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PureBasic Discussion :

La Droopylib (version 4.51) est disponible [Sources]

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  1. #1
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut La Droopylib (version 4.51) est disponible
    Droopy récidive et nous propose une mise à jour de sa fameuse DroopyLib.
    Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas encore, c'est un fourre tout, dont voici la liste des fonctions disponibles (les sources sont dispos dans l'archive) :
    StringToOem(StringAddress) ; Translates a string into the OEM-defined character set.
    OemToString(StringAddress) ; Translates a string from the OEM-defined character set into either an ANSI or a wide-character string
    Hex2Dec(hex.s) ; Converts a Hex value ( as String ) to a Decimal value ( as Long )
    Bin2Dec(BinaryStringNumber.s) ; Converts a Binary value ( as String ) to a Decimal value ( as Long )
    ForegroundWindowGet() ; Returns The handle of The foreground window
    ForegroundWindowSet(WindowsHandle) ; Sets the Foreground Window
    NNot(Bool) ; Same as Not
    Ansi2Unicode(string.s) ; Converts normal (Ansi) string To Unicode (L)
    Unicode2Ansi(Pointer) ; Converts Unicode to normal (Ansi) string (M)
    DroopyVersion() ; Return the library version
    MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(Directory.s) ; Creates all directories in the specified path
    GetSpecialFolderLocation(fid.l) ; Get Name / Folder of Windows Special Folders
    GetFilePartWE(File.s) ; Return only file part without extension
    GetProgramResultExitCode() ; Return the error code of the program lauched by GetProgramResult
    GetProgramResult(File.s,Parameters.s) ; Retrieve the result of a command line
    CiscoFormat(MacAddress.s) ; Return mac address as 'Cisco' format
    GetMacAddress(Subnet.s) ; Return mac address of a specific subnet
    WMI(WMICommand.s) ; Interrogate WMI Database
    String2Hex(string.s) ; Convert string to hex
    Hex2String(string.s) ; Convert hex to string
    DocumentAndSettings() ; Return Document and Settings Folder
    MonitorPower(State.b) ; Turn off / On / Standyby the monitor
    Beep(Frequency,Duration) ; Generates simple tones on the speaker
    MessageBeep(Sound) ; Play a windows sound
    BlockInput(State.l) ; Inhibit keyboard & Mouse
    GuidAPI() ; Return a GUID
    ComputerSerialNumber() ; Retrieve the Computer Serial Number
    NTCore() ; Returns 1 if OS has an NT Core ( NT/2K/XP/... ) / 0 if W95/98/ME
    ReturnKeyToButtonClick(Window) ; Simulate a left click when you press ENTER over an activated Button
    PureBasicPath() ; Return PureBasic Path
    PureBasicVersion() ; Return Purebasic version
    ScreenSaver() ; Runs the Screen-Saver immediately
    GetLastError() ; Return the last Win32 API error as a string
    GetLastErrorAsText(LastError.l) ; Used to get Last Win32 API Error
    SelfEncryption(text.s,en.l) ; Encrypt a String (text) if en=#True / Decrypt if en=#False
    RC4Api(string.s, Password.s) ; Encode / Decode a String with a key using Windows API ( RC4 algorithm )
    LogInit(LogFile.s,DateFormat.s="%dd/%mm/%yy %hh:%ii:%ss ") ; Creates a LogFile
    LogWrite(text.s) ; Appends Date & Time + Text to the log file
    LogInitAuto() ; Init log file to ProgramFiles\Disc\ExeName.log
    MeasureIntervalStart() ; Defines the point where you want to start measuring your code
    MeasureIntervalStop() ; Defines the point where you want to stop measuring your code
    MeasureHiResIntervalStart() ; Defines the point where you want to start measuring your code
    MeasureHiResIntervalStop() ; Defines the point where you want to stop measuring your code
    SaveResourceAs(Name.s,File.s) ; Save the resource as a file ( Name is the first field of the RC file )
    GetResourcePointer(Name.s) ; Returns a pointer of a resource ( Name is the first field of the RC file )
    GetResourceSize(Name.s) ; Returns the size of a resource ( Name is the first field of the RC file )
    RegSetValue(Key.s, ValueName.s, Value.s, Type, ComputerName.s) ; Sets a Value
    RegGetValue(Key.s, ValueName.s, ComputerName.s) ; Gets a Value
    RegGetType(Key.s, ValueName.s, ComputerName.s) ; Returns Key Type
