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Silverlight Discussion :

Silverlight 3 disponible en version finale

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  1. #1

    Avatar de Jérôme Lambert
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    Par défaut Silverlight 3 disponible en version finale
    Silverlight 3 RTW et Blend 3 RC enfin disponible

    Vous pouvez télécharger :
    le runtime (Silverlight 3 RTW)
    les outils (Microsoft® Silverlight™ 3 Tools for Visual Studio 2008 SP1).
    Deep Zoom Composer (Prepare images for use with the Deep Zoom feature in Silverlight 3)

    Et aussi : Microsoft Expression Blend 3 + SketchFlow RC est aussi disponible.
    (With Expression Blend 3 + SketchFlow, you can create Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications for the desktop and Microsoft Silverlight 3 applications for the web.)
    La technologie de développement d'applications RIA Silverlight de Microsoft est désormais disponible en version 3 finale .Silverlight est une technologie RIA concurrente de Flash et Flex d'Adobe.

    Dans les nouveautés de Silverlight 3 on trouve par exemple le support de l'accélération graphique matérielle, de nouvelles fonctionnalités 3D, une optimisation du référencement du contenu par les moteurs de recherche, et l'ajout du support de H.264, MP4, AAC, et aussi la possibilité pour les développeurs de créer des applications Web allégées à exécuter en dehors du navigateur en utilisant Windows Presentation Foundation ( WPF ).

    Il sera donc possible de développer des applications Silverlight comme applicatif de bureau à l'instar de ce que permet le moteur d'exécution AIR... d'Adobe qui est multiplateforme.

    Voici les nouveautés en détail
    What’s New in Silverlight 3 Beta?

    Fully supported by Visual Studio and Expression Blend, highlights of new features and functionality of Silverlight 3 include: major media enhancements, out of browser support allowing Web applications to work on the desktop; significant graphics improvements including 3D graphics support, GPU acceleration and H.264 video support; and many features to improve RIA development productivity. Also, in order to fully integrate all the .NET developer tools, Visual Studio 2010 will support a fully editable and interactive designer for Silverlight. New features in Silverlight 3 include:

