1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288
deployed with moduleid = monPackage2-ejb
Processing PersistenceUnitInfo [
name: monPackage2-ejbPU
found EJB3 Entity bean: monPackage.entites.Diagnostic
found EJB3 Entity bean: monPackage.entites.Examens
found EJB3 Entity bean: monPackage.entites.Images
found EJB3 Entity bean: monPackage.entites.Medecins
found EJB3 Entity bean: monPackage.entites.Patients
found EJB3 Entity bean: monPackage.entites.Techniciens
Reading mappings from resource: META-INF/orm.xml
[PersistenceUnit: monPackage2-ejbPU] no META-INF/orm.xml found
Binding entity from annotated class: monPackage.entites.Diagnostic
Binding Named query: Diagnostic.findAll => SELECT d FROM Diagnostic d
Binding Named query: Diagnostic.findById => SELECT d FROM Diagnostic d WHERE d.id = :id
Binding Named query: Diagnostic.findByDateDiag => SELECT d FROM Diagnostic d WHERE d.dateDiag = :dateDiag
Bind entity monPackage.entites.Diagnostic on table diagnostic
Binding entity from annotated class: monPackage.entites.Examens
Binding Named query: Examens.findAll => SELECT e FROM Examens e
Binding Named query: Examens.findById => SELECT e FROM Examens e WHERE e.id = :id
Binding Named query: Examens.findByTypeExam => SELECT e FROM Examens e WHERE e.typeExam = :typeExam
Binding Named query: Examens.findByDateEx => SELECT e FROM Examens e WHERE e.dateEx = :dateEx
Binding Named query: Examens.findByModalite => SELECT e FROM Examens e WHERE e.modalite = :modalite
Bind entity monPackage.entites.Examens on table examens
Binding entity from annotated class: monPackage.entites.Images
Binding Named query: Images.findAll => SELECT i FROM Images i
Binding Named query: Images.findById => SELECT i FROM Images i WHERE i.id = :id
Binding Named query: Images.findByTypeImag => SELECT i FROM Images i WHERE i.typeImag = :typeImag
Binding Named query: Images.findByNomFichier => SELECT i FROM Images i WHERE i.nomFichier = :nomFichier
Binding Named query: Images.findByChemin => SELECT i FROM Images i WHERE i.chemin = :chemin
Bind entity monPackage.entites.Images on table images
Binding entity from annotated class: monPackage.entites.Medecins
Binding Named query: Medecins.findAll => SELECT m FROM Medecins m
Binding Named query: Medecins.findById => SELECT m FROM Medecins m WHERE m.id = :id
Binding Named query: Medecins.findByNom => SELECT m FROM Medecins m WHERE m.nom = :nom
Binding Named query: Medecins.findByPrenom => SELECT m FROM Medecins m WHERE m.prenom = :prenom
Binding Named query: Medecins.findByLogin => SELECT m FROM Medecins m WHERE m.login = :login
Binding Named query: Medecins.findByMotPasse => SELECT m FROM Medecins m WHERE m.motPasse = :motPasse
Binding Named query: Medecins.findByHopital => SELECT m FROM Medecins m WHERE m.hopital = :hopital
Binding Named query: Medecins.findByService => SELECT m FROM Medecins m WHERE m.service = :service
Bind entity monPackage.entites.Medecins on table medecins
Binding entity from annotated class: monPackage.entites.Patients
Binding Named query: Patients.findAll => SELECT p FROM Patients p
Binding Named query: Patients.findById => SELECT p FROM Patients p WHERE p.id = :id
Binding Named query: Patients.findByNom => SELECT p FROM Patients p WHERE p.nom = :nom
Binding Named query: Patients.findByPrenom => SELECT p FROM Patients p WHERE p.prenom = :prenom
Binding Named query: Patients.findByDateNaiss => SELECT p FROM Patients p WHERE p.dateNaiss = :dateNaiss
Binding Named query: Patients.findBySexe => SELECT p FROM Patients p WHERE p.sexe = :sexe
Bind entity monPackage.entites.Patients on table patients
Binding entity from annotated class: monPackage.entites.Techniciens
Binding Named query: Techniciens.findAll => SELECT t FROM Techniciens t
Binding Named query: Techniciens.findById => SELECT t FROM Techniciens t WHERE t.id = :id
Binding Named query: Techniciens.findByNom => SELECT t FROM Techniciens t WHERE t.nom = :nom
Binding Named query: Techniciens.findByPrenom => SELECT t FROM Techniciens t WHERE t.prenom = :prenom
Binding Named query: Techniciens.findByLogin => SELECT t FROM Techniciens t WHERE t.login = :login
Binding Named query: Techniciens.findByMotPasse => SELECT t FROM Techniciens t WHERE t.motPasse = :motPasse
Binding Named query: Techniciens.findByHopital => SELECT t FROM Techniciens t WHERE t.hopital = :hopital
Bind entity monPackage.entites.Techniciens on table techniciens
Mapping collection: monPackage.entites.Examens.diagnosticCollection -> diagnostic
Mapping collection: monPackage.entites.Images.examensCollection -> examens
Mapping collection: monPackage.entites.Medecins.diagnosticCollection -> diagnostic
Mapping collection: monPackage.entites.Patients.examensCollection -> examens
Mapping collection: monPackage.entites.Techniciens.examensCollection -> examens
Initializing connection provider: org.hibernate.ejb.connection.InjectedDataSourceConnectionProvider
Using provided datasource
RDBMS: MySQL, version: 5.0.67-community-nt