    RegListSubKey(Key.s, index, ComputerName.s) ; Lists all SubKeys
    RegDeleteValue(Key.s, ValueName.s, ComputerName.s) ; Deletes a Value
    RegCreateKey(Key.s, ComputerName.s) ; Creates a Key
    RegDeleteKey(Key.s, ComputerName.s) ; Deletes a Key
    RegListSubValue(Key.s, index, ComputerName.s) ; Lists all SubValues
    RegKeyExists(Key.s, ComputerName.s) ; Tests if a Key exists
    RegDeleteKeyWithAllSub(Key.s,ComputerName.s); Deletes a Key and all its SubKeys / Values
    RegCreateKeyValue(Key.s,ValueName.s,Value.s,Type,ComputerName.s) ; Creates a Key and a Value in a Single Command
    RegValueExists(Key.s, ValueName.s, ComputerName.s) ; Tests if a Value Name exists
    UserLoggedOn() ; Return Logged on user (XP only)
    UserGuid(Username.s) ; Return the GUID of the user
    UserShellFolder(GUID.s,ShellFolder.s) ; Return shell folder of a user (XP only)
    Bargraph(x,y,width,height,Direction,medium.f,hight.f,full.f,color1,color2,color3,BackgroundColor) ; Creates a bar graph gadget .
    BargraphSet(Id,Value.f) ; Sets the value of the bar graph
    BargraphGet(Id) ; Get the value of the bar graph
    BargraphEvent(Id) ; Returns 1 if you click on a bar graph gadget
    Graph(x,y,width,height,Segment,medium.f,hight.f,full.f,color1,color2,color3,LineColor) ; Creates a Graph gadget .
    GraphSet(Id,Value.f) ; Sets the value of the Graph
    GraphGet(Id) ; Get the value of the Graph
    GraphEvent(Id) ; Returns 1 if you click on a Graph gadget
    SignedBinaryToUnsigned(byte.b) ; Purebasic shows a Byte as signed, this function shows a Byte as unsigned
    SignedWordToUnsigned(Word.w) ; Purebasic show Word as signed, this function show a Word as unsigned
    Odd(Number.l) ; Returns 1 if the number is odd ( pair in french )
    Even(Number.l) ; Returns 1 if the number is even ( impair in french )
    FlagSet(Flag.s,Value.s) ; Set a Flag value
    FlagGet(Flag.s) ; Get a Flag Value
    FlagDelete(Flag.s) ; Deletes a Flag
    FlagCreate(Flag.s) ; Creates a Flag ( value = OK )
    FlagInit(Key.s) ; Initialize the Library
    FlagExist(Flag.s) ; Returns 1 if Flag exists / 0 instead
    FlagDontExist(Flag.s) ; Returns 1 if Flag doesn't exist / 0 Instead
    FlagRAZ() ; Delete All Flags and the Key Specified in FlagInit
    GetPowerStatus() ; Return 0 Offline / 1 Online / 255 unknown
    GetBatteryChargeStatus() ; Return 1 High / 2 Low / 4 Critical / 8 Charging / 128 No system battery / 255 Unknown
    GetBatteryLifePercent() ; Return Percentage of full battery charge remaining
    GetBatteryLifeTime() ; Return Number of seconds of battery life remaining : -1 Unknown
    GetBatteryFullLifeTime() ; Number of seconds of battery life when at full charge : -1 Unknown
    Logoff() ; Forced Logoff
    Reboot() ; Forced Reboot
    ShutDownAndPowerOff() ; Forced ShutDown and Power Off
    LockWorkStation() ; Lock the Workstation
    RunProgramAtStartup(WichUser.l,RunOrRunOnce.l,Name.s,CommandLine.s) ; Add an entry to the Run or RunOnce Key
    DelProgramAtStartup(WichUser.l,RunOrRunOnce.l,Name.s) ; Delete an Entry in the Run or RunOnce Key
    IsProgramRunAtStartup(WichUser.l,RunOrRunOnce.l,Name.s) ; Tests if an entry is present and valid .
    EnumProcessInit() ; Initialize the function for enumerating processes
    EnumProcess() ; Each time this function is called a process is returned as a string, until an empty string ( All process is listed )
    GetPidProcess(Name.s) ; Returns Pid of Process if it exists / 0 if it doesn't exist
    KillProcess(Pid) ; Kill a process by specifying it's Pid
    Runas(Username.s,Domain.s,Password.s,CommandLine.s,Argument.s) ; Runas function with Parameters / Password
    SuperRunas(Username.s,Password.s,CommandLine.s,Parametre.s) ; Runas function with Parameters / Password
    SearchProcess(Name.s) ; Search if a Process is Running ( Scans processes without Window(s) as well )
    RunOnlyOneInstance() ; End the Program if another instance is found !!
    HandleToFileName(hWnd.l) ; Returns the file Path and Name of the exe that owns the specified Window Handle
    PidToFileName(Pid.l) ; Returns the file Path and Name to the exe that has specified Process Pid
