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Windows XP Discussion :

La voie de la sauvegarde sms iphone à l'ordinateur XP

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Windows XP

  1. #1
    Candidat au Club
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    Janvier 2010
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    Inscription : Janvier 2010
    Messages : 2
    Par défaut La voie de la sauvegarde sms iphone à l'ordinateur XP
    When you have some important messages from business partners,you can simply restre them to your computer by this sms backup!
    When you come across dilemma that your iPhone rejects receiving new SMS but all the SMS are so important that you don't want to delete them,can it be solved? I found a soft that can help me,now I share it to everyone.

    You simply need to backup your iPhone SMS onto computer or print them?It's a piece of cake.Tansee iPhone Transfer SMS can help you.I teach you in 3 steps: just need to download the soft on

    iPhone Transfer SMS:

    free trial version here, then install the software (skip if done yet).

    2.Connect iPhone to your computer.

    3.Launch Tansee iPhone Transfer SMS , the SMS contacts info will display as shown in your iPhone screen automatically as fig Click on certain contact, all SMS records from him/she will display as fig 2 shown.

    Fig 1

    Fig 2

    4.(1)In fig 1 situation, you can click button "Copy ALL SMS" to copy sms from all iPhone contact, then select options: 1: Choose File Type: back up to TXT file or ANTS file; 2: Choose File Path: where to store the backup file, do nothing if you choose default path; 3: Advanced Option: if you choose ANTS format in step 1, you can add a password to protect the file. Click OK Button to finish the Copy. Note: You can only copy the first 100 items for each contact in trail version.

    Fig 3

    (2) In fig 2 situation,click button "Copy SMS From who" to copy sms from a single contact, select options: 1: Choose File Type: You can only select TXT file format in single contact sms transfer; 2: Choose File Path: where to store the backup file, do nothing if you choose default path; 3: Advanced Option: Disabled in single contact sms transfer. Click OK Button to finish the Copy. Note: You can only copy the first 100 items for him/she in trail version.

    Fig 4

    Now,your important messages will be backuped so easily.

  2. #2
    Candidat au Club
    Inscrit en
    Janvier 2010
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    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Janvier 2010
    Messages : 2
    Par défaut En plus des messages texte de sauvegarde, vous pouvez également sauvegarder vos contacts
    Step 1: Download Tansee iPhone Transfer Contact free trial version,

    , then install the software (skip if done yet).

    Step 2: Connect iPhone to your computer.

    Step 3: Run Tansee iPhone Transfer Contact , your contacts on iPhone memory will display as shown in your iPhone screen automatically as fig 1. Click on single name, all his or her information will display.

    Step 4-a: In 1 situation, you can click button "Copy" to copy all contacts from your iPhone to your computer , then select options:
    1: Choose File Type: backup to TXT file, ANTC file or CSV file;
    2: Choose File Path: You can change the backup path if you do not use default path.
    3: Advanced Option: if you choose ANTC format in step 1, you can add a password to protect the file. Note: We do not know the password, so please do remember it.
    Click OK Button to finish the Copy.

    Step 4-b: In 2 situation, click button "Copy Contact From who" to copy contact of a single person, select options:
    1: Choose File Type: Backup contacts to TXT file, and CSV file in single contact transfer;
    2: Choose File Path: You can change the backup path if you do not use default path;
    3: Advanced Option: Disabled in single contact transfer.
    Click OK Button to finish the Copy.

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