JDBC driver: MySQL-AB JDBC Driver, version: mysql-connector-java-5.0.5 ( $Date: 2007-03-01 00:01:06 +0100 (Thu, 01 Mar 2007) $, $Revision: 6329 $ )
Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
Transaction strategy: org.hibernate.ejb.transaction.JoinableCMTTransactionFactory
instantiating TransactionManagerLookup: org.hibernate.transaction.SunONETransactionManagerLookup
instantiated TransactionManagerLookup
Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled
JDBC batch size: 15
JDBC batch updates for versioned data: disabled
Scrollable result sets: enabled
JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): enabled
Connection release mode: auto
Maximum outer join fetch depth: 2
Default batch fetch size: 1
Generate SQL with comments: disabled
Order SQL updates by primary key: disabled
Query translator: org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
Query language substitutions: {}
JPA-QL strict compliance: enabled
Second-level cache: enabled
Query cache: disabled
Cache provider: org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider
Optimize cache for minimal puts: disabled
Structured second-level cache entries: disabled
Statistics: disabled
Deleted entity synthetic identifier rollback: disabled
Default entity-mode: pojo
building session factory
Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
Running hbm2ddl schema export
exporting generated schema to database
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'medecins'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'medecins'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'patients'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'medecins'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'patients'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'techniciens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'medecins'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'patients'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'techniciens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'medecins'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'patients'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'techniciens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'medecins'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'patients'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'techniciens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'medecins'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'patients'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'techniciens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'medecins'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'patients'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'techniciens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'medecins'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'patients'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'techniciens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'medecins'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'patients'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'techniciens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'medecins'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'patients'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'techniciens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'medecins'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'patients'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'techniciens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'medecins'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'patients'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'techniciens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'diagnostic'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'examens'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'images'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'medecins'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'patients'
SQL Warning: 1051, SQLState: 42S02
Unknown table 'techniciens'
schema export complete
JNDI InitialContext properties:{}
**RemoteBusinessJndiName: monPackage.façades.DiagnosticFacade; remoteBusIntf: monPackage.façades.DiagnosticFacadeRemote
**RemoteBusinessJndiName: monPackage.façades.ImagesFacade; remoteBusIntf: monPackage.façades.ImagesFacadeRemote
**RemoteBusinessJndiName: monPackage.façades.Techniciens; remoteBusIntf: monPackage.façades.TechniciensFacadeRemote
**RemoteBusinessJndiName: monPackage.façades.PatientsFacade; remoteBusIntf: monPackage.façades.PatientsFacadeRemote
**RemoteBusinessJndiName: monPackage.façades.ExamensFacade; remoteBusIntf: monPackage.façades.ExamensFacadeRemote
**RemoteBusinessJndiName: monPackage.façades.MedecinsFacade; remoteBusIntf: monPackage.façades.MedecinsFacadeRemote
LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [monPackage2-ejb] loaded successfully! |