    WaitProgramInitialisation(Handle) ; Waits until the specified Process is waiting for user input with no input pending, or until the time-out interval has elapsed
    AddRecentDocuments(File.s) ; Adds a file to the recent documents
    ClearRecentDocuments() ; Clears the recent documents folder
    PathGet() ; Returns the Path
    PathSet(Path.s) ; Set the Path
    PathAdd(StringToAdd.s) ; Add this string to the Path ( the ; is added automatically )
    PathRefresh() ; Force Windows to refresh the Path value for new processes
    GetSystemDirectory() ; This Function retrieves the path of the system directory
    GetWindowsDirectory() ; This Function retrieves the path of the Windows directory
    SetComputerName(NetbiosName.s) ; Sets the NetbiosName for the local computer
    SetComputerNameEx(Name.s) ; Sets the NetbiosName & HostName for the local computer
    OSVersionText() ; Returns OsVersion in Text Format
    GetComputerName() ; Retrieves the NetBIOS name of the local computer
    BootState() ; Return the system Boot state
    CheckInternetConnection() ; Retrieves the connected state of the local system
    CommandLineShell() ; Returns the Command Line Shell ( Cmd.exe or & it's path )
    ShowTaskBar(State) ; Show (#True) or Hide (#False) the taskbar
    XPFirewall(State.l) ; Enable if #True or Disable if #False the Windows FireWall
    WNetAddConnection(ShareName.s,Password.s,DriveLetter.s) ; Map a Network Drive using a Password
    WNetAddConnectionNT(Username.s,Password.s,ShareName.s,DriveLetter.s,Persistant.l) ; Map Network Drive with a UserName / Password
    WNetCancelConnection(DriveLetter.s,force.l) ; Disconnect Network Map Drive
    IsNetDrive(Drive.s) ; Tests if a Drive is a Network Drive
    NovellClientVersion() ; Return the Novell Client Version ( + Revision ) like 491SP5
    GlobalMemoryStatusMemoryLoad() ; Specifies a number between 0 And 100 that gives a general idea of current Memory utilization, in which 0 indicates no memory use And 100 indicates full Memory use.
    GlobalMemoryStatusTotalPhys() ; Indicates the total number of Mbytes of physical Memory.
    GlobalMemoryStatusAvailPhys() ; Indicates the number of Mbytes of physical Memory available.
    GlobalMemoryStatusTotalPageFile() ; Indicates the total number of Mbytes that can be stored in the paging file. Note that this number does not represent the actual physical size of the paging file on disk.
    GlobalMemoryStatusAvailPageFile() ; Indicates the number of Mbytes available in the paging file.
    GlobalMemoryStatusTotalVirtual() ; Indicates the total number of Mbytes that can be described in the user mode portion of the virtual address space of the calling process.
    GlobalMemoryStatusAvailVirtual() ; Indicates the number of Mbytes of unreserved And uncommitted Memory in the user mode portion of the virtual address space of the calling process.
    ImpersonateUser(Username.s,Domain.s,Password.s) ; Impersonate the process as the specified user
    ImpersonateUserDisable() ; Stop the Impersonation
    IniWrite(INIFile.s,Section.s,Key.s,string.s) ; Writes a key to an Ini File
    IniRead(INIFile.s,Section.s,Key.s) ; Returns the contents of a key from an Ini File
    GetUserName() ; Returns the Name of the User logged onto the Workstation
    IsUserAnAdmin() ; Returns 1 if current user is administrator / 0 instead
    NetLocalGroupEnum() ; Retrieves LocalGroup names
    NetLocalGroupAdd(GroupName.s) ; Adds(creates) the local group named "GroupName"
    NetLocalGroupDel(GroupName.s) ; Deletes the local group named "GroupName"
    NetLocalGroupAddMembers(GroupName.s,AccountName.s) ; Adds a member to the local group named "GroupName"
    NetLocalGroupDelMembers(GroupName.s,AccountName.s) ; Deletes a member to the local group named "GroupName"
    NetLocalGroupGetMembers(groupe.s) ; Retrieves the Members of a LocalGroup
    NetUserAdd(Username.s,Password.s) ; Creates a local User
    NetUserChangePassword(Username.s,Domain.s,OldPassword.s,NewPassword.s) ; Change the user's password
    NetUserEnum() ; Retrieves all UserNames
    UserExist(Username.s,Password.s) ; Returns 1 if User & Password correct (User exist)
    NetUserDel(Name.s) ; Deletes a local User
    SearchFilesInit(Path.s,Mask.s,Recurse.l) ; Searches Path for files that match the Mask