    * Support for Higher Quality Video & Audio. With support for native H.264/Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) Audio, live and on-demand IIS7 Smooth Streaming, full HD (720p+) playback, and an extensible decoder pipeline, Silverlight 3 brings rich, full-screen, stutter-free media experiences to the desktop. New and enhanced media features in Silverlight 3 include:
    o Live and on-demand true HD (720p+) Smooth Streaming. IIS Media Services (formerly IIS Media Pack), an integrated HTTP media delivery platform, features Smooth Streaming which dynamically detects and seamlessly switches, in real time, the video quality of a media file delivered to Silverlight based on local bandwidth and CPU conditions.
    o More format choice. In addition to native support for VC-1/WMA, Silverlight 3 now offers users native support for MPEG-4-based H.264/AAC Audio, enabling content distributors to deliver high-quality content to a wide variety of computers and devices.
    o True HD playback in full-screen. Leveraging graphics processor unit (GPU) hardware acceleration, Silverlight experiences can now be delivered in true full-screen HD (720p+).
    o Extensible media format support. With the new Raw AV pipeline, Silverlight can easily support a wide variety of third-party codecs. Audio and video can be decoded outside the runtime and rendered in Silverlight, extending format support beyond the native codecs.
    o Industry leading content protection. Silverlight DRM, Powered by PlayReady Content Protection enables protected in-browser experiences using AES encryption or Windows Media DRM.
    * Empowering Richer Experiences. Silverlight 3 contains new 3D graphics, animation features, hardware accelerated effects and text improvements that enable designers and developers to create next generation Web visuals. Additional features include:
    o Perspective 3D Graphics. Silverlight 3 allows developers and designers to apply content to a 3D plane. Users can rotate or scale live content in space without writing any additional code. Other effects include creating a queue in 3D and transitions.
    o Pixel Shader effects. These software based effects include blur and drop shadow. In addition, you can also write your own effect. Effects can be applied to any graphical content. An example would be to make a button appear depressed on rollover you could use a drop shadow effect on the pressed visual state.
    o Bitmap Caching. Silverlight 3 dramatically improves the rendering performance of applications by allowing users to cache vector content, text and controls into bitmaps. This feature is useful for background content and for content which needs to scale without making changes to its internal appearance.
    o New Bitmap API. With Silverlight 3, developers can now write pixels to a bitmap. Thus, they can build a photo editor to do red eye correction, perform edits on scanned documents or create specials effects for cached bitmaps from elements on the screen.
    o Themed application support. Developers can now theme applications by applying styles to their Silverlight 3 applications and changing them at runtime. Additionally, developers can cascade styles by basing them on each other.
    o Animation Effects. Silverlight 3 provides new effects such as spring and bounce. These make animation more natural. Developers can also now develop their own mathematical functions to describe an animation.
    o Enhanced control skinning. Silverlight 3 provides easier skinning capabilities by keeping a common set of controls external from an application. This allows the sharing of styles and control skins between different applications.
    o Improved text rendering & font support. Silverlight 3 allows far more efficient rendering and rapid animation of text. Applications also load faster by enabling the use of local fonts.
    * Improving Rich Internet Application Productivity. New features include:
    o 60+ controls with source code : Silverlight 3 is packed with over 60 high-quality, fully skinnable and customizable out-of-the-box controls such as charting and media, new layout containers such as dock and viewbox, and controls such as autocomplete, treeview and datagrid. The controls come with nine professional designed themes and the source code can be modified/recompiled or utilized as-is. Other additions include multiple selection in listbox controls, file save dialog making it easier to write files, and support for multiple page applications with navigation.
    o Deep Linking. Silverlight 3 includes support for deep linking, which enables bookmarking a page within a RIA.
    o Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Silverlight 3 enables users to solve the SEO-related challenges posed by RIAs. By utilizing business objects on the server, together with ASP.NET controls and site maps, users can automatically mirror database-driven RIA content into HTML that is easily indexed by the leading search engines.
    o Enhanced Data Support Silverlight 3 delivers:
    + Element to Element binding : UI designers use binding between two UI properties to create compelling UI experiences. Silverlight now enables property binding to CLR objects and other UI components via XAML, for instance binding a slider value to the volume control of a media player.
    + Data Forms. The Data Form control provides support for layout of fields, validation, updating and paging through data.
    + New features for data validation which automatically catch incorrect input and warn the user with built-in validation controls.
    + Support for business objects on both client and server with n-Tier data support. Easily load, sort, filter and page data with added support for working with data. Includes a new built-in CollectionView to perform a set of complex operations against server side data. A new set of .NET RIA services supports these features on the server.
    o Improved performance, through:
    + Application library caching, which reduces the size of applications by caching framework on the client in order to improve rendering performance.
    + Enhanced Deep Zoom, allows users to fluidly navigate through larger image collections by zooming.
    + Binary XML allows communication with the server to be compressed, greatly increasing the speed at which data can be exchanged.
    + Local Connection This feature allows communication between two Silverlight applications on the client-side without incurring a server roundtrip: for instance a chart in one control can communicate with a datagrid in another.
    * Advanced Accessibility Features. Silverlight 3 is the first browser plug-in to provide access to all system colors, allowing partially-sighted people to make changes such as high contrast color schemes for ease of readability by using familiar operating system controls.
    * Out of Browser Capabilities. The new out of browser experience in Silverlight 3 enables users to place their favorite Silverlight applications directly onto their PC and Mac, with links on the desktop and start menu—all without the need to download an additional runtime or browser plug-in. Further, the new experience enables Silverlight applications to work whether the computer is connected to the Internet or not—a radical improvement to the traditional Web experience. Features include:
    o Life outside the browser. Silverlight applications can now be installed to and run from the desktop as lightweight web companions. Thus, users can take their favorite Web applications with them, regardless of whether they are connected to the Internet or not.
    o Desktop shortcuts and start menu support. Silverlight applications can be stored on any PC or Mac computer’s desktop with links in the start menu and applications folder, and so are available with one-click access.
    o Safe and secure. Leveraging the security features of the .NET Framework, Silverlight applications run inside a secure sandbox with persistent isolated storage. These applications have most of the same security restrictions as traditional web apps and so can be trusted without security warnings or prompts, minimizing user interruptions.
    o Smooth installation. Because Silverlight applications are stored in a local cache and do not require extra privileges to run, the installation process is quick and efficient.
    o Auto-update. Upon launch, Silverlight applications can check for new versions on the server, and automatically update if one is found.
    o Internet connectivity detection. Silverlight applications can now detect whether they have Internet connectivity and can react intelligently including caching a users’ data until their connection is restored.

