
J'ai un problème lorsque je veux installer une nouvelle instance SQL Server 2008 sur un serveur qui contient déjà 2 instances.
Mon écran bloque à l'étape "Feature Selection" en affichant un message "Please wait...".
J'ai remarqué en comparant deux logs, une log concernant une installation OK et la log de mon installation qui est KO des différences (ci-dessous une grande partie des deux logs dont les étapes ne ses sont pas passés pareil).

Log de mon installation KO
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: NotInstalled - Package was found but determined as NotInstalled because at least one of C

Log d'une installation OK
2010-08-26 15:19:09 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: Installed - Version: 10.1.2531.0


Log de mon installation KO
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_loc_Cpu64_1033: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_loc_Cpu64_1033: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_loc_Cpu64_1033: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_loc_Cpu64_1033: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_loc_Cpu64_1033: NotInstalled - Package was found but determined as NotInstalled because at least one

Log d'une installation OK
2010-08-26 15:19:09 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_loc_Cpu64_1033: Installed - Version: 10.1.2531.0


Log de mon installation KO
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: NotInstalled - Package was found but determined as NotInstalled because at least one of CPU, version or language was not matched. Check the match result for which one was not matched.

Log d'une installation OK
2010-08-26 15:19:09 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: Installed - Version: 10.1.2531.0


Log de mon installation KO
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_bids_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_bids_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_bids_Cpu64: NotInstalled - Package was found but determined as NotInstalled because at least one of CPU, version or language was not matched. Check the match result for which one was not matched.

Log d'une installation OK
2010-08-26 15:19:09 Slp: Package ID sql_bids_Cpu64: Installed - Version: 10.1.2531.0


Log de mon installation KO
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_bids_loc_Cpu64_1033: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_bids_loc_Cpu64_1033: NotInstalled - Package was found but determined as NotInstalled because at least one of CPU, version or language was not matched. Check the match result for which one was not matched.

Log d'une installation OK
2010-08-26 15:19:09 Slp: Package ID sql_bids_loc_Cpu64_1033: Installed - Version: 10.1.2531.0


Log de mon installation KO
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_ssms_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_ssms_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_ssms_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_ssms_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_ssms_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_ssms_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_ssms_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_ssms_Cpu64: NotInstalled - Package was found but determined as NotInstalled because at least one of CPU, version or language was not matched. Check the match result for which one was not matched.

Log d'une installation OK
2010-08-26 15:19:09 Slp: Package ID sql_ssms_Cpu64: Installed - Version: 10.1.2531.0


Log de mon installation KO
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_ssms_loc_Cpu64_1033: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:43 Slp: Package ID sql_ssms_loc_Cpu64_1033: NotInstalled - Package was found but determined as NotInstalled because at least one of CPU, version or language was not matched. Check the match result for which one was not matched.

Log d'une installation OK
2010-08-26 15:19:09 Slp: Package ID sql_ssms_loc_Cpu64_1033: Installed - Version: 10.1.2531.0


Log de mon installation KO
2010-11-12 18:36:45 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:45 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:45 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:45 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: match result for Discovery - Version: True, Cpu: False, Language: True
2010-11-12 18:36:45 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: NotInstalled - Package was found but determined as NotInstalled because at least one of CPU, version or language was not matched. Check the match result for which one was not matched.

Log d'une installation OK
2010-08-26 15:19:10 Slp: Package ID sql_tools_Cpu64: Installed - Version: 10.1.2531.0