    SearchFilesGet() ; Each time you call SearchFilesGet() it returns a FileName.
    DeleteFileToRecycleBin(File.s) ; Deletes the file to the Recycle Bin without confirmation / ProgressBar
    EmptyRecycleBin() ; Deletes all files in the RecycleBin on all drives without Sound / Progress Bar / Confirmation
    FileGetTime(File.s,Which); Get the time of a File
    FileSetTime(File.s,Date,Which); Set the time of a File
    CheckForMedium(Drive.s) ; Checks if medium is a drive, without getting the requester "Please insert...."
    GetDriveVolumeName(Drive.s) ; Returns the Volume name of the drive / Empty String if drive isn't available
    GetDriveFileSystem(Drive.s) ; Returns the FileSystem of the drive : FAT / FAT32 / NTFS
    GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(Drive.s) ; Returns available free Disk space ( in Mb ) or 0 if Drive is not available or full
    RealDriveType(Drive.s) ; Returns the Real Drive Type
    AssociateFileEx(ext$,ext_description$,programm$,Icon$,prgkey$,cmd_description$,cmd_key$) ; AssociateFileEx(Extension,Extension Description,FullProgramPath&Name,Icon,just programname,command Description,command)
    AssociateFile(ext$,ext_description$,programm$,Icon$) ; AssociateFile(Extension,Extension Description,FullProgramPath&Name,Icon)
    RemoveAssociateFile(ext$,prgkey$) ; Remove association
    CreateShortcut(Path.s,Link.s,Argument.s,Description.s,WorkingDir.s,ShowCommand.l,HotKey.l,IconFile.s="|",IconIndex.l=0) ; Create shell links/shortcuts
    CreateSizedFile(File.s,Block) ; Create a file with size you want
    GetFileType(File.s) ; Returns as a string the type of the file
    GetFileVersion(FileName.s,Which,FieldName) ; Gets exe/dll file information as a string
    RenameDrive(drive$,name$) ; Renames the Drive to Name$
    CountRemovableDrive() ; Returns the number of Removable Media drives with media present
    FormatDisk(Drive.s,quick) ; Only invokes the format prompt (doesn't format automatically).
    Timer(TimerId,Delay,ProcedureAdress) ; Create a Timer which calls a Procedure
    TimerKill(TimerId) ; Kill the Timer specified by Timerid
    GetUserLanguage() ; Retrieves the Language of the user
    GetUserSubLanguage() ; Retrieves the Sub-Language of the user
    GetLanguage(wich) ; Returns the default primary language identifier ( 0 system / 1 User )
    EnableWindow(Handle,State) ; Set if the window is enabled For mouse And keyboard input
    IsWindowEnabled(Handle) ; Determines whether The specified window is enabled For mouse And keyboard input
    IconExtract(File.s,Icon.l) ; File specifies the File to extract the icon from
    IconExtractEx(File.s,Size.l,Selected.l) ; Returns ImageId of an Icon embedded in a file (Exe Or Dll )
    GetExtensionIcon(Extension.s, Size.l) ; Returns the imageid of the icon associated by the extension
    ShellAboutWindow(ParentWindow.l,Title.s,FirstText.s,DialogText.s,Icon.l) ; Shows a Microsoft 'About Windows' window
    GetHandle(WindowsName.s) ; Returns the Handle of the Windows specified by name
    SetWindowsTransparency(Handle.l, Transparency_Level.l) ; Sets Window Transparency between 1 ( invisible ) and 255 ( visible )
    WindowsEnum() ; List all open Windows by Title
    CloseWindows(WindowsName.s) ; Close Windows specified by WindowsName
    ShowDesktop() ; Hide all Windows, and Show the Desktop
    InputPasswordRequester(Title.s) ; Same as InputRequester but for Passwords
    GetPixelColor(x,y) ; Returns the RGB color of the pixel at the specified coordinates or #CLR_INVALID (-1) if coordinate is outside of the screen
    WindowFx(Id,ms,fx) ; Cool window FX for your apps (fade in/out, slide,wipe) / For creating LaunchBar
    ChangeDisplaySettings(width,height,Depth,Freq,Permanent) ; Changes the display resolution / Depth / frequency
    EnumDisplay(display.s) ; Determines all the screen modes.
    GetDesktopHandle() ; Returns the Desktop Window Handle, Useful for creating Systray Icon without opening a window or creating an invisible window
    WindowsExit(WindowID,State) ; Enable the user to close the window if #True
    WindowsMove(WindowID,State) ; You can move window if #True / with #False you can't