    New Features in Expression Blend 3: The designer-developer workflow took another major step forward today with major innovations in Expression Blend 3 including: SketchFlow, a rapid prototyping capability that makes it easy to communicate design intent to stakeholders; design time sample data that enables the design and testing of applications without access to live data; direct import of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator files; behaviors, extensible and reusable components that add interactivity to applications without writing code; a full code editor supporting C#, VB and XAML; and many more features that support an improved design and development experience. Features include:

    * SketchFlow. SketchFlow introduces a new set of features designed to make it easier for you to experiment with dynamic user experiences and create compelling prototypes. SketchFlow also helps communicate design ideas to other stakeholders, and makes it easier to collect in-context annotated feedback. SketchFlow enables the navigation and composition of an application to be modeled in a very visual manner from a simple prototype that uses a series of sketches, to something much more evolved. A prototype can be made as real and interactive as it needs to be to communicate design intent and SketchFlow can leverage all the existing features of Expression Blend.
    * Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator import. The powerful importers for both Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator enable smooth integration with workflows the designer already has in place. The designer has freedom to view and import Photoshop files layer by layer. Layers can be easily regrouped and elements retain their original formats; layers, layer positions, editable text and vectors remain available for editing within Expression Blend.
    * Behaviors. Add interactivity to your application, without having to write code. Behaviors can encapsulate complex design interactions into reusable components which can be directly applied to a user interface element in the application. Developers have access to a rich API that they can use to write their own triggers, actions, and behaviors for use in their Silverlight and WPF projects.
    * Sample data. Design time sample data makes it easy to build data-connected applications without access to live data. You can generate sample data or import sample data from an XML file and is available to controls on the artboard at design-time. You can extensively customize your sample data details, and you can easily switch between using sample data and using live data at run-time.
    * Improved design and development experience. Expression Blend 3 includes many features that improve the overall design experience including a brand new design surface making Blend more accessible to visual designers. Team Foundation Server support allows easier integration of the Blend user into Team System. Improved animation and easing functions, 3D transforms, visual effects and an improved visual state manager enable a great tooling experience.

    The above features with the exception of SketchFlow and Behaviors are available in the Expression Blend 3 Preview. Both SketchFlow and a complete selection of Behaviors will be available in a forthcoming Beta release of Blend 3. Source
    Voir aussi :
    30 % des PC en France ont un plug-in Silverlight, qu'en pensez-vous ?
    Les articles sur Silverlight avec C#
    Les articles sur Silverlight avec VB.NET
    Le forum d'entraide francophone sur Silverlight

    Que pensez-vous de silverlight 3 ?

  2. #2
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    C'est une très bonne nouvelle, ça va permettre de pérennisé cette technologie très prometteuse.

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    Bonne nouvelle!

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    tès bien.

    impressions sur une printer lovale
    integration web cam locale

    ces 2 fonctionnalités me semblent tellement importantes... seront-elles implantés un jour?

  5. #5
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    tès bien.

    impressions sur une printer lovale
    integration web cam locale

    ces 2 fonctionnalités me semblent tellement importantes... seront-elles implantés un jour?
    Ils y travaillent, oui.

  6. #6
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    Par défaut La v2 était déjà pas mal !
    Regardez ce que j'ai pu faire !

  7. #7
    Avatar de Thomas Lebrun
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    Citation Envoyé par gvinsot Voir le message
    Regardez ce que j'ai pu faire !
    Pas mal du tout

  8. #8
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    gvinsot => super beau !
    tu partages le code ?

    Moi j'ai fait un site pour un nouveau jeu de réflexion : (c'est gratuit bien sur)


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    Devoir s'inscrire sur un site pour pouvoir jouer à un jeu, ce n'est pas terrible!
    A part cela, çà a l'air sympa!

    @gvinsot : As-tu utiliser des outils (composants...) externes pour développer ton site?
    Au passage, il est vraiment très intuitif, chapeau-bas!

  10. #10
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    Par défaut Silverlight 3 RTW et Blend 3 RC enfin disponible
    J'étais entrain de voir la bande annonce de Office 2010 quand j'ai remarqué que Silverlight 3 as été lancé!

