bonjour à tous,

je galère depuis deux jours.
je craque!

je n'ai eu aucun mal pour installer tinymce, mais tinybrowser ouaaaaaa!!

j'ai respecté tous les points de la doc.

"1) Copy the tinybrowser folder and contents to your TinyMCE plugins directory.

2) Place the following javascript link after the link to TinyMCE (tiny_mce.js):

<script type="text/javascript"

***NOTE:*** The above link assumes TinyMCE is installed in your website root
directory, you will need to amend the link to your specific setup!

3) Add this line to your TinyMCE init:

file_browser_callback : "tinyBrowser",

4) Edit the TinyBrowser configuration file (config_tinybrowser.php). The most
important settings are the file paths (these will be automatically created on
your server by TinyBrowser if they do not exist) and also the 'obfuscate'
property, which should be set to a random value.

***NOTE:*** If your server is Unix-based. you may wish to modify the
$tinybrowser['unixpermissions'] config value, which decides permissions.

5) All done! Now you will see a browse button in the TinyMCE dialog windows for
plugins like image, media and link - just click this button and TinyBrowser
will appear."

l'icone ne s'affiche meme pas dans tinymce! donc ce n'est pas all done pour moi!

quelqu'un aurait-il une idée?