    ShowWindow(Handle,State) ; Sets the specified window's show state
    FlashWindow(hWnd,Delay,Time) ; Flash the Window specified by hwnd
    GetWindowTitleEx(hWnd) ; Uses getwindowtext_() to get the title of the specified hwnd
    ToolTipAdd(Type,MaxWidth,WindowID,Gadget,Text$,Title$,Icon,TextColor,BKColor,Font.s,FontSize) ; Type : 0 = Balloon Tip / 1 Square Tip
    ToolTipRemove(Gadget.l,WindowID=0) ;Remove a ToolTip
    ToolTipChange(Gadget.l, Text$,WindowID=0) ; Change the text of the ToolTip
    ToolTipShow(Gadget.l,x,y,WindowID=0) ; Force Showing a ToolTip
    ToolTipHide(Gadget.l,WindowID=0) ; Hide a ToolTip previously Show with ToolTipShow
    Between(string.s, LString.s, RString.s) ; Returns the string between the two strings
    GetMouseX() ; Get the X coordinate of the mouse pointer
    GetMouseY() ; Get the Y coordinate of the mouse pointer
    SetMouseXY(x,y) ; Set the Location of the mouse pointer
    SetMouseClick(MouseEvent) ; Simulate a mouse click @ Mouse pointer location
    SetMouseWheel(Direction) ; Simulate the Mouse Wheel
    PushMousePosition() ; Store the Location of the mouse cursor
    PopMousePosition() ; Place the Location of the mouse cursor @ the location stored by PushMousePosition
    SetMouseCursor(Type,WindowID=0) ; Set(change) the Mouse cursor with these constants :
    SimulateKeyPress(vk, Delay, control, alt, shift) ; This function simulates a keypress with optional control, alt, and shift
    LocaleDate(Mask.s,Date.l,lang.l,sublang.l=0) ; Return Date as String
    Week(Date.l) ; Return the week number of the year
    CaptureScreenPart(Left.l,Top.l,width.l,height.l) ; CaptureScreenPart : Returns pointer to BMP SnapShot
    CaptureFullScreen() ; ; CaptureFullScreen : Returns pointer to BMP SnapShot
    CaptureWindow(Handle.l) ; CaptureWindow : Returns pointer to BMP SnapShot
    SaveCapture(File.s, ImagePlugin , JpegCompression) ; Saves previous capture to file
    UnMountVolume(Drive.s) ; Unmount a VolumeName
    MountVol(Drive.s,MountPoint.s) ; Mount a drive letter with specified MountPoint ( \\?\{xxxx )
    MountListInit() ; This function gets VolumeNames ( from memory )
    MountList() ; Each time this function is called, a VolumeName ( \\?\{xxxx ) is returned, when there are no more volumes to return, it returns an empty string
    GetMountVolName(MountPoint.s) ; Returns a Drive Letter when specifiyng a MountPoint ( \\?\{xxxx )
    DDebug(text.s) ; Adds Text to the Debugger buffer
    DDebugShow() ; Shows the Debugger Text
    DDebugClear() ; Clears the Debugger Text
    DDebugGet() ; Returns the Debugger Text
    DDebugLine() ; Adds a line to the Debugger Buffer
    LocalTextInit(LocalLanguageIdentifier) ; Initialise the LocalText function with a Primary language identifier
    LocalText(Local.s,International.s) ; Returns the correct text for the user's language
    PrinterDelete(PrinterName.s) ; Deletes the printer
    PrinterClearJobQueue(PrinterName.s) ; Clears the job queue of the printer
    PrinterEnum() ; Each time this function is called, it returns a name of a printer( "" = you are @ the end of the list )
    PrinterEnumGetPort() ; Retrieves the port of the printer currently listed with PrinterEnum()
    HotKeysInit() ; Hotkeysinit() - initializes the hotkeys lib
    HotKeyAdd(Window,vk,function,Name.s,shiftstate,altstate,controlstate); hotkeycheck() - checks to see if a hotkey event has been fired, if so, runs the function attached to the hotkey
    HotkeyCheck(message, wparam) ; checks if a hotkey message is waiting, and if it is, runs the function attached to the hotkey
    HotkeyWaitWindowEvent() ; hotkeywaitwindowevent() - uses the waitwindowevent() function to check if a hotkeymsg is there - if it is, runs the associated function
    HotkeyWindowEvent() ; hotkeywindowevent() - uses the windowevent() function to check if a hotkey message is there - if it is, it runs the associated function
    HotKeyRemove(Name.s) ; hotkeyremove() - this function removes the hotkey specified by name
    HotKeyChangeFunction(Name.s, newfunc) ; Changes the function associated with the hotkey to the one specified by newfunc
    Télécharger la DroopyLib sur le site de l'auteur
    Télécharger la DroopyLib sur le FTP de DVP