    Vous pouvez télécharger :
    le runtime (Silverlight 3 RTW)
    les outils (Microsoft® Silverlight™ 3 Tools for Visual Studio 2008 SP1).
    Deep Zoom Composer (Prepare images for use with the Deep Zoom feature in Silverlight 3)

    Et aussi : Microsoft Expression Blend 3 + SketchFlow RC est aussi disponible.
    (With Expression Blend 3 + SketchFlow, you can create Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications for the desktop and Microsoft Silverlight 3 applications for the web.)
    Je suis entrain d'installer tout ça; j'ai hâte de voir ce qu'il y a de nouveau

  11. #11
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    arf, silverlight 3 tools est que en anglais pour l'instant, passe pas sur mon vs sp1 français ...

  12. #12
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    en ce qui concerne les bases de données est t'on tjrs obligé de passer par wcf ?

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    A priori non,

    voici un article de Brad Abrams qui parle des nouveautés de Silverlight3 lors du Mix'09 notamment en ce qui concerne l'accès aux données et une chose qui m'intéressait beaucoup, le "Search Engine Optimization".

    Voici également en 4 tuto comment faire de la liaison de données par l'intermédiaire des services RIA :

    En passant, le toolkit du codeplex :
    et les ria services preview :
    ... et le sdk :

  14. #14
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    Par défaut ok
    pourra-t-on enfin imprimer des pages sous firefox ?
    car pour l'instant les impressions FLEX/flash ne fonctionne que sous IE...
    pas pratique quand on fait un appli à forte valeur printing!

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    Merci pour toutes ces infos

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    D'aprés ce que je lis sur Google, Silverlight3 n'est pas équipé pour l'impression, obligé de passer par un export en pdf par exemple auparavant.

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    A quand la disponibilité pour les visual studio installés en Français ?
    A votre avis ?

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    Citation Envoyé par Alexs Voir le message
    A quand la disponibilité pour les visual studio installés en Français ?
    A votre avis ?
    J'en ai besoin moi aussi et j'attends.. Mon Visual Studio Standard Édition n'est pas disponible en téléchargement en anglais, sinon je l'aurai bien réinstallé comme ça pour pouvoir installer ces outils.

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    J'en ai besoin moi aussi et j'attends.. Mon Visual Studio Standard Édition n'est pas disponible en téléchargement en anglais, sinon je l'aurai bien réinstallé comme ça pour pouvoir installer ces outils.
    Même problème que vous et c'est assez chiant car c'est à chaque fois la même chose il faut avouer.

  20. #20
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    News Press Release

    Microsoft Launches Silverlight 3 and Expression 3
    NBC Sports, Continental Airlines and MGM leverage new releases to cost-effectively deliver immersive experiences across the Web and desktop.

    SAN FRANCISCO — July 10, 2009 — Delivering on its commitment to help enable the creation and deployment of the world’s most compelling applications, Microsoft Corp. today launched Microsoft Silverlight 3 and Expression 3, combining groundbreaking new capabilities with simplified packaging to provide the industry’s leading media and rich Internet application (RIA) solution. In conjunction with Microsoft Visual Studio, Silverlight and Expression offer a highly collaborative development and design environment that simplifies the process of delivering engaging user experiences. Adoption of Microsoft’s platform continues to rapidly accelerate as evidenced by strong demand for Microsoft Silverlight 2. In less than nine months since its release, more than 1 in 3 Internet devices now have Silverlight 2 installed. In addition, a surge of new Silverlight and Expression customers were announced today, including MGM’s “SGU: Stargate Universe” and Continental Airlines Inc. In addition, NBC Sports announced its intention to use Silverlight for all of its high-quality online video delivery across its numerous sporting franchises.

    “NBC Sports is committed to bringing our viewers premier sporting events such as the Association of Volleyball Professionals (AVP) events, the Wimbledon Championships and the Olympic Games,” said Perkins Miller, senior vice president of Digital Media at NBC Sports. “NBC Sports has evaluated many different technologies for delivering high-quality experiences online, and none have delivered the video quality, scalability and business value that Microsoft Silverlight has consistently brought. As we look forward to the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver as well as other major championships in 2010, we will be using Silverlight as the preferred technology to deliver the best in next-generation online high-definition video experiences.”

