ymx=yCenter-r;
% skip this point if circle is completely outside region
if xpx<xmin | xmx>xmax | ypx<ymin | ymx>ymax continue; end
if ypx<=imSize(1) & ymx>=1 & xpx<=imSize(2) & xmx>=1 %ypxin & ymxin & xpxin & xmxin % circle is completely inside region
x = 1;
y = r;
d = 5/4 - r;
Accumulator(ypx,xCenter) = Accumulator(ypx,xCenter) + 1;
Accumulator(ymx,xCenter) = Accumulator(ymx,xCenter) + 1;
Accumulator(yCenter,xpx) = Accumulator(yCenter,xpx) + 1;
Accumulator(yCenter,xmx) = Accumulator(yCenter,xmx) + 1;
while y > x
xpx = xCenter+x; xmx = xCenter-x;
ypy = yCenter+y; ymy = yCenter-y;
ypx = yCenter+x; ymx = yCenter-x;
xpy = xCenter+y; xmy = xCenter-y;
Accumulator(ypy,xpx) = Accumulator(ypy,xpx) + 1;
Accumulator(ymy,xpx) = Accumulator(ymy,xpx) + 1;
Accumulator(ypy,xmx) = Accumulator(ypy,xmx) + 1;
Accumulator(ymy,xmx) = Accumulator(ymy,xmx) + 1;
Accumulator(ypx,xpy) = Accumulator(ypx,xpy) + 1;
Accumulator(ymx,xpy) = Accumulator(ymx,xpy) + 1;
Accumulator(ypx,xmy) = Accumulator(ypx,xmy) + 1;
Accumulator(ymx,xmy) = Accumulator(ymx,xmy) + 1;
if d < 0
d = d + x * 2 + 3;
x = x + 1;
d = d + (x - y) * 2 + 5;
x = x + 1;
y = y - 1;
if x == y
xpx = xCenter+x; xmx = xCenter-x;
ypy = yCenter+y; ymy = yCenter-y;
Accumulator(ypy,xpx) = Accumulator(ypy,xpx) + 1;
Accumulator(ymy,xpx) = Accumulator(ymy,xpx) + 1;
Accumulator(ypy,xmx) = Accumulator(ypy,xmx) + 1;
Accumulator(ymy,xmx) = Accumulator(ymy,xmx) + 1;
else % circle is partly outside region - need boundary checking
ypxin = ypx>=ymin & ypx<=ymax;
ymxin = ymx>=ymin & ymx<=ymax;
xpxin = xpx>=xmin & xpx<=xmax;
xmxin = xmx>=xmin & xmx<=xmax;
if ypxin Accumulator(ypx,xCenter) = Accumulator(ypx,xCenter) + 1; end
if ymxin Accumulator(ymx,xCenter) = Accumulator(ymx,xCenter) + 1; end
if xpxin Accumulator(yCenter,xpx) = Accumulator(yCenter,xpx) + 1; end
if xmxin Accumulator(yCenter,xmx) = Accumulator(yCenter,xmx) + 1; end
x = 1;
y = r;
d = 5/4 - r;
while y > x
xpx = xCenter+x; xpxin = xpx>=xmin & xpx<=xmax;
xmx = xCenter-x; xmxin = xmx>=xmin & xmx<=xmax;
ypy = yCenter+y; ypyin = ypy>=ymin & ypy<=ymax;
ymy = yCenter-y; ymyin = ymy>=ymin & ymy<=ymax;
ypx = yCenter+x; ypxin = ypx>=ymin & ypx<=ymax;
ymx = yCenter-x; ymxin = ymx>=ymin & ymx<=ymax;
xpy = xCenter+y; xpyin = xpy>=xmin & xpy<=xmax;
xmy = xCenter-y; xmyin = xmy>=xmin & xmy<=xmax;
if ypyin & xpxin Accumulator(ypy,xpx) = Accumulator(ypy,xpx) + 1; end
if ymyin & xpxin Accumulator(ymy,xpx) = Accumulator(ymy,xpx) + 1; end
if ypyin & xmxin Accumulator(ypy,xmx) = Accumulator(ypy,xmx) + 1; end
if ymyin & xmxin Accumulator(ymy,xmx) = Accumulator(ymy,xmx) + 1; end
if ypxin & xpyin Accumulator(ypx,xpy) = Accumulator(ypx,xpy) + 1; end
if ymxin & xpyin Accumulator(ymx,xpy) = Accumulator(ymx,xpy) + 1; end
if ypxin & xmyin Accumulator(ypx,xmy) = Accumulator(ypx,xmy) + 1; end
if ymxin & xmyin Accumulator(ymx,xmy) = Accumulator(ymx,xmy) + 1; end
if d < 0
d = d + x * 2 + 3;
x = x + 1;
d = d + (x - y) * 2 + 5;
x = x + 1;
y = y - 1;
if x == y
xpx = xCenter+x; xpxin = xpx>=xmin & xpx<=xmax;
xmx = xCenter-x; xmxin = xmx>=xmin & xmx<=xmax;
ypy = yCenter+y; ypyin = ypy>=ymin & ypy<=ymax;
ymy = yCenter-y; ymyin = ymy>=ymin & ymy<=ymax;
if ypyin & xpxin Accumulator(ypy,xpx) = Accumulator(ypy,xpx) + 1; end
if ymyin & xpxin Accumulator(ymy,xpx) = Accumulator(ymy,xpx) + 1; end
if ypyin & xmxin Accumulator(ypy,xmx) = Accumulator(ypy,xmx) + 1; end
if ymyin & xmxin Accumulator(ymy,xmx) = Accumulator(ymy,xmx) + 1; end
% Finding local maxima in Accumulator
y0detect = []; x0detect = [];
AccumulatorbinaryMax = imregionalmax(Accumulator);
[Potential_y0 Potential_x0] = find(AccumulatorbinaryMax == 1);
Accumulatortemp = Accumulator - thresh;
for cnt = 1:length(Potential_y0)
if Accumulatortemp(Potential_y0(cnt),Potential_x0(cnt)) >= 0
y0detect = [y0detect;Potential_y0(cnt)];
x0detect = [x0detect;Potential_x0(cnt)];
end |