    Il s'agit d'un exécutable, qui permet soit d'installer directement la bibliothèque dans votre répertoire PureBasic (le chemin est demandé). Soit d'extraire l'archive.
    L'archive contient la bibliothèque, un fichier résident, un fichier d'aide complet en anglais dans le format chm. Et les codes source !
    Vous souhaitez participer à la rubrique PureBasic (tutoriels, FAQ, sources) ? Contactez-moi par MP.

  2. #2
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    Par défaut
    Au téléchargement de Droopy.exe, j'ai 2 alertes d'Antivir Guard : contient le cheval de Troie TR/Dropper.Gen

  3. #3
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut
    C'est pas nouveau , les fausses alertes sont fréquentes avec Antivir.

    J'ai McAfee et il n'y a aucun souci.
    Vous souhaitez participer à la rubrique PureBasic (tutoriels, FAQ, sources) ? Contactez-moi par MP.

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    Par défaut

    Sous windows xp, avec pb 4.51 et pb 4.60beta2 ça marche super.

    mais sous 7 et pb 4.60, j'ai une erreur : "polink - erreur droopy.lib"

    elle ne marche pas en 64bits sous 7 avec pb 4.60beta2 ?

    Je vais tester avec pb 4.51 pour voir (sous 7 toujours, en 64bits)

  5. #5
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut
    Droopy a compilé sa bibliothèque avec la version 4.51 de PureBasic.

    Il utilise PBFastLib pour créer sa bibliothèque, qui nécessite TailBite.

    Pour l'instant la version 4.60 est en bêta, TailBite sera mis à jour quand une version stable sera sortie.

    Maintenant si tu as besoin d'une fonction en particulier, les codes source sont dispo dans l'archive, tu as juste à extraire le code qui t'intéresse
    Vous souhaitez participer à la rubrique PureBasic (tutoriels, FAQ, sources) ? Contactez-moi par MP.

  6. #6
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    Par défaut
    ok, finalement j'ai mis les procédures et structures nécessaires dans mon code, c'est super d'avoir mis les sources .
    Car droopy lib ne marche pas avec mon 7 sous x64

    Mais j'ai encore un problème lorsque je compile (polink error), visiblement lié à _pb_screen_direct3D (ou quelque chose comme ça...).
    Même en 4.51

  7. #7
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut
    Mais j'ai encore un problème lorsque je compile (polink error), visiblement lié à _pb_screen_direct3D (ou quelque chose comme ça...).
    Même en 4.51
    Sans un code source pour tester, difficile d'en dire plus
    Vous souhaitez participer à la rubrique PureBasic (tutoriels, FAQ, sources) ? Contactez-moi par MP.