    Following quickly on the heels of NBC Universal’s deployment of Silverlight and Internet Information Services 7.0 (IIS7) Smooth Streaming for its Live at Wimbledon video experience, Microsoft highlighted how other new customers are leveraging the power of Silverlight and Expression, including the following:

    MGM: MGM’s “SGU: Stargate Universe” used Deep Zoom and Microsoft Photosynth within Silverlight to deliver an immersive experience on the official site,, for the Stargate TV franchise, allowing fans to explore the sets where the show is filmed in great detail. Using Silverlight technology, MGM’s “SGU: Stargate Universe” can also extend greater flexibility to prospective advertisers through various in-stream ad formats supporting multiple publishing frameworks.

    Continental Airlines: Continental is updating its call center reservation system by redeveloping the application as a RIA using Silverlight and delivered through a Web browser. This will enable the company to enhance customer service, reduce costs and increase productivity, processing more than 70,000 calls a day.

    In addition to widespread customer adoption, Microsoft also highlighted the strong partner ecosystem, with more than 300 Microsoft partners in more than 30 countries helping customers around the world design, develop and deliver compelling experiences with Silverlight and Expression, including leading content delivery networks, solution providers, and encoding independent software vendors. More information about Silverlight partners is available at

    “Silverlight and Expression fill a clear need in the marketplace for a complete end-to-end solution that makes it easy for development teams to work together effectively, from concept to deployment, to create the types of rich interactive experiences today’s users expect,” said Scott Guthrie, corporate vice president of the .NET Developer Platform at Microsoft. “In a record amount of time, we’ve gone from being the industry newcomer to achieving a remarkable rate of industry adoption, rapidly delivering capabilities such as SketchFlow and IIS Smooth Streaming that are unmatched by other vendors. With more than 6 million developers with .NET programming skills worldwide and a platform that delivers a rich user experience at some of the lowest costs possible, Silverlight ubiquity is a matter of ‘when,’ not ‘if.’”

    Create the Applications of the Future Today

    As part of its commitment to provide powerful, low-cost solutions for building rich user experiences, Microsoft announced it is further simplifying the pricing and packaging for its design and development tools. For example, developers and designers can now purchase Visual Studio Professional Edition and Expression together for a reduced rate of only $999 (U.S.) estimated retail price. Silverlight remains a free runtime that almost anyone can use to deliver great Web experiences. More detailed information on pricing is available at

    Microsoft is introducing several groundbreaking features in Silverlight 3 and Expression 3 that enable development teams to create RIAs and media applications with capabilities not offered by competitors, including the following:

    Expression SketchFlow. Available to customers just four months after its initial debut at MIX09, SketchFlow provides development teams unrivaled capabilities to rapidly prototype applications and take their ideas from concept to reality.

    Out of Browser. Silverlight 3 provides the seamless ability to add out-of-browser, connected and disconnected scenarios for cross-platform applications, radically improving the productivity and capabilities over traditional RIAs.

    IIS Smooth Streaming. As part of Internet Information Services 7.0 (IIS7) Media Services and combined with Silverlight 3, IIS Smooth Streaming enables the industry’s first HDTV-quality (1080p) video experiences with rich interactivity for both on-demand and live video.

    Silverlight 3 also delivers hundreds of features and controls that increase development team productivity, including 3-D and hardware graphics acceleration. Combined with continued innovation in world-class tools for development teams in Expression 3, which builds on and complements the strengths of Visual Studio and works with Windows Server, the global Web community is now empowered to create cutting-edge RIAs and media experiences.

    All this news and more will be highlighted as part of the Silverlight 3 and Expression 3 interactive virtual launch experience available at Visitors can watch product demos, visit customer and partner pavilions and see the latest in digital design and development in the new “Visual Kitchen.” Replays of the July 10 launch event keynote and in-depth product sessions will also be available.

    Product Information and Availability

    Silverlight 3 is available today for download at Customers already using a previous version of Silverlight may be automatically upgraded to Silverlight 3. Expression 3 will be available within the next 30 days, including a free, 60-day trial version available at A Release Candidate of Expression Blend 3 with SketchFlow is available today for download.

    A full list of the new features and capabilities in Silverlight 3 and Expression 3 is available at

    Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.

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