Log de mon installation KO
2010-11-12 18:37:23 Slp: Package ID Sql2000ia64_AS_Cpu64: NotInstalled
2010-11-12 18:37:37 Slp: SLP: GetDiskCostByProductFeatures: mapped to 3 target directories
2010-11-12 18:37:37 Slp: SLP: GetDiskCostByProductFeatures: Target Directory is "SYSTEMDRIVE"; Disk Cost: "1366331"kb
2010-11-12 18:37:37 Slp: SLP: GetDiskCostByProductFeatures: Target Directory is "INSTALLSHAREDDIR"; Disk Cost: "613920"kb
2010-11-12 18:37:37 Slp: SLP: GetDiskCostByProductFeatures: Target Directory is "INSTANCEDIR"; Disk Cost: "541528"kb
2010-11-12 18:37:37 Slp: Sco: Attempting to get directory information for path D:\Microsoft SQL Server\
2010-11-12 18:37:37 Slp: Sco: Attempting to get directory information for path D:\Microsoft SQL Server\
2010-11-12 18:37:37 Slp: Sco: Attempting to get directory information for path D:\Microsoft SQL Server (x86)\
2010-11-12 18:37:37 Slp: Sco: Attempting to get directory information for path D:\Microsoft SQL Server (x86)\
2010-11-12 18:37:37 Slp: Sco: Attempting to get directory information for path C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\
2010-11-12 18:37:37 Slp: Sco: Attempting to get directory information for path C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\
2010-11-12 18:37:37 Slp: Workflow to execute: 'CALCULATEINSTALL'

Log d'une installation OK
2010-08-26 15:26:22 Slp: Package ID Sql2000ia64_AS_Cpu64: NotInstalled
2010-08-26 15:27:05 Slp: Workflow to execute: 'CALCULATEINSTALL'


Log de mon installation KO
2010-11-12 18:37:39 Slp: Patch Id KB968369_sql_engine_core_shared_Cpu64 - Installed on the baseline msi package sql_engine_core_shared_Cpu64. Detail description of this patch package is: PatchId=KB968369_sql_engine_core_shared_Cpu64 PatchVersion=10.1.2531.0 BaselinePackageId=sql_engine_core_shared_Cpu64 BaselineVersion=10.0.1600.22; PatchFileName=sql_engine_core_shared.msp PatchCode={66A6E1B4-F944-49DB-9D3E-D85D18097A0D}
2010-11-12 18:37:39 Slp: Error: Action "SetPatchInstallStateAction" threw an exception during execution.
2010-11-12 18:37:39 Slp: Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionExecutionException: C:\Windows\Installer\44c5e75.msi ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: C:\Windows\Installer\44c5e75.msi
2010-11-12 18:37:39 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.MsiNativeMethodHelpers.GetDBProperty(ServiceContainer context, String pathToMsi, String propertyName)
2010-11-12 18:37:39 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.MsiExtension.SetPatchInstallStateAction.GetMsiRtmVersion(PackageInstallProperty targetPackage)
2010-11-12 18:37:39 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.MsiExtension.SetPatchInstallStateAction.IsApplicablePatch(PatchProperty currentPatch, PackageInstallProperty targetPackage)
2010-11-12 18:37:39 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.MsiExtension.SetPatchInstallStateAction.ExecuteAction(String actionId)
2010-11-12 18:37:39 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Action.Execute(String actionId, TextWriter errorStream)
2010-11-12 18:37:39 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionInvocation.InvokeAction(WorkflowObject metabase, TextWriter statusStream)
2010-11-12 18:37:39 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.PendingActions.InvokeActions(WorkflowObject metaDb, TextWriter loggingStream)
2010-11-12 18:37:39 Slp: --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
2010-11-12 18:37:39 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.PendingActions.InvokeActions(WorkflowObject metaDb, TextWriter loggingStream)
2010-11-12 18:37:39 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionEngine.RunActionQueue()

Log d'une installation OK
2010-08-26 15:27:07 Slp: Patch Id KB968369_sql_engine_core_shared_Cpu64 - Installed on the baseline msi package sql_engine_core_shared_Cpu64. Detail description of this patch package is: PatchId=KB968369_sql_engine_core_shared_Cpu64 PatchVersion=10.1.2531.0 BaselinePackageId=sql_engine_core_shared_Cpu64 BaselineVersion=10.0.1600.22; PatchFileName=sql_engine_core_shared.msp PatchCode={66A6E1B4-F944-49DB-9D3E-D85D18097A0D}
2010-08-26 15:27:07 Slp: Package sql_engine_core_shared_loc_Cpu64_1033: - The path of cached MSI package is: C:\Windows\Installer\44c5e75.msi . The RTM product version is: 10.0.1600.22

J'ai mis à jour "Microsoft .NET Frameworks" and exécuté "FixSqlRegistryKey_x64" mais le problème n'est toujours pas résolu.

Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider à résoudre ce problème et ainsi finaliser mon installation ?

Merci d'avance,