  8. #8
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    Citation Envoyé par comtois Voir le message
    Sans un code source pour tester, difficile d'en dire plus
    oui, je sais, mais mon code source est celui de mon jeu :p
    (Donc 9000 lignes)

    Il est possible que celui-ci (le code qui suit) ne marche pas non plus, mais je n'ai pas encore testé sous 7 (en x64). Sous xp, pas de soucis.
    Ca a peut être un rapport avec directx9, pour changer la couleur d'un sprite (même si là, je ne m'en sers pas)

    ;{ ********************* variables ******************************
    Global inscreen.b = 1
    Global quit.b = 0

    ; pour la map

    Global globalmap.b = 1
    Global globalBg.b = 0


    ;{ DirectX9 , pour changer la couleur d'un sprite 3D !!

    Structure D3DTLVERTEX

    Structure PB_DX9Sprite3D
    TexRes.I ; TexRes
    Vertice.D3DTLVERTEX[4] ; The 4 vertices for the rectangle sprite
    TmpVertice.D3DTLVERTEX[4] ; The 4 vertices for the rectangle sprite
    Width.l ; width set with ZoomSprite3D()
    Height.l ; height set with ZoomSprite3D()

    Global D3Ddevice_interface9.IDirect3DDevice9


    ;{ ********************* declare ********************************
    Declare gestion_souris()
    Declare Init()
    Declare main1()
    Declare main2()
    Declare SpriteAdd()
    Declare chargerSprite()

    ;{ ********************* programmes ******************************
    ; 1er ecran (menu)

    ; jeu



    ;{ ********************* procedures ******************************

    Procedure main1()
    OpenWindow(0,0,0,400,300,"test souris - ecran 1",#PB_Window_ScreenCentered|#PB_Window_MaximizeGadget)
    event = WindowEvent()
    If MouseButton(#PB_MouseButton_Left)
    quit = 1
    Until event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow Or quit = 1
    quit = 0

    Until MouseButton(#PB_MouseButton_Left)=0


    Procedure main2()
    OpenWindow(0,0,0,800,600,"test souris - ecran 2",#PB_Window_ScreenCentered|#PB_Window_MaximizeGadget)

    !extrn _PB_Screen_Direct3DDevice
    !MOV dword EAX, [_PB_Screen_Direct3DDevice]
    !MOV dword [v_D3Ddevice_interface9],EAX


    event = WindowEvent()
    If MouseButton(#PB_MouseButton_Left)
    ;quit = 1
    Until event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow Or quit=1 Or KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Escape)

    Procedure gestion_souris()
    mx = WindowMouseX(0):my = WindowMouseY(0)
    If inscreen = 1
    If mx>= WindowWidth(0)-4 Or my>= WindowHeight(0)-4 Or mx<=1 Or my<=1
    inscreen = 0
    ReleaseMouse(1) ; on libère la souris
    ElseIf (mx <WindowWidth(0)-4 And my < WindowHeight(0)-4 And mx > 0 And my > 0)
    inscreen = 1

    Procedure init()
    InitSprite() : InitSprite3D() : InitMouse(): InitKeyboard()
    UseJPEGImageDecoder() : UsePNGImageDecoder()

    Procedure SpriteAdd()

    Procedure chargerSprite()

    Je testerai sous 7 pour voir si ça plante aussi en x64.

  9. #9
    Responsable Purebasic

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    J'ai testé le code sous seven. Alors il fonctionne bien avec la version x86, et j'ai le même message que toi avec la version x64.

    PureBasic - Linker error
    POLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_PB_Screen_Direct3DDevice'.

    POLINK: fatal error: 1 unresolved external(s).

    En faisant une recherche, je suis tombé sur ce message

    Avec dx7 c'était _PB_Direct3D_Device
    Avec dx9 c'est '_PB_Screen_Direct3DDevice
    Avec la version x64, ben , je ne sais pas. Et c'est pas sûr que la PB-team souhaite communiquer là dessus, mais tu peux toujours tenter ta chance
    Vous souhaitez participer à la rubrique PureBasic (tutoriels, FAQ, sources) ? Contactez-moi par MP.

  10. #10
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    Citation Envoyé par comtois Voir le message
    Et c'est pas sûr que la PB-team souhaite communiquer là dessus, mais tu peux toujours tenter ta chance
    heu, pourquoi ne voudrait-il pas communiquer là-dessus ?
    Ce serait quand même dommage de se priver de l'utilisation de ça en x64, car ça permet de faire plein de choses sur les sprites3D (couleurs, clipsprites3D, etc.. )

    Merci en tout cas.

  11. #11
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    Par défaut
    Voici les nouveautés de la bibliothèque de Droopy :

    29/06/11 : Library 4.51.004
    String2Hex() Deleted, you should use UrlEncoder()
    Hex2String() Deleted, you should use UrlDecoder()
    Hex2Dec() Deleted, you should use Val($hh)
    Bin2Dec() Deleted, you should use Val(%bbbbbbbb)
    SuperRunas() Parameter 'Domain' added
    AccountDisabled Added
    DisableAccount Added
    IsCapsLock() Added
    IsNumLock() Added
    IsScrollLock() Added
    GetCurrentDnsServer() Added
    GetInternetTime() Added
    SetGadgetCursor Tips added
    GetUserSid Added
    UserGuid Removed (replaced by GetUserSid)
    UacEnabled() Added
    HideFromTaskBar() Added
    NetJoinDomain Added
    NetUnjoinDomain Added
    NetJoinWorkgroup Added
    NetGetJoinInformation Added
    SysTrayIconBalloon Added
    TaskbarProgress7 Tips Added
    UserLogged() Added
    WindowsThreaded Tips Added
    CabExtract() Added
    LogoffDetect Tips Added
    SelfDelete Added
    ServiceStart Added
    ServiceStop Added
    UseInternalIni Added
    UseInternalIni Added
    EditInternalIni Added
    15/06/11 : Library 4.51.003
    RunProgramEx added
    24/05/11 : Library 4.51.002
    GetMacAddress() Bug fixed
    Vous souhaitez participer à la rubrique PureBasic (tutoriels, FAQ, sources) ? Contactez-moi par MP.

  12. #12
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    Par défaut
    Nouvelle version disponible de la DroopyLib

    (liens de téléchargement dans le premier message)

    29/08/11 : Library 4.51.012
    UnixToMSDosDate() added
    MSDosDateToUnix() added
    UnZip() added
    SevenSegmentLed() added
    SevenSegmentLedSet() added
    SevenSegmentLedGet() added
    GetShortPathName() added
    GetLongPathName() added
    22/08/11 : Library 4.51.011
    MSIEnumInit() added
    MSIEnumNext() added
    MSIEnum_ProductName() added
    MSIEnum_Version() added
    MSIEnum_Guid() added
    MSIVersion() added
    MSIGuid() added
    08/08/11 : Library 4.51.010
    UserShellFolder() Deleted (buggy)
    ExpandEnvironmentString() added
    ProfilePath() added
    08/08/11 : Library 4.51.009
    MozillaPreferencePrejsJsPath renamed MozillaPreferencePath
    MozillaPreferenceBackup() added
    22/07/11 : Library 4.51.008
    MozillaPreferenceLoad() added
    MozillaPreferenceSave() added
    MozillaPreferenceSet() added
    MozillaPreferenceGet() added
    MozillaPreferencePrejsJsPath() added
    MozillaPath() added
    MozillaExtensionName() added
    MozillaExtensionVersion() added
    16/07/11 : Library 4.51.007
    Major change in Registry functions (Ex & Wow64 Mode)
    RegMode() added
    ApiCommandlineInit() added
    ApiCommandlineGet() added
    Tips AutoScroll added
    IECInit() added
    IECSendMessage() added
    Tips SystrayPopupMenu added
    SysTrayIconBalloonHide added
    IsWow64Process() added
    Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection() added
    Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection() added
    Vous souhaitez participer à la rubrique PureBasic (tutoriels, FAQ, sources) ? Contactez-moi par MP.

  13. #13
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    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Informatique, programmation

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Novembre 2010
    Messages : 33
    Par défaut Dommage

    Dommage que se soit en anglais, ya t-il pas une version française de l'aide ?

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